Description: Learn about Par Levels in Inventory for Connect.
Par Levels Outline
- Set Pars for Vendors
- Create an Event with Par Level
- Create a Plan a Transfer to Bring Items to Par When an Event is Opened.
Note: This is for setting par levels for inventory items in events. Inventory item par levels are set for each vendor. This is used in conjunction with event setup and creating planned transfers to bring items to par when events are opened.
Set Pars for Vendors
- In Connect, select Inventory.
- Select Settings.
- Select vendor (the item par levels must be set for each vendor individually.)
4. On details tab, select Use Unit for Par to select which unit to use
5. On the par levels tab, you can make individual or few changes by selecting the pencil icon, entering new par level then ENTER on your keyboard
6. To make mass changes to your par levels, select the pencil icon in the top right corner and enter the quantity for each par level for inventory items only. Do not set the par levels for the recipes, typically designated with “z- “ unless your site is specifically using the recipes as chargeables. Select the green checkmark to save changes with mass edits.
7. This is how the completed page displays when pars are set.
After setting the par levels for each vendor and creating events, you will now be able to create the planned transfers for each of the vendors to achieve designated par levels when opening the events.
To Create an Event with Par Levels
- In Connect, select Events in the left side menu and select Calendar from the dropdown.
- Select the month and then the numeric date of the desired event.
- Enter the name of the event. Suggested format to include year/date/month for ease in filtering reports ie. (200422 Test Event).
- Select Yes to include inventory.
- Setup the Date and Time Start and Date & Time End. These are required fields for inventory events.
- Do not select any options in the center column.
Note: When using the Venue or Vendor Start/End times, the venue or vendor will automatically close once the End time has passed. The venue or vendor will remain closed until they are manually opened. - Select Continue to proceed to vendor selection. Select Add Vendor and assign all vendors for the event.
3. Set par levels for each vendor (low, medium, high) for the event.
4. Select Save.
To Create a Transfer with Par Levels
- In Connect, Select Inventory then Transfers.
- Select Plan a Transfer.
3. Switch Use Par Level to YES.
4. Auto Populate Locations or Add Manually.
5. Select Event for Par Restock.
6. Select Default Origin (ie. warehouse for par.)
7. Select Continue.
8. Verify Event
9. Verify Items and transfer quantities
10. Verify location and items are not shown in RED (this means an item is not assigned to the warehouse or vendor location and will not be transferred)
11. Select Review Transfer
12. Select Confirm and Print Docket
13. All transfers will be listed in pending status and can be edited pre-event.
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