Description: Custom Fees allow the venue to add fees and gratuities to orders. Venues can use the custom fee to define different classes of fees to provide more granular reporting, as different business rules may apply to different classes of fees. For instance, a service charge and gratuity will increase the bill amount, but the gratuity may go to the server, whereas a service charge may not.
Custom Fees
To access Custom Fees, navigate to the Custom Fees button within the Items section of the Enterprise Connect Dashboard.
Create Custom Fees
- Once on the Custom Fee page, select Create in the top right corner.
- Name *: This is the name of the fee. It will display this name on all receipts and within reporting.
- Value *: For percent and flat fees a value must be entered.
- Type *: There are three types of fees.
- Percentage: The value will be a Percentage.
- Flat: The value will be a Flat Dollar Amount.
- Custom: Allows users to specify flat or percent each time the Custom Fee is applied.
- Status: Set the status of the fee as Active/Inactive
- Is this fee Taxable?
- The fee amount will be taxed according to tax rate/group assigned.
- No: The fee amount will not be taxed.
- Class: Set class type for Custom Fee reporting.
- Fee
- Gratuity
- Service Charge
- Tip
- Level: Set custom fee level to be applied on order subtotal or for specific items.
- Order
- Item
- External Id: A user-defined field to map external API integrations.
- Apply automatically?
- The fee will automatically apply on any order placed.
- No: The fee will be available to apply to an order through Activate.
- Apply Before Discount?
- The fee value will be calculated before any discounts are applied.
- No: The fee value will be calculated after any applied discounts.
- Guest count threshold: Custom Fee becomes available to be applied when a guest total threshold is met.
- The threshold is 0 by default to disable the setting.
- Click Save to add the fee.
Note: * indicates the field is required.
Main Page Overview
- Search Bar: Type in the name of a Custom Fee to quickly find a specific fee.
- Create: Create a Custom Fee
- Filter: Sort by any field header.
- By default, the page is sorted alphanumerically by Name field.
- ID: Unique ID associated with Custom Fee
- Name: The name of the Custom Fee
- Value: Numerical amount
- Type: percent, flat, custom
- Status: Active, Inactive
- Taxable?: Yes, No
- Class: Fee, Gratuity, Service Charge, Tip
- Mark Inactive: Set the status of the fee to Inactive
- Delete: Delete the Custom Fee
Configure Custom Fees
Once a Custom Fee is created, select to continue the configuration.
Details Tab
- Name: The name of the fee.
- Value: Enter the value of the fee.
- Type: Set the type to Percent, Flat, or Custom.
- Status: Set the status of the fee as Active or Inactive
- Class: Set class type for custom fee reporting.
- Level: Set custom fee level to be applied on order total or for specific items.
- External Id: A user-defined field to map external API integrations.
- Apply automatically?: Determine if the Fee will apply automatically or be selected manually during checkout.
- Apply Before Discount?: Determine if the fee is calculated before or after Discounts are applied.
- Guest count threshold: Determine if the Fee will apply after a guest total threshold is met (Ex. for parties of 8 or more).
- Removal Requires Approval
- Yes: If a user tries to remove a fee assigned to an item or order, it will require a manager override.
- No: The user can remove the fee without a manager override.
Assigned Vendors Tab
- Select the Assigned Vendors tab.
- Click the Add Venue Vendor button.
- Select Assign to add the Fee to a Vendor.
- You can use the Venue and Vendor filter to narrow down the results.
- Once assigned, the fee can be set to Active or Inactive for each vendor.
Taxes Tab
- Select the Taxes tab.
- Taxable
- Yes: The fee amount will be taxed according to tax rate/group assigned.
- No: The fee amount will not be taxed.
- Select Assign Tax Rate to add a specific rate to the fee.
- Click Assign next to the Tax Rate.
- Select Assign Tax Group to add a specific group to the fee.
- Click Assign next to the Tax Group.
- Once a Rate or Group is assigned, select the corresponding Assign button to Unassign from the Fee.
Assigned Venues Tab
- Select the Assigned Venues tab.
- Click the Add Venue button.
- Select Assign to add the Fee to a Venue.
- Use the Assign All or Unassign All for mass updates.
History Tab
An audit of the Custom Fee changes can be reviewed on the History tab.
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