Description: Gain insight into the various vendor settings that can be configured.
Once a Vendor has been created, the various settings can be configured.
- Details
- Serves
- Open Hours
- Menu Items
- Inventory Items
- Print Groups
- Kitchen
- Order Types
- Payment Data
- Synchronization
- Optional Stores
- Kiosk
- Pickup Window
- Assigned Favorites
- History
This allows for the customization of the settings for the specific Vendor.
- Name: The name of the Revenue Center.
- External ID: An ID can be added for reporting or integrations.
- Vendor Roles: The Vendor Role that is assigned to the Vendor.
- Display Name: Enter a name to display if different than the vendor name.
- This feature is only used with Interact X currently.
- Status: Open or Close the vendor.
- Mobile Ordering: Enable the option for mobile ordering on the vendor.
- Allow Credit Card Storage: Allow Interact Web users to store their Credit Card information to their account.
- Pickup Time Selection: Allow mobile ordering users to select a time slot for their food to be ready at Pickup vendor locations.
- Assign All Items: Select to assign all items in the venue to the vendor.
- Auto Complete: This will set orders to auto complete once the order has been placed.
- Auto Complete Minute: Choose how long the orders will be pending before completing automatically at the KDS.
- Cell Timer Warning Blink Interval: Choose how long before the timer on an order starts blinking yellow to warn the employee it needs to be completed soon.
- Cell Timer Critical Blink Interval: Choose how long before the timer on an order starts blinking red to warn the employee it needs to be completed ASAP.
- Preparation time: The average time it takes to prepare an order that has been sent to the kitchen.
- Custom Pickup Closed Message: A message the customer receives if the Vendor is closed.
- Inactivity Timeout: This can now be configured on the Employee Role.
- Tender Summary: Set the summary to be in totals or broken out by denomination.
- Price Level: Select a specific price level to apply to the vendor.
- Show courses on a guest receipt: Determine if the courses will appear on the receipt when using Table Service.
- Enable Return Stock: At the end of an inventory event, enable the ability to transfer the ending stock to another location.
- Select Default Location To Return Stock: Determine if the location will always transfer the stock to a specific vendor or warehouse at the end of an event.
- Hawking Location: Enable the Hawking functionality for the vendor.
- Hawking Location - Employee: Configure the Shared vendor account for the Hawking location.
- Hawking Location - Default Printer: Select the Default printer for the Hawking location.
- Theme Configuration: Enter the JSON data for the Interact Kiosk theme.
- Browse: Import configuration from file
- Clear: Clear custom configuration
- Restaurant Default Category: Choose the category that will load by default in Table Service.
- Default Order Type: Choose a Default Order Type for the vendor.
- **This function is not currently available in Classic.
- **This function is not currently available in Classic.
- Interact External Launch URL: Configure an external app that will launch from within Activate.
- Button Caption: Label the button that will be used to launch the external app.
- Auto purge orders: Select a time to purge all checks from the device each day.
- **This feature is only available with Activate X.
- Table Timer Warning: Determine the number of minutes a check will be open before displaying a Yellow warning.
- **This feature is only available with Activate X.
- Table Timer Critical: Determine the number of minutes a check will be open before displaying a a Red warning.
- **This feature is only available with Activate X.
- Address: Enter a physical address for the location.
- Phone Number: Enter a contact number for the location.
- Receipt Settings: Determine the language of the receipts sent by Email or SMS.
- Default: Receipts will be sent in the default language.
- Terminal Preference: Receipts will send based on the language in Activate.
- Bilingual: All receipts will be sent in the Primary and Secondary language configured for the venue.
- Secondary Language: Set an alternate language for the vendor.
- Send SMS on "Completed": Enable/Disable SMS sent to the guest on orders deemed as Completed status.
- SMS On Completed Custom Message Text: Customize a message to send once the order is Completed at the Subvendor KDS.
- Send SMS on "In Process": Enable/Disable SMS sent to the guest on orders deemed as In Progress status.
- SMS On In Process Custom Message Text: Customize a message to send once the order is In Process at the Subvendor KDS.
- New Mods Override: Enable New Mods as Items for that specific vendor.
- Location: Enter information that will help the user find the physical stand in the venue when ordering.
- Location 2: Enter alternative location information.
- Tax Location ID: Enter the Tax ID for the location.
- External Menu Vendor ID: Configure an External ID for Menu integrations.
- Require Terminal ID: Determine if a Terminal ID is required for the vendor.
- Terminal ID Prefix: 20 characters max
- Terminal ID Minimum Length: 10 max
- Terminal ID Minimum Value: Determine a minimum value for the terminal ID.
- Terminal ID Maximum Value: Determine a maximum value for the terminal ID.
This allows for the customization of the mobile ordering receipt from that specific Vendor. It initially comes standardized, but there is an option for editing.
- Logo: The team logo or stadium logo.
- The maximum file size is 4 MB
- Header Image: The image that will be enlarged at the top of the email.
- The recommended dimensions are 650 x 336.
- The maximum file size is 4 MB
- Header image link URL: Add a link to open a website when clicking on the header image.
- Header Text: The message at the top of the email (Ex: Thank you for your purchase.).
- Show Header Text Below Header Image: Select Yes/No to adjust placement.
- Thank You Text: An optional thank you text message to the customer.
Customize Colors
- Custom text color 1: Configure the main email text color.
- Custom text color 2: Configure the secondary email text color.
- Custom background color 1: Configure the background for the header and item details.
- Custom background color 2: Configure the background for the footer and order details.
Social Media
- Twitter Link: The team or Venue's Twitter link.
- Facebook Link: The team or Venue's Facebook link.
Support Information
- Support Phone Number: The phone number of someone that can assist if a customer has an issue with their order at the venue.
- Support Email Text: The email address of the contact that can assist if a customer has an issue with their order at the venue.
- Email Reply To: The address where the reply is sent if the customer emails.
Receipt Information
- Service Fee Name: An explanation of the services fees if your venue has them.
- Show Fee Information: Enable to include the fee details on the email receipt.
- Show Tip Information: Enable to include the tip details on the email receipt.
- Show Vendor Name: Enable to include the vendor information on the receipts.
- Show Account Name: Enable to include the account information on the receipts.
- Show Participating Venues: This setting is no longer supported.
The Serves Tab allows customization for which sections, rows and seats the Vendor will be serving and have available for selection when completing orders in Activate or mobile ordering.
Open Hours
Open hours can be configured for locations that have set business hours. Once hours of operations are configured a guest will always be able to access the ordering website but will be notified that the location is closed when they log in outside the set hours. Customers will be able to browse the menu, but not create an order when the location is closed.
Note: This feature is supported in Interact Web and will be implemented in other products in future releases.
- To configure hours of operations, toggle Use Open Hours to Yes.
- Set the start and end time for each day of the week.
- If the location has split hours, multiple hours per day can be configured by selecting the + button to add an additional entry.
- Use the - button to remove hours.
- Save the changes.
Menu Items
The Menu Items tab can be used to see at a glance what items are assigned to the venue currently. Items can also be assigned or unassigned to the vendor.
- Search: Use the search bar to find specific items that are assigned.
- Add Menu Item: Select to assign menu items or unassign current items.
- Print Group: A print group can also be assigned to the items using the dropdown to the left of the status column.
- Unassign: Remove an item from the vendor.
Inventory Items
The Menu Items tab can be used to see at a glance what items are assigned to the venue currently. Items can also be assigned or unassigned to the vendor.
- Search: Use the search bar to find specific items that are assigned.
- Add Inventory Item: Select to assign Inventory items or unassign current items.
- Category: The items can be filtered by the assigned category in the Inventory module.
- Unassign: Remove an item from the vendor.
Print Groups
Print Groups can be used to determine what items print at each vendor or subvendors corresponding KDS.
The Kitchen tab can be used to configure KDS options.
Note: The KDS options below are only compatible with Activate X and not Classic Activate versions.
KDS Mode
- Connect Mode: Allows for users to route their orders through Connect based communication.
- Local Mode: Local Mode allows users to define Terminal and Printers that the order should route to based on a Static IP address within a Local Area Network.
- Local mode or “Offline KDS” enables operators to route kitchen orders directly from ActivateX to KDS without having to rely on network connectivity to Connect.
- Connect + Local Mode: This new communication mode is a merger of Local and Connect based communication.
- Operators can have their store/venue ActivateX terminals running in local mode to reduce the risk of network failure and still route orders generated from Connect to the KDS pending network stability (ex Mobile Orders generated from 3rd Party Ordering Platforms).
- Compatible only with Non-Check Orders.
- Requires ActivateX 13.0.1+ and KDS 4.0+
- Operators can have their store/venue ActivateX terminals running in local mode to reduce the risk of network failure and still route orders generated from Connect to the KDS pending network stability (ex Mobile Orders generated from 3rd Party Ordering Platforms).
KDS Completion Mode
Note: Compatible with KDS v4.0+
- Independent: If the KDS Vendor Login is used across multiple devices the order status can be updated independently on each device without influencing the other devices.
Dynamic Order Modes
Note: Compatible with KDS v4.0+
- Fire on Payment: Orders are submitted to the kitchen when the order is tendered with a payment type.
- Fire on Total: Orders are routed to the Kitchen when a user begins the checkout process or submits items to a check.
Default View
The view of the orders on the KDS can also be set from the vendor and subvendor level. For more information, reference KDS - Default View Options.
Note: Compatible with KDS iOS v4.7+ and KDS Android v5.3+.
- Grid (default): Each order will display with the same width and height; select the order to view the details for each item.
- Tall Grid: Displays one order per column with each order showing the same height/size and with the items section stretching down until the bottom of the page.
- Waterfall: Waterfall will dynamically adjust the view to display the orders with all items in each.
- Note: Waterfall view is not currently supported in KDS Android (KDSX).
Order Types
Order Types can be assigned to vendors to identify the type of order the items are part of during checkout (ex. For Here, To Go, Delivery, Pickup).
Note: This option is not compatible with Classic Activate.
Payment Data
The Payment Data options are not currently utilized in Connect Classic or Enterprise.
The Synchronization tab is not currently utilized in Connect Classic or Enterprise.
Optional Stores
Optional Stores are not currently utilized in Connect Classic or Enterprise.
Day parts can be assigned to the vendor on the Kiosk tab along with the associated Kiosk Theme. The Kiosk can also be configured to close when there are no active Day parts.
Note: These features are only compatible with Interact X.
Pickup Window
Pickup Windows can be assigned to specific terminals to determine when ordering will be available.
Note: The Require Terminal ID option on the Details tab must be set to Yes to enable this feature.
- Select the Assign button for the terminal that needs a Pickup Window.
- Click the + button to add the Pickup Window.
- Select Save to confirm the assignments.
Assigned Favorites
The Assigned Favorites tab will display items that are in the Favorite Group assigned to the vendor.
The History tab can be used to see updates by date range and the associated user.
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