Description: This report is available to all users and lists employees who have worked shifts with a sick employee during a selected period.
Employees listed have worked a shift where there is at least a one-minute overlap with a shift worked by the sick employee.
Overlaps are calculated from actual timecards (of any status).
Administrator or a Manager with 'manage company employees and employee profiles' sub-permission.
Access Report
Navigate to Location > Reports → Special Report → Employee Contact Tracing
Date Selection
Select the desired date range using the calendar control. The default period is 14 days, including 'today.'
Employee Selection
Click on Employees to see a list of employees who have worked at least one shift in the selected period.
Select the sick employee. Only one employee can be selected at a time. Managers will only see employees who are associated with a schedule they manage.
Generate Report
Once the sick employee has been selected, a list is returned of employees who have worked at least one shift that overlaps with a shift worked by the sick employee.
Export Report
Report data is exportable to CSV. Click on the 'Export' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. The report is downloaded directly to your local machine.
Report Output
All shifts which meet the overlap definition are included in the export file for all affected employees and have the following attributes.
Employee Name
Employee Email Address
Employee Phone Number
Scheduled Shift Start Date/Time
Scheduled Shift End Date/Time
Timecard Start Date/Time
Timecard End Date/Time
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