Description: The Round Up for Charity feature allows a venue to round up any payment type to the next highest whole dollar. This feature allows venues to donate the difference between the total and the next highest dollar amount to a charitable organization.
Note: To utilize the Rounding feature, ActivateX v13.0 or higher must be installed.
The Rounding settings are configured on the Terminal Role.
Terminal Role Settings
- Log in to Enterprise Connect.
- Navigate to Terminal Roles > Calculations Tab (formerly the Fee/Tip/Tax tab).
- Scroll down to the Rounding section.
- Set the Rounding flag to YES.
- Select the Rounding Type dropdown.
- Choose Round Up for Charity/Donation.
Note: Round Up for Charity/Donation will automatically set Rounding Interval to 1.00 - Select the Rounding Payment Type - CASH or ALL
If you enable Round Up for Charity/Donation, you can enter a Title and Message to indicate to the customer what organization the money will be benefiting.
- If you decide to leave these inputs blank, the following default text will be used in Activate X.
- Round Up for Charity Title: Make a Donation
- Round Up for Charity Message: Would you like to round up your order by $x.xx to donate to charity?
The All Orders report can be used to reconcile the orders that applied rounding and the selected amount.
- Log in to Connect.
- Navigate to Analytics > Reports > All Orders.
- Enter the date range for the sales and the event name if applicable.
- Click Apply.
- Select Download as 'XLSX.'
- Within the generated report, 'Column P = Rounding Type' while 'Column Q = Rounding' amount.
Note: If you do not have access to the report referenced above, please reach out to Support.
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