Description: The Advantage Program is a series of patron-facing and POS configuration options designed to help you offset operational costs. There are three pricing and POS configuration options under the Advantage Program for Restaurant Manager (RM).
WARNING: Advantage Program and Debit/EBT transactions are incompatible!
Important: The Advantage Program is NOT a surcharge program. Shift4 does not support or endorse any type of credit card surcharging. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the patron-facing pricing and POS configuration options available under Shift4's Advantage Program and choose the option that works best for your business.
Dual Pricing
Customers are presented with two pricing options. One for non-cash payment and one for a discounted cash payment.
Set up RM for Dual Pricing
Merchants who already signed up for this Shift4 Advantage Program also need to set this up in RM.
Enable Dual Pricing in the Backoffice Revenue Center
- Open the Back Office and open the Revenue Centers dialog by navigating to Setup > Settlement and Tips > Revenue Centers.
- Select the revenue center for enabling Dual Pricing.
- In the Advantage Program Type: field, select Dual Pricing.
- Set the field Advantage Program rate (%) to the desired rate or as signed up for with Shift4.
- Check the “Show cash and credit totals” checkbox.
- Do these steps for all revenue centers where appropriate.
Note: Some revenue centers may not be appropriate for enabling Dual Pricing in certain cases, like if the revenue center is to be used for SkyTab Online orders or orders from other 3rd Party Online Ordering providers.
Adjust the Guest Check to Show Cash and Non-Cash Amounts
- Navigate to the Template Editor: Guest Check Layout dialog by going into the Back Office to Setup > Guest Checks > Configurable Guest Check Editor.
- To show the “AMOUNT DUE (CASH)” and “AMOUNT DUE (NON-CASH)” on the guest check.
- Determine where you want to place the keyword in the guest check template, then select where you want the keyword to be added.
- Search for the keyword <Advantage Program Amount Due Lines> and double-click on it.
- To show the “TOTAL (CASH)” and “TOTAL (NON-CASH)” on the guest check.
- Determine where to place the keyword in the template editor, ideally near or after where the totals are, then select the template where the keyword will be added.
- Search for the keyword <Advantage Program Lines> and double-click on it.
RM Workflow for Dual Pricing Advantage Program
With RM set to use Dual Pricing Advantage Program in the previous steps, the RM general workflow is as follows:
- Waiter will open a table, tab, delivery, or quick service order for the customer.
- Waiter will add the items ordered by the customer.
- Customer will request the guest check when finishing the meal.
- Waiter will print the check containing the cash and non-cash check total amounts.
- The customer hands in their payment either in cash, credit card, etc.
- If a customer wants to pay by credit card but using the cash price, you (or server) can select the Apply Cash Price function button in the settlement screen prior to adding any payment. Refer to How to Apply Cash Price, Remove Fee or other function buttons in RM.
- Waiter adds the payment and finalizes the check.
- If customer paid with a credit card, the credit card receipt will be handed to the customer for signing.
Note: To cancel the “Apply Cash Price” function, select the Apply Cash Price button again. If the button is not selectable, remove any payments on the check to make it selectable again.
Important: Applying cash price would result in the estimated bank deposit being lower than is shown in the Session Summary and other reports. See also:
- What would cause the bank deposit to be lower than as shown in the reports?
- What report can show me the estimated batch deposit?
Dual Pricing FAQ
What if I want to tax credit adjustment for Dual Pricing as mandated by state law?
What if I want to compute a credit adjustment amount for Dual Pricing based on the pre-tax total or post-tax total?
Supplemental Fee With Discount
Customers are charged an additional fee on top of posted prices - regardless of the payment method they are using. This fee can be discounted at your discretion.
Note: Shift4 also allows customers to add “Service Charges” to their check totals. A Service Charge can be added as a standalone charge for customers who are not enrolled in the Advantage Program. In this sense, a Supplemental Fee and a Service Charge are the same and can be added in the same way.
Set up RM for Supplemental Fee with Discount
Merchants who already signed up for this Shift4 Advantage Program also need to set up RM.
Enable Supplemental Fee in the Backoffice Revenue Center
- In the Back Office, open the Revenue Centers dialog via Setup > Settlement and Tips > Revenue Centers.
- Select the revenue center for enabling Supplemental Fee.
- In the Advantage Program Type: field, select Supplemental Fee.
- Set the field Advantage Program rate (%) to the desired rate or as signed up for with Shift4.
- Do these steps for all revenue centers where appropriate.
Show “Supplemental Fee” in SkyTab Mobile
In the SkyTab Mobile, the credit adjustment amount for the Supplemental Fee will be added as an item to the check. Here’s how to change the name of the added item as “Supplemental Fee”:
- Open the Back Office and open the Mozart Management dialog by navigating to Setup > Mozart Management.
- Select the SkyTab tab.
- In the Credit Adjustment: field, type “Supplemental Fee” (or type “Service Charge” if not enrolled in the Advantage Program).
- Select the Ok button to close the dialog.
RM Workflow for Supplemental Fee Advantage Program
With RM set to use Supplemental Fee Advantage Program in the previous step, the RM general workflow is as follows:
- Waiter will open a table, tab, delivery, or quick service order for the customer.
- Waiter will add the items ordered by the customer.
- Customer will request the guest check when finishing the meal.
- Waiter will print the guest check.
- The customer hands in their payment either in cash, credit card, etc.
- If a customer wants the “Supplemental Fee” removed, you (or server) can select the Remove Fee function button in the Settlement screen prior to adding any payment, refer to How to Apply Cash Price, Remove Fee or other function buttons in RM.
- Waiter adds the payment and finalizes the check.
- If customer paid with a credit card, the credit card receipt will be handed to the customer for signing.
Note: To cancel the “Remove Fee” function, select the Remove Fee button again. If the button is not selectable, remove any payments on the check to make it selectable again.
Important: Removing the supplemental fee would result in the estimated bank deposit being lower than is shown in the Session Summary and other reports. See also:
- What would cause the bank deposit to be lower than as shown in the reports?
- What report can show me the estimated batch deposit?
Supplemental Fee FAQ
What if I want to tax credit adjustment for Supplemental Fee as mandated by state law?
What if I want to compute a credit adjustment amount for Supplemental Fee based on the pre-tax total or post-tax total?
Cash Discount
Customers get a discount on posted prices when specifically paying in cash.
Set up RM for Cash Discount
Merchants who already signed up for this Shift4 Advantage Program also need to set up RM.
Enable Cash Discount in the Backoffice Revenue Center
- Open the Back Office and open the Revenue Centers dialog by navigating to Setup > Settlement and Tips > Revenue Centers.
- Select the revenue center for enabling Cash Discount.
- In the Advantage Program Type: field, select “Cash Discount.”
- Set the field Advantage Program rate (%) to the desired rate or as signed up for with Shift4.
- Check the ‘Show cash and credit totals’ checkbox.
- Do these steps for all revenue centers where appropriate.
Adjust the Guest Check to Show Cash and Non-Cash Amounts
- Navigate to the Template Editor: Guest Check Layout dialog by going into the Back Office to Setup > Guest Checks > Configurable Guest Check Editor.
- To show the “AMOUNT DUE (CASH)” and “AMOUNT DUE (NON-CASH)” in the guest check.
- Determine where you want to place the keyword in the guest check template, then select where you want the keyword to be added.
- Search for the keyword <Advantage Program Amount Due Lines> and double-click on it.
- To show the “TOTAL (CASH)” and “TOTAL (NON-CASH)” in the guest check.
- Determine where to place the keyword in the template editor, ideally near or after where the totals are, then select the template where the keyword will be added.
- Search for the keyword <Advantage Program Lines> and double-click on it.
Show “Discounts” in SkyTab Mobile
In the SkyTab Mobile, the amount discounted for cash payments will be shown as an added item to the check. Here’s how to change the name of the added item as “Discounts”:- Open the Back Office and open the Mozart Management dialog by navigating to Setup > Mozart Management.
- Select the SkyTab tab.
- In the Discounts: field, type “Discounts.”
- Select the Ok button to close the dialog.
RM Workflow for Cash Discount Advantage Program
With RM set to use Cash Discount Advantage Program in the previous step, the RM general workflow is as follows:
- Waiter will open a table, tab, delivery or quick service order for the customer.
- Waiter will add the items ordered by the customer.
- Customer will request the guest check when finishing the meal.
- Waiter will print the guest check.
- The customer hands in their payment either in cash, credit card, etc. If check is fully or partially paid with cash, the cash discount for the portion of the check being paid will be discounted.
- Waiter adds the payment and finalizes the check.
- If customer paid with a credit card, the credit card receipt will be handed to the customer for signing.
Note: Cash Discount Advantage Program assumes that you have already included the cash discount with the menu item’s posted price.
Cash Discount FAQ
What if state law mandates that tax be excluded when discounting cash payments?
By default, RM computes the cash discount amount based on the check total, inclusive of tax.
For example, if the total check is $100 from $95 sales and $5 tax. If the Advantage Program rate is 4%, then the amount to be discounted is $4, equivalent to 4% of $100.
Where required by state or other laws that the $5 tax be excluded from the computation, the Revenue Center dialog Exclude tax when computing discount should be checked.
Once checked, using the same 4% Advantage Program rate from the example above, the amount to be discounted will now be $3.80, equivalent to 4% of $95 sales.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Advantage Program FAQ
What if I want a tax credit adjustment for Dual Pricing or Supplemental Fee as mandated by state law?
RM supports taxing the Advantage Program credit adjustment amount by utilizing the existing RM tax feature for menu item group types.
Here are the steps to set up RM to compute and add tax for any of the Shift4 Advantage Program pricing modes:
Step 1: Create a group type
See: How to set up a Group Type that can be used to add a tax to a check?
Step 2: Enable revenue center group type taxing
- Open the Back Office and open the Revenue Centers dialog by navigating to Setup > Settlement and Tips > Revenue Centers.
- Select the revenue center to be taxed.
- Set the Group type for taxing credit adjustment field to “A/P Type.”
- Repeat until all revenue centers are set for taxing, where appropriate.
- Select the Ok button to close the dialog.
What if I want to compute a credit adjustment amount for Dual Pricing or Supplemental Fee based on the pre-tax total or post-tax total?
RM, by default, computes the credit adjustment amount used by both Dual Pricing and Supplemental Fee based on the check total, which is inclusive of any tax.
To show the difference between computing based on pre-tax or post-tax totals, consider this example. Have a check totaling $100 which is $95 sales + $5 tax. Assuming that the Advantage Program rate (%) is set to 4%, the credit adjustment amount would be as follows:
- Post-tax total: $4.00, based on 4% of $100 check total → amount due would be $104
- Pre-tax total: $3.80, computed as 4% of $95 sales total → amount due would be $103.80
Here are the steps to change this behavior:
- Open the Back Office and open the Revenue Centers dialog by navigating to Setup > Settlement and Tips > Revenue Centers.
- The checkbox “Compute credit adjustment based on pre-tax total” field should be:
- Unchecked - to compute using post-tax total
- Checked - to compute using pre-tax total
- Do this for all revenue centers where appropriate.
What would cause the bank deposit to be lower than as shown in the reports?
There are a couple of reasons why this could happen, but the most common reasons are as follows:
- When cash price is applied for Dual Pricing, or the fee is removed for Supplemental Fee, it would cause the batch deposit to be lower than will be shown in the reports as these operations are POS side only and would not affect the Shift4 Gateway backend computation.
For example, if the check total is $104 and either the Cash Price of $100 is applied or the Supplemental Fee of $4 dollar is removed, the result would be:
- POS reports will show a non-cash payment (i.e., Bank Batch Subtotal) of $100
- Shift4 Gateway actual deposit would be $96.15 (computed from $100 / 1.04)
- When a customer adds a tip after signing the credit card receipt, the POS report will show the original $4 computed non-cash adjustment but Shift4 Gateway backend will use the full amount charged to the card when computing the amount for the bank deposit.
For example, if the check total is $104 and the customer adds a $6 tip, based on the 4% daily discount, the result would be:
- POS reports will show non-cash payment (i.e., Bank Batch Subtotal) of $110
- Shift4 Gateway actual deposit would be $105.77 (computed from $110 / 1.04)
Note: You can set the method of payment “Discount Rate” to recoup potential merchant losses for added tips.
What report can show a good batch deposit estimate?
The Session Summary Report has an estimate under the "Payment Types" section that also shows the estimated deposit. See the image below for an example:
Generic FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions that are generally applicable to RM and are not specific to any of the Advantage Program pricing modes or to the Advantage Program itself.
How to Apply Cash Price, Remove Fee or other function buttons in RM?
Here are the steps to add the Apply Cash Price, Remove Fee or any of the other RM function buttons:
- In the Back Office, navigate to the POS Function Buttons Layout dialog by selecting Setup > Screen Layouts > POS Function Buttons Layout.
- Select the station, POS mode and the screen where the buttons are to be laid out. For example, it could be the master station, Tables mode and the Settlement screen.
- Select whether the button to be added is for the function row or for the Misc screen.
- “Function Options” - will appear on the lower area of the screen where a dedicated number of rows are dedicated to contain the “function” buttons.
- “Misc Options” - will appear on a pop-up dialog when the Misc button is selected.
- In the Available Functions pane, find the button you want to be added to the layout.
- Drag the function from the list into the button grid to add it. For example, drag the Remove Fee button.
- Select the Ok button to exit.
- Restart the POS.
Note: Refer to the Restaurant Manager user manual for more detailed instructions and to learn about other RM functions, function layout, security setup, etc.
How to set up a Group Type that can be used to add a tax to a check?
Step 1: Add a tax table for Advantage Program (i.e., “A/P Tax”)
- Open the Tax Table Setup dialog in the Back Office by selecting Setup > Settlement and Tips > Tax Tables.
- Select the Add button in the Primary Tax Table section of the dialog.
- Change the Tax Name cell to “A/P Tax.”
- Set the Percent cell to the desired tax rate (i.e., 6%).
- Select the Ok button to close the dialog.
Step 2: Setup the group type for taxing
- Open the Group Types dialog in the Back Office by selecting Setup > Menu > Group Types.
- Select an empty Group Type cell under Group Types section.
- Change the Type Name field to “A/P Type.”
- Check the primary tax type “A/P Tax.”
- Check for all stations where appropriate.
- Select the Ok button to close the dialog.
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