Description: Learn how to view alerts on SkyTab Business Intelligence (STBI).
From the left navigation menu, select Alerts to view Discounts, Voids, Refunds, Long Ticket Times, Excess Tips, High Ticket Amount, and Overtime hours.
Select an alert to drill down for more details:
Discounts are set up in your SkyTab POS system and are displayed here. If a discount was not used, then it will not display on the site. The opening page will let you know how many discounts were used that particular day. Select the “>” to drill into the Discounts. Then select Drill to Tickets to see the Discount detail.
Notice in the last column it is either a 0 or 1. If it is a 1, then it is a cash ticket.
STBI Tip: Always check the cash checks to ensure the server is not putting cash in their pocket.
When you select a ticket, you can drill down to the ticket details. Select Show Ticket Detail.
The ticket details display:
Verify the data and do your loss prevention work.
Voids act exactly the same way as Discounts in functionality. Select the “>” to drill into the Voids. Select Drill to Tickets to see the Voids detail.
When you select a ticket, you can drill down to the ticket details. Select Show Ticket Detail.
As you can see, lemonade was voided from the ticket.
Refunds are used to return money to a customer if they were overcharged or if the server accidentally closed the ticket to the wrong tender type. Select the “>” to drill into the Refunds.
Then select Drill to Tickets to see the Refund detail.
Finally, select the order number, and Show Ticket Detail to get the ticket detail.
Long Ticket Times
To set the long ticket time, a request to support is required. You will need to let them know how many minutes to set. Any ticket that exceeds the time will display. The alert will help you spot long ticket times where theft is more prevalent.
STBI Tip: Managers might leave a check open for the shift and then discount or void it at the end of the shift and pocket the money.
The time column lets you know how long the ticket was open and you need to investigate.
Excess Tips
A tip % is set in the database. If the tip % exceeds the threshold, the ticket will be available to investigate.
STBI Tip: Be on the lookout for servers who might try to use the system as their own ATM. You might see $1.00 rung in and a $50.00 tip. The transaction may also cause a chargeback. When drilling to the detail, here is the screen with all the details.
Notice the last column for the high Tip %.
High Ticket Amount
The high ticket amount allows you to view the tickets you deem to be big tickets and review the total ticket time, what was on the ticket, and the tip amount.
Note that part of the ticket is missing. You can see the ticket time at the top of the ticket. The total amount and tip are found at the bottom of the ticket.
Overtime Hours
This alert shows you anyone who has earned overtime. You will be able to drill down into their punch activity to make sure they did clock out, and the overtime is valid.
When you drill down to an employee, you will see all the punches for that particular week, depending on the day of the week.
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