Release Date: November 30, 2020
- General
- Method of Tender for CBORD transactions no longer show as NULL.
- Discounts that were incorrectly shown as ‘nodiscount' now display correct discount name.
- Numerous discrepancies between item sales and payments have been resolved.
- All Orders
- Hyperlink added to ‘Local Order ID’ (Or ‘Order ID’) column that directs user to orders page.
- Hyperlink added to ‘Local Order ID’ (Or ‘Order ID’) column that directs user to orders page.
- Member Scan
- Added options, ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ to ‘Group By’ filter.
- Open SKU
- Added options, ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ to ‘Group By’ filter.
- Refunds
- Added options, ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ to ‘Group By’ filter.
- Revenue
- Added options, ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ to ‘Group By’ filter.
- Added ‘Venue Name’ column to ‘Vendor’ section.
- Values hidden in ‘Vendor Group’ section when no vendor groups are set up.
- Sales by Hour
- Added options, ‘Week’ and ‘Month’ to ‘Group By’ filter.
- Sales by Item
- ‘Refunded Quantity’ column added to export.
- Added ‘Venue Name’ column to ‘Vendor’ section.
- Values hidden in ‘Vendor Group’ section when no vendor groups are set up.
Release Date: November 11, 2020
- General
- Many improvements to data sources have been implemented and should resolve many open bugs.
- These issues have been resolved and added to our regression criteria.
- All Orders
- Section/Row/Seat added to export.
- Sales by Item
- Modifiers are now shown by default.
Release Date: October 28, 2020
Minor enhancements to existing reports and bug fixes.
- Revenue
- Vendor Group Section added.
- Vendor Group Filter added.
- Number of orders added to vendor section.
- Sales by Item
- Vendor Group Section added.
- Vendor Group Filter added.
- Open SKU
- Now includes any item with open price instead of only manually mapped items.
Release Date: October 19, 2020
Report Landing Page
The report landing page has been updated to be more intuitive and easy to navigate. We have cleaned up existing functionality and made room for features to be added in the future. When a user selects a report to load, they will immediately notice buttons have been consolidated and shifted around the screen.
The Saved Filter (Filter Set) functionality has been collapsed into an Options button on screen. Selecting Options will open the ability to save filters, set current filters as default, or manage existing filters.
The Apply Filters button has been renamed Apply and relocated to the right side of the page.
Help has been added to review report descriptions within the report.
Download has been added and has collapsed all available exporting options (csv, pdf, excel, img) within.
New Reports
- User Configurations: The User Configurations report displays all users and permissions sets set up in the back office. This report consolidates existing Connect Users, Activate Users, and Users and Permissions Sets reports.
- Vendor Group Configurations: The Vendor Group Configurations report displays all vendor group configurations set up in the back office and a breakdown of vendors associated with them. This report is most often used to audit active vendor group configurations.
Updates to Existing Reports
- Updated Descriptions: All standard report descriptions have been added and now include summary of calculations.
- Report descriptions can be found on the analytics landing page by selecting the i icon, or within the report landing page by selecting Help.
- Enterprise Reports Available on Classic: Most enterprise-level reports are available on classic and can be enabled for any venue by request.
- Some reports, such as ‘Electronic Journal’ that require AX are not available for any client.
- Bug fixes: Numerous bug fixes have been identified and deployed. In addition, we have updated our regression tests and expect less discrepancies moving forward.
The Discounts report displays a detailed breakdown of discounts and promo name by discount name, vendor name, category, item name, user name, and terminal ID. Percent of Sales is calculated by total discounts (divided by) gross sales. This report is most often used to review total discounts by user or item at end-of-day.
- Now includes Promo Name.
- Reworked columns to deliver more useful information in regards to discounts.
Loss Prevention
The Loss Prevention report is used to identify abnormal activities such as excessive refunds, discounts, or cash drawer openings. This report breaks out each action by vendor, terminal, and user by hour. This report is most often used to quickly identify abnormalities in user actions to improve loss prevention.
- Added sections to give more information.
- Lifted onto standard data set which updates every 10-15 minutes.
- Daily version has been removed.
Member Scan
The Member Scan report displays a breakdown of 'Member Scan' which is scanned from the member's card in place of the item SKU. This report is most commonly used to identify members who are eligible for raffle selection.
- Reworked columns to align with other reports.
- Lifted onto standard data set which updates every 10-15 minutes.
Open SKU
The Open SKU report displays a breakdown of items that have the Open Item setting enabled in Connect. The item will prompt a cashier to input price, name, and SKU and if the item is not found, management can identify and add missing items accordingly. This report breaks down these items by vendor name, category, item name, user name, terminal, and hour. This report is most often used to identify items that have not been assigned to the vendor.
- Reworked columns to align with other reports.
- Lifted onto standard data set which updates every 10-15 minutes.
- Daily version has been removed.
The Refunds report displays a detailed breakdown of refunded transactions by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. The refunded amount is calculated by the price of the item (times) the quantity refunded. This report is most often used to review refunds by item or vendor at end-of-day.
- Reworked columns to align with other reports.
- Lifted onto standard data set which updates every 10-15 minutes.
- Daily version has been removed.
- Refunded items have been added.
The Revenue report displays a detailed breakdown of payments by method of tender, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item. This report is most often used to review payment types, tips and fees, or collected taxes by vendor or user at end-of-day.
- Hourly section has been added.
- Group by filter has been added.
Sales by Hour
The Sales by Hour report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by hour by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
- Item Type filter has been added.
- All filters have been aligned to match Sales by Item report.
Sales by Item
The Sales by Item report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total sales is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
- Item Type filter has been added.
Sales by Tax Name
The Sales by Tax Name report displays a detailed breakdown of items sold and associated taxes. Total tax includes inclusive tax (plus) exclusive tax. This report is most often used to review taxes that have been correctly applied to item sales.
- Reworked columns to align with other reports.
- Lifted onto standard data set which updates every 10-15 minutes.
Tax Configurations
The Tax Configurations report displays all taxes configured in the back office and a breakdown of codes, types, and rates. This report is most often used to audit active tax configurations.
- Reworked columns to align with other audit reports.
Release Date: September 22, 2020
As a follow up to our previous release, AA20.1.1 will remove reports that can be replaced with new Advanced Analytics reports. This is the next step in a major overhaul of reporting at Appetize and will provide clients with a more narrow and focused list of reports that will be expanded in the future. All reports are scheduled to refresh every 15 minutes and have Excel and CSV exports enabled. If there are issues with new reports, please contact the analytics team and we will enhance new reports when appropriate.
Advanced Analytics Reports Expiring
All Orders
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW All Orders
- All Orders
- All Orders (beta)
- New Report: All Orders
- Description: The All Orders report displays a detailed breakdown of orders by order ID, venue, vendor, order status, method of tender, and date time. Total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item. This report is most often used to validate order-level details or used to validate against other reports.
Cash Management
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW Cash Management
- Cash Management (beta)
- Cash Report
- New Report: Cash Management
- Description: The Cash Management report displays a detailed breakdown of all cash actions performed in the cash management module for a given date range. Details include POS cash sales, cash paid in, cash paid out, expected and deposited cash, and over/short amounts. This report is most often used to monitor bank drops, cash pickups, and other cash operations by individual employees.
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW Discounts
- Discounts
- Discounts (beta)
- Daily Discounts
- New Report: Discounts
- Description: The Discounts report displays a detailed breakdown of discounts by discount name, vendor name, category, item name, user name, and terminal ID. Total discounts is calculated by item-level discounts (plus) cart-level discounts. This report is most often used to review total discounts by user or item at end-of-day.
Electronic Journal
- Expiring Reports:
- Electronic Journal
- Electronic Journal (beta)
- New Report: Electronic Journal
- Description: The Electronic Journal displays keystrokes performed by users broken down by vendor, user name, role, manager, and terminal. This report is most often used to identify abnormal behavior by an employee by monitoring actions such as applying discounts or opening cash drawer.
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW Revenue
- Daily Revenue Report - Payments
- Revenue (beta)
- Revenue Report
- Revenue Report - Payments
- Daily Revenue Report
- New Report: Revenue
- Description: The Revenue report displays a detailed breakdown of payments by method of tender, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item. This report is most often used to review payment types, tips and fees, or collected taxes by vendor or user at end-of-day.
Sales by Hour
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW Sales by Hour
- Daily Sales by Hour
- Sales by Hour
- Sales by Hour (beta)
- New Report: Sales by Hour
- Description: The Sales by Hour report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by hour by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
Sales by Item
- Expiring Reports:
- *NEW Sales by Item
- Cash and Sales
- Daily Cash and Sales
- Daily Item Movement
- Daily Item Type
- Department Total
- Item Movement
- Item Movement (beta)
- Item Type
- Sales by Item (beta)
- Vendor Group - Payments
- New Report: Sales by Item
- Description: The Sales by Item report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total sales is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
Release Date: August 24, 2020
Over the past few years, as Appetize has expanded the number of clients using Advanced Analytics, we have developed different variations of standard reports to accommodate evolving client needs. We’ve arrived at a point where we can look back at reports and capture those needs and deliver them in a cohesive and consistent manner. We will be continuing our report consolidation while still delivering powerful reports and tools for our clients. The following reports are the first iteration of new reports wherein you will find consistent filters, formatting, and calculation. Industry-standard calculations have been brought to all reports as well as massive performance boosts. These reports will serve as standard moving forward, and variations and duplications will be removed in a future release.
Name | Logic |
Gross Sales | (item price * quantity sold) - inclusive tax |
Subtotal | (item price * quantity sold) |
Refunds | Total amount refunded |
Cart Discounts | Cart-level discounts (10% off entire order) |
Item Discounts | Item-level discounts ($1 off single item) |
Total Discounts | Cart discounts + item discounts |
Net Sales | Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds |
Inclusive Tax | Taxes included in the price of the item |
Exclusive Tax | Taxes calculated after subtotal |
Total Tax | Inclusive tax + exclusive tax |
Fees | Fees added after subtotal |
Tips | Tips added after subtotal |
Total | Net Sales + Total Tax + Tips + Fees |
New Enterprise Reports
A new suite of Enterprise reports are now available for all venues in the Multi-Tenant Enterprise environment. These reports are migrated to new data sources offering improved performance and more robust validation. All reports are compatible with Activate Classic/ActivateX and compatible with multi-level modifiers. In addition, these reports are available at the venue and corporate level. Reports include:
- NEW All Orders
- The All Orders report displays a detailed breakdown of orders by order ID, venue, vendor, order status, method of tender, and date time. Total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item. This report is most often used to validate order-level details or used to validate against other reports.
- NEW Cash Management
- The Cash Management report displays a detailed breakdown of all cash actions performed in the cash management module for a given date range. Details include POS cash sales, cash paid in, cash paid out, expected and deposited cash, and over/short amounts. This report is most often used to monitor bank drops, cash pickups, and other cash operations by individual employees.
- NEW Discounts
- The Discounts report displays a detailed breakdown of discounts by discount name, vendor name, category, item name, user name, and terminal ID. Total discounts is calculated by item-level discounts (plus) cart-level discounts. This report is most often used to review total discounts by user or item at end-of-day.
- NEW Revenue
- The Revenue report displays a detailed breakdown of payments by method of tender, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item. This report is most often used to review payment types, tips and fees, or collected taxes by vendor or user at end-of-day.
- NEW Sales by Item
- The Sales by Item report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total sales is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
- NEW Sales by Hour
- The Sales by Hour report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by hour by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. This report is most often used to review totals sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
Release Date: July 30, 2020
New Enterprise Reports
A new suite of reports is now available for all venues in the Enterprise environment. These reports are migrated to new data sources offering improved performance and more robust validation. All reports are compatible with Activate Classic/ActivateX and compatible with multi-level modifiers. In addition, these reports are available at the venue and corporate level.
Tentative Release Date: 08/23/2020
New Reports include:
- All Orders
- Cash Management
- Discounts
- Item Modifiers
- Refunds
- Revenue
- Sales by Hour
- Sales by Item
- Tax Exempt
- Electronic Journal
- Loss Prevention
- Tax Configuration
- Member Scan
- Open SKU
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