Description: Learn about the single sign-on (SSO) process through Lighthouse Business Manager (LBM) to Insights.
SSO Summary
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. In this case, SSO is used to log to the Insights portal using Lighthouse Business Manager (LBM).
How does the SSO work?
SSO works based upon a trust relationship set up between an application, known as the service provider (Insights), and an identity provider (LBM). This trust relationship is often based upon a certificate that is exchanged between the identity provider and the service provider. This certificate can be used to sign identity information that is being sent from the identity provider to the service provider so that the service provider knows it is coming from a trusted source. In SSO, this identity data takes the form of tokens that contain identifying bits of information about the user like a user’s email address or username.
User Permissions
- Navigate to LBM > Settings > Users.
- Select the user that needs their permissions updated by pressing the Edit button on the Actions column.
- On the Edit User screen, do the following:
- Select the User Permissions at the top right of the window.
- Expand the General Settings section.
- Scroll down to the Insights permissions and add it by placing the checkmark.
- Confirm the changes by pressing the blue Update User button at the bottom right.
Using LBM SSO to Insights
There are a few ways to use Lighthouse Business Manager (LBM) SSO to Insights:
- Navigate to the LBM > Transactions > Disputes.
Navigate to the LBM > Reporting > Processing Reports.
- Navigate to the LBM > Reporting > Reports.
- Press on the SkyTab POS pie chart icon button.
- Select Processing option.
Any of those 3 options will redirect to the Insights portal.
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