Description: Learn how to use "Drill To" and "Group By" with SkyTab Business Intelligence (STBI) grid reports.
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Drill To
The STBI grid reports allow you to drill to detail levels by clicking on any row you want to look into. A “Drill To” context menu appears with all the possibilities of which detail sub-level you want to go to next.
As an example, for the Discounts report that is grouped by store, you can click on any store’s row and get a list of “Drill To” options, like Drill To Discount Type, Reasons, Employees, Serving Periods, Ticket Detail and more. Clicking on any of these will now show you the selected store’s data grouped by the way you chose.
Group By
While the “Drill To” feature described above allows you to focus, in increasing detail, on a particular line on a grid report, the “Group By” feature allows you to change the whole view of the report you are looking at.
For example, opening the Discounts reports from the menu will open it by default grouped by Store.
You can change the whole view by clicking on “Group By” and selecting any of the available options for that report. In the case of Discounts, it could be by Discount Type, by Employee, by Serving periods, or any of the other listed options.
Note that when using “Drill To” on a row, the report displayed is filtered for that row. So Drilling to Discount Type by clicking on Store #1 will show the Discounts for Store #1, grouped by Discount Type. This is equivalent to opening the Criteria form, setting the “Group By” to Discount Type and Setting the Store to Store #1
By contrast, the “Group By” changes the whole report view. So when you open the Discounts reports, it is grouped by Store by default. When you change the “Group By” to Discount Type, the whole report view is changed, and all the store's combined discounts are now grouped by Discount Type. If you now change the “Group By” to Employees, the whole report view is changed again, and all the store's combined discounts are now grouped by Employee.
Combination of “Group By” and “Drill To”
“Group By” and “Drill To” combined give you unparalleled ways to view reports across your enterprise. Traditional reporting limits these in separate reports, where their criteria and filters have to be set separately and run separately. And because of the sheer number of reports that would have to be written, traditional reports are limited to a few subsets of possible reports.
STBI combines the power of "Group By" and “Drill to,” making one STBI report more powerful and useful than dozens of traditional reports that would have to be run separately.
Do you want to see total discounts for the whole enterprise by store and identify the store that has the most discounts? Just change the Discounts report “Group By” to Store.
You want to see which discount type is used the most for the whole enterprise? Just change the “Group By” to Discount Types on that same page, with no need to run a separate report with separate criteria.
Do you want to investigate further into the discount type most used to see which employee has the most discounts of that type? “Drill To” Employees on the Discount Type line showing the most used discount. You can “Drill To” further to see any employee’s discount by all the options available for that report, such as dayparts, hours, reasons, or down to the ticket detail.
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