Description: Learn how to set up and use Nested Modifiers, a modifier set linked to a particular item. For example, a baked potato could include Nested Modifiers such as cheese, sour cream, etc.
For more information, see Create or Edit Modifier Sets and Create or Edit a Modifier.
Set Up Nested Modifiers
To use the Nested Modifiers features, you need to create modifiers, modifier sets, and items to be linked together in the following order.
The example used in the walkthrough below is for a Baked Potato Add nested set to appear once the item 8oz Sirloin is added to the ticket and the side of a Baked Potato is added.
Create Nested Modifier Set
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
First, navigate to Manager > Settings > Menu and select Modifier Sets:
- Select Add New in the lower left corner.
- Enter the Modifier Set Name (ex. Baked Potato: Add).
- Select 'Tap to edit' under Assigned Modifiers.
- In the Assign Modifiers To window, locate the Modifiers you would like to assign from the "Not Allowed Modifiers" list.
Tap on the modifier, and it will move to the right as Allowed Modifiers.
- Tap Ok once you've assigned your modifiers.
- Tap Save to commit the changes.
Attach the Nested Modifier Set
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
Once the Nested Modifier Set (ex. Baked Potato: Add) has been created, attach it to the desired modifier by navigating to Manager > Settings > Menu and selecting Modifiers:
- Create or edit the Modifier to nest within (ex. Baked Potato).
- To create, press Add New Modifier.
- To edit, highlight the modifier on the left of the screen.
- If applicable, assign the modifier to the appropriate Modifier Set. Select 'Tap to edit' in the This Modifier Is Assigned To and choose the appropriate Modifier Set (ex. Side).
- Tap Ok.
- Assign the Nested Modifier Set. Select 'Tap to edit' in the Assigned Nested Modifier Sets and choose the Modifier Set to be nested (ex. Baked Potato: Add).
- Tap Ok.
- Tap Save to commit the changes.
Assign the Modifier Set to the Item
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
Now that the Nested Modifier Set has been attached to the desired modifier, you need to ensure that the top-level modifier set is assigned to the appropriate item.
This functionality can be set up in 2 places: the Advanced tab from the Modifier Sets tab or the General tab from the Items tab.
Modifier Sets Tab
- Navigate to Manager > Settings > Menu and select the Modifier Sets tab.
- Tap on the Modifier Set you'll be editing.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Under Assigned Items, use the 'Tap to edit' button to assign items.
- On the Assign Items To window, locate the item you would like to assign from the "Items Not Assigned" list.
Once you've located the item, tap on it, and it will move the item to the "Items Assigned" list.
- Tap Ok.
- Tap Save to commit the changes.
Items Tab
- Navigate to Manager > Settings > Menu and select the Items tab.
- Tap on the Item that you'll be editing.
- Assign the top-level Modifier Set (ex. Side) by selecting 'Tap to Edit.'
- In the Assign Modifier Sets To, select the desired Modifier Set from the "Not Allowed Modifier Sets" list.
- Tap Ok.
- Tap Save to commit the changes.
Use Nested Modifiers
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
- Create an order from the Order Entry screen and add the items to the ticket.
- Modifiers open where applicable when a lead modifier is selected, and the nested set appears in a drop-down menu.
- There is an option to change the quantity of the modifier.
- This allows multiples of the same modifier.
- If there is a charge for extra items, another modifier needs to be added.
For more information regarding creating an order, see Create a Ticket.
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