Description: The All Orders report displays a detailed breakdown of gross sales, net sales, total payments, discounts, exclusive taxes, and tips summarized by order. Total payments is calculated by the price of the item (times) the quantity sold (plus) exclusive taxes (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) discounts (minus) refunds.
This report is most often used to validate order-level details or used to validate against other reports. Specific events can be chosen from the filters provided.
- Start Date/Time: orders processed from
- End Date/Time: orders processed until
- Preview Records: limit of the number to render on screen.
- Exports will contain all records.
- Order ID
- Event Type
- Event Name
- Order Status
- Method of Tender
- User Name
- Vendor Name
- Vendor Group
- Gross Sales: item price (times) quantity
- Order Tip
- Order Fee
- Exclusive Tax
- Total Discounts: order-level discounts (plus) item-level discounts
- Refund Amount: Amount refunded
- Total Payments: gross sales (plus) tips (plus) fees (plus) tax (minus) discounts (minus) refunds
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