Description: Once the KDS has been set up in Connect, the Vendor is ready to begin utilizing the KDS to process orders.
Note: Be sure that you select the app 'KDS' and NOT the 'Activate' app. You can figure out which app you are on by looking at the button's color on the login screen. The KDS login button is ORANGE, while the Activate login button is GREEN. See the KDS app below:
The Ordering Process
- Once the KDS has been set up on Connect and an order placed on Activate, the order or specific items will be pushed to the KDS to be made.
- All new orders appear in the KDS with a yellow 'Pending' status. If you wish to view an order's full details, select it by pressing anywhere on the white part of the order card.
- Next, a ticket will auto-print.
- If 'Autoprint New Orders' under the Settings tab is turned off, you may print a ticket by tapping the 'printer' logo in the top right corner of the screen. This will contain the same information displayed on Connect Online.
- Once the receipt has been printed, change the order status from Pending to In Process by tapping the yellow Pending on the order card and selecting In Process.
- You are now ready to fulfill the order and deliver it to the customer, or, depending on the logistics involved with your order process, the customers will pick up the order themselves.
- Once the customer has received their order, change the order status from In Process to Completed. Doing so will bump the order from the Pending page to the Completed page below.
Completed Orders
Once an order is marked as complete, it will automatically move from the Pending screen to the Completed screen. This is where you can review orders and refund whole or partial orders.
Note: A manager's PIN will be needed to refund an order. For more information on refunding an order in a KDS, please go here.
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