Description: Learn how to properly insert the thermal paper into the A930 integrated printer and how to perform a test print for troubleshooting purposes below.
Inserting the Thermal Paper Roll
- Push on the ‘thumb grooves’ on the printer door to open the printer.
- Ensure the thermal roll is positioned correctly (with the thermal side facing up). The paper should feed up and over.
- Load the roll of paper with some overlapping roller and close the printer door.
Performing a Test Print from the Device
- Perform a test print by going into Settings, scrolling to the bottom, and selecting About device.
- Scroll down and select Ping the device info.
A receipt containing the device information should print, which tells you the printer works for the device.
Note: If you experience errors such as "Could not print. Please contact waitstaff" printing from the SkyTab application, but the A930 is able to print the device info, the issue is not hardware related but likely a problem with the POS Integration and SkyTab.
Review the local logs to identify the cause of the problem and either escalate the issue internally (Micros, Jonas) or advise the dealer to contact brand support for further assistance (Future POS, RM, POSi).
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