Description: Learn about maintaining inventory items in Appetize.
Inventory Items
To find inventory items in Connect, select Inventory on the left side menu and then select Items. To learn more about how to add an item, see Creating Inventory Items.
The search field can be used to locate specific items within the current Item listing view. The Item list can also be filtered using the options below.
- Vendor: Select a specific vendor to view the assigned Inventory items.
- Item Type: Select a type to filter the items.
- The POS Items that have Tracking enabled will appear in the lists for their associated Type (Food, Drink, Alcohol, or Merchandise).
- The inventory type includes everything that is counted but not sold individually, like the bun, cheese, and meat pies that make up a cheeseburger.
- Category: Select a specific Item category (see Inventory Categories and GL Codes).
- Default Warehouse: Select a Warehouse to see items that have a default assignment to that location.
- Default Distributor: Select a Distributor to see the items that have a default assignment to that location.
- All Items: Show all Inventory items.
- Show only recipe items: Show the parent items instead of the items being used as depletion rates.
- Exclude recipe items: This is the default view when loading the page so the parent items for the depletion rates will not be listed.
Inventory Item Settings
Inventory Items can be edited by finding and clicking on the item. Once the item is open, there will be multiple tabs to view and edit settings.
The Details tab contains all of the Inventory settings for the item. Select the pencil icon in the upper right corner to edit all settings, or choose the pencil icon next to a specific setting.
Basic Information
- Name: The name of the item.
- Product: The menu item that was created to represent the Inventory module.
- SKU Number: Stock-keeping number that can be interpreted as a bar
code by Activate for easy inventory scanning.- SKU numbers are unique and can not be the same as any other item.
- Users also need the Edit SKU Number permission enabled in their Connect Role to edit this option.
- Sales Unit: Determines what unit will be depleted for each sale (Ex. bottle, each, can, etc.)
- Conversion to Transfer Unit: This is how many of the sales unit will be converted to the inventory unit (Ex. 1 bottle, 1 each, 1 can, etc.).
- Transfer Unit: Determines how the item will be counted for inventory (Ex. bottle, each, ounce, etc.).
- Conversion to Purchase Unit: This is how many inventory items make up a purchase unit (Ex. 12 bottles/case, 50 each/box,
- Purchase Unit: Determines how the item will be purchased (Ex. case, bottle, each, keg, etc.)
- Purchase Quantity: Set a default purchase quantity when adding to purchase orders.
- Cost of Goods: This will be calculated based on the depletion rates and associated costs.
- PAR Level:
- Stand Sheet: Must be enabled for items to appear on the stand sheets. Disable if the depletion rates are being counted instead of the menu item.
- Chargeable: Determines if the price will be shown in the stand sheets.
- Low Alert: Add a threshold to create an alert that the item is running low on stock.
- Low Stock: Set a low stock level to easily add the item to purchase orders when below the level.
- Show in Reports: Disable to exclude the item from the Inventory reports if it's not being counted.
- Unique ID: Assign a Unique ID to track similar or like items that might be named differently for each vendor.
- Sales Code: Assign a specific Sales code for reporting purposes.
- Cost Code: Assign a specific Cost code for reporting purposes.
- Quantity: The current count of the item at all locations
- Out for Sale: The current count of the item at Vendor locations.
- Is Subcontractor: Enable if this item is sold by a Subcontractor. The flag will be used in reporting and be included or excluded.
Additional Options
- Category: The category will be used to group items on the stand sheet and in reports.
- Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary SubCategories: Items can have up to three subcategories assigned.
- Brand: Assign a specific Brand to the item.
A price can be configured for each Price Level that the venue utilizes. If a price is not set, it will use the price configured as the Default Price Level.
Depletion Rates
The Depletion Rates tab can be used to add the items that will be depleted each time the menu item is sold.
Recipe Items
Recipe Items show the parent item(s) that the Inventory item has been assigned to deplete.
Note: The recipe cannot be edited; it must be updated on the Depletion Rates tab of the Parent item.
Items can be assigned to warehouses where products are received and then the stock can be moved from the warehouse to the stands.
Items can be assigned to Distributors that can be selected to order stock from when creating purchase orders.
The vendor assignments for the menu item will carry over to the inventory item. If an item is assigned as a depletion rate, it will be assigned to the same vendors as the parent item.
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