Description: Refer to the release notes below.
Released: Aug 22, 2022
- A new column has been added to the item import template, which allows a user to flag an item as a suites item via the items import.
- A new “Suite Account” filter has been added to the Suites > PreOrders page, allowing users to view Suite Orders for specific Suite Accounts.
- Fixed an issue that in some cases caused extensive delays when opening an inventory event and navigating to standsheets.
- Fixed an issue that would cause changes to the Item Details flag, Vendors > Kitchen tab, to not save.
- Fixed an issue where if the first credit card transaction failed when attempting to complete an order and the guest used a second, different, credit card to complete the transaction the name on the first card would appear in Connect.
- Fixed an issue that in some cases caused guests to receive the “Update order” email confirmation rather than the “New order” email confirmation after placing a preorder.
- Fixed an issue that in some cases prevented PAR Restock settings updates from saving correctly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect number of entries to be shown on sections of the Live Report.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Sales by Item Excel export to fail when filtering by Item.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Revenue Excel export to sometimes fail when downloading.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Revenue report filters to load by changing the 'Method of Tender' filter to a type-in style filter.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Suites Order PDF export to fail when a phone number was not entered.
Released: Aug 2, 2022
- The display tax logic has been updated on digital receipts, email and SMS, to include inclusive tax. In the past digital receipts only displayed exclusive tax applied to an order.
- A new flag, Auto Login, has been added to Permission Sets > KDS Tab. This flag when set to Yes will allow for the Android KDS, after the initial login, to auto login upon launch.
- Note: A compatible KDSX version, to be released at a later date, is required to utilize this functionality. This flag will not be applicable to iOS KDS
- The subtotal rounding behavior for Suites orders has been updated to ensure subtotal alignment across all platforms (Preorder Portal, Connect, and Activate). Subtotal rounding options (Round up, Round down, Commercial, and Round up for charity) will not be applied to Suites orders when viewed on any platforms.
- Users can now edit the Audience and Subject fields when setting up the CBORD payment integration.
- The 'Proxy Name' column has been added to the All Orders report export. The 'Proxy Name' will show the name of the employee who proxies for the 'User Name' when an order is closed. This field will be blank if no proxy was used.
- Fixed an issue within the Hawking module that sometimes resulted in the total balance due displaying as "-$0.00" incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that in some cases prevented newly created Standing Orders from being saved correctly.
- Resolved the issue preventing Total values from being displayed properly in the Suites Order Report.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect Payment Types details to display on multiple Suites reports & Suite Receipts for orders with split payments.
- Resolved the issue that in some cases caused the Name of a Suites Menu to be updated to a blank value.
- Fixed an issue with the Start & End Date pickers on the Suites > Preorders page not updating correctly when a user selects a new date.
- Resolved the issue that in some cases caused an invalid success notification displayed after a user unsuccessfully attempted to assign a Connect Account as a Suites Admin.
- Resolved an issue where GiveX data was not feeding into Connect for reporting.
Released: Jul 12, 2022
- A new Custom Fee class has been added to support donations, this class when set allows the Connect users to:
- Set preconfigured donation amount
- Enable or disable Custom Amount option
- Add or update image displayed when the donation screen is displayed on AX
- A user is able to configure which payment methods are eligible for the donation prompt by setting the Donation flag on the Payments tab of the Terminal Role
- Note: This feature is only supported for Cash and Credit Card tenders. A compatible AX version, to be released at a later date, is required to utilize this feature.
- The Suites Distribution Report & Suites Kitchen Production Report have been updated so that items that are part of an item package are now categorized under the item's category - previously all packaged items were categorized under the package's category (*Note: This will not impact the Analytics Distribution Report or Analytics Production by Suite Report)
- APL Cloud web services now supports FIS for Void and Returns.
- FIS-Web & FIS-PAX gateway configuration now available within Connect UI.
- The Tax Exempt, Sales by Tax Name, and Open SKU reports have had some minor changes made to make the reports render slightly faster in Connect. More overall report performance tuning coming soon.
- The Sold as Item flag is now displayed when the ShowNewModifiers corporate visibility flag is enabled
- Updates to the Show New Item Details Screen flag are now reflected in the History tab of the Permission Set
- Custom SMS messages are now sent, per the configuration on the Vendor, for the In Progress and Completed statuses when multiple vendors are assigned to the same KDS login account
- Card holder name and last 4 digits of the card number are now displayed in the order details page
- POS Sales within the standsheet now accurately reflect what was sold during an event
- The Revenue Recognizable flag is no longer reverted back to No when editing a Custom Tender
- The External Id field is no longer cleared when editing a Custom Tender
- A user is now able to successfully create new Courses without an error message appearing
- A user is now able to edit or delete item images
- A user is now able to download a receipt from the order details page when the order id has a "."
- Connect Orders Page now displays only the orders that fall within the set date/time filters
- An issue that in some cases prevented users from closing a True Up Beta has been resolved
- In Connect Enterprise, a formatting issue on the Font Options settings has been resolved
- In Connect, the Help option in the navigation menu now directs users to the Appetize Enterprise Support website
- An issue that in some cases prevented users from creating new Event Types has been resolved
- An issue that caused items that were removed from a preorder to still be included on the Suites Event Order Report has been resolved
- An issue that caused items that were removed from a preorder to still be included on the Preorder Portal > Upcoming Orders > Order Summary has been resolved
- An issue that occasionally caused an order Fee Amount to be displayed incorrectly as $0.00 has been resolved
- An issue that in some cases caused item prices that were manually changed by an admin user to revert to the original price has been resolved
- An issue that caused tips to be sent to Connect as $0 value with a pending status has been resolved.
Connect 11.13
Date: Jun 7, 2022
What’s New in Version 11.13?
- Connect & Connect Enterprise login & reset password pages
- Connect Enterprise header menu
- Receipt emails
Connect & Connect Enterprise page titles & favicons
- Note: Certain page titles (displayed on browser tabs) will be updated in the CON 11.14 release
- Upgraded to newer versions of 2 development packages (redux & yo), reducing technical security risk.
- Preorder Portal login page
- Preorder Portal primary page header
Preorder Portal page titles & favicon
- Note: Certain page titles (displayed on browser tabs) will be updated in the CON 11.14 release
- Delete credit card error message improvements.
- When a user attempts to delete a credit card that is associated with 1+ outstanding orders, an error message is displayed, including the order numbers of all outstanding orders linked to that card.
- Bulk preauthorization error message improvements
- When an Admin attempts to preauthorize multiple preorders at once (Bulk Actions > Preauthorize), preauthorization for some preorders may succeed while others fail due to either an expired credit card or event date restrictions - the error message displayed to admins when this happens now indicates which preorders were successfully preauthorized, which failed, and why.
- User-Defined Options added to Analytics Suite Order report.
- User-Defined Options (AKA “Special Instructions”) values are now included in all export formats for the Analytics Suite Order report (PDF, CSV, and XLSX).
- Integration type “External Entitlements Redemption” has been renamed to “External Discounts” in Connect for consistency with marketing and on-theme park customers.
- For Atrium/CBORD payments, Connect Order Details will now also display the sub-PaymentType credit/debit. This will also be available in Connect reporting.
- Added field input validation for Trove Meal Periods configuration in Connect, including messaging when an invalid character is entered.
- When Atrium tenders are set up in Connect, and Atrium is used to pay for an order, Connect stores the specific tender used using the Atrium ID/Name instead of the tender type.
- The order details in Connect for Online Ordering (OLO) orders, will display the appropriate subtypes of the payment method used: credit, gift card or custom tender.
- Operator List Report Enhancements
- The Operator List report (Connect > Accounts > Reports > Operator List) has had some UI updates including new page, filters, and PDF export. Many more enhancements are coming to this report.
- Venue Dashboard Updates
- The top items chart now has an option to toggle between top items by quantity sold or dollar amount
- Commission Report and Transaction Summary Report now show the commission due and rate of the assigned hawker.
- Connect Order Details now shows Tax on Custom Fees correctly.
- Connect no longer removes Vendors assignments for Discounts when filtering on the Add Vendor modal.
- Connect shows matching Cash Room and Standsheet figures.
- An issue that caused the Analytics Suite Order report to erroneously show “no orders found” has been resolved
- Data included in the Analytics Suite Order report is now consistent across all export formats (PDF, CSV, and XLSV)
- Changes made to Suite Menu ‘User Defined Options’ settings are now saved properly.
- An issue that occasionally caused an order Tip Amount to be displayed incorrectly as $0.00 has been resolved
- Guests will now be able to successfully update a Preorder when the price of an item previously added to that Preorder is changed in Connect.
- When creating a new Suites Menu, the “Event Type” dropdown list now only includes event types that have Suites enabled.
- Terminal Accounts are no longer included in the Suite Attendant dropdown list (Employee Accounts only)
- An issue that occasionally prevented items from being removed from a Preorder has been resolved.
- Fixed issue with the cash out transaction is declined when ‘Rounding' is on in AX and the givex card balance has decimals.
- Fixed issue with Glory Cash imports. The records in the glory import file will process and the "amount" from the file will be displayed under the "total drops" in the Connect UI. The Glory Cash logs tab will now display relevant logs including any errors encountered during the import process. Also, fixed the issue where Connect allows users to see the logs of other venues for Glory Cash when the user uploads Glory Cash FTP files.
- Addressed issue with orders processed through AX containing a discount showing wrong subtotal.
- Fixed issue so orders that are partially refunded from Connect will display a status of ‘Partial_refund’ in order details.
- The Analytics True Up Count report 'True Up Name' filter now correctly populates.
Connect 11.12
Date: May 4, 2022
- A long term fix has been implemented for the “assign all venues” action for reporting categories. Now the reporting data will appear as expected.
- Allow users to create new or select from existing CustomTender for a single tender to be used as a “write-off” for any declines resulting from offline activity that was accepted under their risk limit but declined on playback.
- The PreOrder screen in Connect now persists the filter selections of the user (for pagination and date selections) while the user is logged in. Now users can evaluate the details of each preorder without having to repeat their filter selections every time.
- Users can go into each order (and back to the list of PreOrders) without having to reset the filters.
- If the user navigates to other pages (inside the Suites module), the selections are cleared. The same happens if the user navigates to other modules in Connect.
- Users are still able to clear the selections (as needed) on the page.
- Fields on the Item Type dropdown are restored to the original sequence (Items module).
- The bulk action “Delete” button is discount is now functioning as expected
- The issue with Connect creating duplicates in the ‘product_catalog_additonal_items' table has now been resolved.
- Connect will now recognize a users password and longer ask for it when a user attempts to create a venue level account with SSO
- A user can now view details of a corporate reduction or discount at venue level.
- The Suites “No Orders Report” can now be downloaded successfully (previously caused an error).
- Changes made to Vendor “Open Hours” settings are now saved properly.
- Custom fees are now applied to Suites Preorders even if the user declines that same option on another item included in the Preorder.
- Users will no longer be able to save a new Preorder Portal URL if another venue is already using that same URL.
- On the Suites Preorders page, the Events dropdown now only includes events within the specified date range.
- The Analytics ‘True Up’ report now correctly populates the ‘True Up Name’ filter.
- The Analytics ‘Inventory Value’ report and export totals now correctly match.
- The Analytics ‘Cost of Goods’ report now correctly matches Connect.
- The ‘Manager Override’ flag is now passed down correctly from Connect to ActivateX, instead of defaulting it to true.
Connect 11.11
Date: March 15, 2022
Added a new value to the Dynamic Order Mode flag on the Kitchen tab of the Vendor module in Connect so that a brand can define when order updates should go to the kitchen.
- In most KDS Modes, these options will be available:
- Fire on payment
- Fire on total
- Fire on next
- Fire on the fly (new)
- Fire on the fly will not be available in Connect and QSRA Integration modes.
- The flag is called Dynamic Order Mode, and the options available in it depend on the KDS Mode.
- This new setting will be supported in the upcoming KDSX 5.7 release.
- Added a new flag to control how discounts will impact Modifiers. With this flag, a discount can easily apply to all modifiers under the item/category match (without having to seat each impacted modifier as Assigned).
- This new flag is called Cascade Discount to All Modifiers, and it is located in the Discount Rules tab (inside the Discounts module). It has the following values:
- Yes (default)
- No
- Flag will only be available for Standard Discounts
- This new setting will be supported in the upcoming AX 15.9 release.
- True Up Beta now includes…
- Reliable tracking of created dates for all items.
- Robust logging.
The Distribution Report now includes a new option called Template Type
- This option also includes page break, show order notes and sort by filters
- This option also includes page break, show order notes and sort by filters
- In this option, the filters are not available.
- Group by category first - The report is grouped by Category Groups first, then by Suites.
- Group by suite first - The report is grouped by Suites first, then Categories groups.
- Use item totals - The report is displayed with items with total quantities grouped by modifiers.
- All options include support for Download.
- Suites admins now have the ability to resend the Forgot Password link to guests. This option is available through the Forgot Password button under Suites > Suite Accounts > Users.
- The PreOrder Portal now displays an error message when a guest attempts to checkout their PreOrder with an expired card. The user is forced to select another form of payment.
- Dashboard
- [Quantity] and [Total Tax] columns have been added to the Venue Dashboard, ‘Category Breakdown’ section.
- Analytics
- The Sales by Hour, All Orders, Discounts, and Refunds report have had minor adjustments made to make the report load faster.
- The Kitchen Production report can now be downloaded into a PDF format for multiple events.
- Connect now shows refunds accurately.
- Current Stock/New stock are once again correct when the transfer unit is changed or updated.
- Users are able to login using SSO methods with accounts set to Enterprise Level: Venue.
- Par-Level Restocks are functioning correctly.
- Users are able to assign/un-assign modifiers from items even when their assigned vendors are no longer available.
- Beverage Inventory Report (Suites) once again shows the Item Names.
Connect 11.10
Date: February 2, 2022
Added 4 new fields to the Kitchen settings (on Vendors and Subvendors) when OSB (Order Status Board) is turned on for a venue. The section was updated from “OSB Settings” to “Order Status Board”.
- Completed Section Name (Alphanumeric Text box) - Default: Ready For Pickup
- In Progress Section Name (Alphanumeric Text box) - Default: Preparing
Customer Name Format (Dropdown)
- Full Name
- First Name, Last Initial
Layout (Dropdown)
- Show both sections (completed or in progress)
- Only show completed section
- Default - Show both sections
- New fields added:
- These new settings will be supported in the upcoming KDS 4.10 release.
Added the option to adjust the Kitchen tab of the Vendor module in Connect so that a brand can define whether KDS/KDSX will display Item Images to the kitchen staff.
- When KDS Mode is set to QSRA Proxy then this setting will be hardcoded to Yes - customers cannot change it.
- A Yes/No flag called item Details is now available when KDS Mode is set to Local or Connect or Connect + Local or UOP or QSRA Integration or Printer Proxy.
- This new setting will be supported in the upcoming KDSX 5.5 and KDS 4.10 releases.
Added a new flag to the Kitchen settings (on Vendors and Subvendors) to allow customers to define what orders KDS will retrieve from Connect.
- Open Hours (default)
- 60 min
- 90 min
120 min
- When set to a given period (e.g. 60min), KDS will only retrieve orders for that timeframe (e.g. orders created during the last 60 minutes).
- This is controlled by the new Fetch Cycle flag, which has the following values:.
- This new setting will be supported in the upcoming KDSX 5.6 and KDS 4.11 releases.
Users are now able to assign and unassign all entries on…
- Discounts - Add Vendor popup
- Tax Rates - Add Venue popup
The Distribution Report now includes a new option called Template Type
- This option also includes page break, show order notes and sort by filters
- This option also includes page break, show order notes and sort by filters
- In this option the filters are not available.
- Group by category first - The report is grouped by Category Groups first, then by Suites.
- Group by suite first - The report is grouped by Suites first, then Categories groups.
- Use item totals - The report is displayed with items with total quantities grouped by modifiers.
- All options include support for Download.
- Suites admins now have the ability to resend the Forgot Password link to guests. This option is available through the Forgot Password button under Suites > Suite Accounts > Users.
- The PreOrder Portal now displays an error message when a guest attempts to checkout their PreOrder with an expired card. The user is forced to select another form of payment.
- This is the first of many updates to this report as we continue to improve daily tools needed by users.
- The ‘Live Report’ totals have been updated to match the Dashboard and Analytics reports. The original format has also been altered to be more inline with other measures reported throughout Connect, but the same general data is shown.
- Analytics
- The Place Type filters on the Transfers report now no longer show distributors and will only show warehouses and vendors.
Interact X
- Added a new Payment Screens tab to Kiosk Themes.
- These new settings will not be supported until a future InteractX release.
OAPI / Integrations
- CAP services were improved for reliability and fault tolerance.
- Connect now only shows the valid fields for Kitchen configuration (on Vendors and Subvendors), according to the KDS Mode and Android KDS Mode settings. Unsupported fields are no longer visible.
- Inventory issues with Transfers and Depletion are now resolved.
- This release resolves refund issues with Disney systems, such as Dine Plan and Folio.
- Connect no longer displays Receipt Not Available error when downloading receipts from All Orders screen.
- Users are once again able to assign/unassign taxes to venues.
- Finalize Day shows the correct Server Totals (including Refunds).
- Order Types appear correctly per Vendor.
- The Item Name filter on the Analytics ‘Units Sold’ report now correctly populates.
Connect 11.9
Date: December 16, 2021
Added new flags to the Kitchen settings (on Vendors) to allow customers that use QSRA to route their orders differently depending on Order Type.
- When disabled (No), Connect shows the existing list of Destination IDs and Destination Names. This maintains our existing interface working.
- When enabled (Yes), this list is expanded to allow customers to define individual Destination IDs for each of the Order Types configured in the Vendor (as well as a default value).
- This is controlled by the new Routing By Order Type flag, available when KDS Mode is set to QSRA Integration and QSRA Proxy.
- These new settings will be supported in the upcoming Activate X 15.9 and KDSX 5.5 releases.
Added new flags to the Kitchen settings (on Vendors) to allow customers that use KDS Android to control the workflow used in the KDS, as well as the color scheme used in the KDS Android UI.
- Display Mode allows the customers to define whether KDS UI uses Light mode (white background - the original design) or Dark mode (black background - new).
- Workflow allows the customers to define the states that orders will go through in KDS. The options are:
- Pending / In Progress / Completed (the original design)
- Pending/Completed (new)
- This is controlled by the new Display Mode and Workflow flags, available when KDS Mode is set to UOP / Android KDS (Standard).
- These new settings will be supported in the upcoming KDSX 5.5 release.
- Standing orders cannot be assigned to Suites/Events that already have Pre-Orders or Standing Orders.
- Pre-Order portal now enforces minimum item quantities.
- Users can now add Terms & Conditions and Signature Lines on Event Order Report.
- The Dashboard has been updated to load faster and correctly correspond to Analytics reports. In addition, a Start/End Date and Vendor/Station filter has been added to more precisely view data.
- Similar to Orders Search, data is restricted to at most 3 days.
Interact X
- Users can now turn on the Phone Login Screen without turning on Visitor’s Service.
- Loyalty only button on IX can now be configured for the vendor role. (Skidata Only)
- Next button can now be configured at the kiosk theme level (not yet respected on IX).
- Option to “close Kiosk when no day parts are available” has been removed to avoid confusion.
OAPI / Integrations
- Added a Create Standing Orders v2 endpoint to work with OAPI v2.
- Connect now supports 2 fields in the v5 Checkout call (v5/order/checkout) - “adjustedTotalCost” and “orginalGrossTotalCost” on both purchases and returns.
- External Entitlement Redemptions can be configured with Integrations Cart Functions and discount Presentation as cart or item.
- Freedompay for Activate/Interact Classic provides audit trail for gateway activity
- Pre-Order fees are now displayed correctly in Connect and Activate.
- Inventory depletion is now working correctly with transfers.
- Receipts downloaded from Connect now show the barcode, as expected.
- The Date Range fields in the Pick List report are showing the correct values.
- Inventory True-Ups are working correctly - this includes submissions after existing inventory items are deleted, and ignoring recipe items assigned to vendor / warehouse.
- All Integrations pages now display correctly.
- Event Order Report now displays Open Item Prices correctly.
- Corrected checkout error on Reload Valutec cards.
- Corrected failure when opening an order with items of cost $0.00
- The Analytics Cash Reconciliation Excel export now correctly matches the UI and generates the correct output.
- “Other Credit Card” is now filterable as a Method of Tender in the Revenue report in Analytics.
- The Analytics Sales by Item Summary Excel export now correctly displays the assigned item price.
Connect 11.8
Date: November 10, 2021
- New integration to the customer success management software.
- Added local search mode to control whether check syncing is allowed between vendors.
- Note: this will only work with AX versions 15.8 and higher.
- Card programs can now be created and added to Discounts to allow users to create bin range-specific discounts.
- Note: Further work is required to respect these programs.
- Custom tenders can now be filtered by sales channel.
- New Discount template added: "Spend $X on Item(s), Get Y% Off on Item(s)”
- Note: This will only work with OAPI v2 and AX versions 15.8 and higher.
- Pre Order status is now updated when the order is cancelled in Activate
- Previous Orders on the Pre order portal are sorted in chronological order, descending.
Interact Web
- Added the “Hide Menu” flag to the Mobile Ordering Transactions tab to allow vendors to use Interact Web’s Scan to Add to Cart feature in vendors with large amounts of items.
- Note: This will be respected in Interact Web 3.6.0 and later.
- IACM Translator (export) was updated to work with OAPI v2.
- Fixed an issue where several orders marked as completed did not include associated payment information
- Resolved an issue where orders showed different values for taxes
- Fixed an issue causing completed orders to move back to pending while user is idle
- Fixed an issue that caused an error in Connect when creating a new tax rate
- Resolved Netsuite import integration issues - assigning items to Vendors, populating the SKU Number in items and setting the Is Taxable field.
- Classic: Resolved issue where Givex barcodes reduce cart total to zero when Venuetize tender is selected.
- Resolved issue with Corporate-level integration settings overriding Venue-level integration settings.
Connect 11.7
Date: September 29, 2021
- Added a new dropdown for Order types to the Vendor>Kitchen tab when QSRA Integration/Proxy is selected as the KDS Mode. This will allow orders to be routed by order type.
- Added a new flag to Permission Sets > KDS tab called “Show Order ID on Receipt.” When enabled, the order ID shall print on the KDS chit.
- Every new item created will now have a default value of 1 for the department flag.
- Updated the password default requirements for Connect Accounts to be PCI compliant.
- IACM Translator was updated to work with OAPI v1 data and endpoints.
- Adjusted the price mapping in the Item Movement Report (and Disney CAP exports) to report modifier prices separately, despite any price rollup configuration.
- Added Page Sizing setting to the Yellow Dog Import (V2), allowing customers to control how much data is exchanged in this Custom Import.
The functionality of the Force Close flag (Vendor > Open Hours tab) was expanded to allow customers to select what they want to happen at Force Close time:
- No (default).
- Yes - Cancel Unpaid & Close Other Orders to Custom Tender (this was the previous functionality available under “Yes”).
Yes - Close All Orders to Custom Tender (new option).
- Activate X 15.7 will add support to the new option.
Connect now shows the current IP used by Check Sync in Connect so that customers can easily deploy Appetize products to locations without having to configure each AX/CS/KDSX terminal manually.
Connect users are now able to view the existing Check Sync IP on the Synchronization tab of a Vendor (at the Venue level).
- Activate X 15.7 will add support to the new option.
Connect users are now able to view the existing Check Sync IP on the Synchronization tab of a Vendor (at the Venue level).
- Sales by meal period can now be found on the Sales by Hour report. Meal periods can be configured in Connect and any unaccounted time will report as “All Day”.
- The Venue Name column has been added to some reports to make enterprise reporting easier when filtering multiple venues.
- The Quantity column has been added to the Open SKU report to mirror the same columns as Sales by Item.
- Numerous report filters have been updated to give users a more consistent experience. Extra filters have been removed from the report and others have been added to be consistent across reports.
- Additional error monitoring has been put in place to respond to reporting issues more quickly.
Select Classic reports can now be found under their respective modules. These will operate the same way, but relocated to a more intuitive location within Connect.
- In addition, the classic Reports module has been expired.
- The following reports have been relocated:
- Inventory reports are now under Inventory
- Cash Report is now under Cash Room
- Operator List is now under Accounts
- Live Report is now under Dashboard
Payments & Integrations
- Configuration for External Item Sales Authorization 3rd party service/restrictions
- Configuration for PAX/BAMS in gateway credentials and asset management
Interact Web
New “Allow Login” flag added to force the ‘Continue as guest’ flow in Interact Web.
- Interact Web will not respect this flag until the 3.6.0 release.
- Fixed an issue where the Suites Kitchen production report had a limit on the number of modifiers that could print.
- Resolved multiple data formatting issues for Disney (CAP).
- Netsuite interface run no longer finishes early - process will wait until the corresponding end of the process is detected and logged.
- The Check Number setting under Terminal Roles can once again be set to "No."
- Fixed an issue causing the Event Name filter to not correctly show on reports.
- Fixed an issue causing discounts configured at a corporate level to not correctly populate in the Discount Name filter in Analytics.
- Units sold will now correctly calculate in the Analytics Units Sold Excel export.
- “On House” custom tenders will now correctly be reported in the Analytics Revenue Report.
- Analytics reports will now correctly report Vendor Group totals when a specific vendor group is selected.
- Multiple discrepancies between Sales by Item and Revenue Analytics report have been resolved.
Connect 11.6
Date: August 25, 2021
- Updated the password requirements across for Connect Accounts to be PCI compliant.
- Added a new item restriction called “Manager Override” that requires a manager pin for certain items sold in AX.
- Added a new User Action called Order Identifier.
- Added new UI restrictions and labels to the Standard Discount to simplify set up.
- Removed the old Orders Search from the Connect UI
- Added an email template for the Final Guest Receipt
- Added a subtotal column to the PreOrder landing page. Users can now sort PreOrders by subtotal amount
Suites Defects
- Fixed an issue where suite admins were unable to check out after making an edit to a PreOrder that had an off-menu item attached
- Fixed an issue where exclusive taxes were removed from an order when attempting to edit an existing PreOrder
- Fixed an issue where the Email Order Confirmation was being sent to the suite user twice
Payments & Integrations
- Atrium - Tender Taxable Flag: Tender can now be configured as taxable so that the POS can automatically remove tax from a transaction.
- Atrium - Terminal Tender Assignment: Connect users can assign configured Atrium tenders to a given Terminal Role. Assigned tenders are visible in Activate X when Atrium is tendered.
- Elavon/PAX - Tip at Charge Screen: gateway configuration can now be configured to indicate that tip prompt should appear on the card reader vs on the CFD.
- Fixed an issue where Is Alcohol, Reporting Categories, and Show Description fields were not updating on the item import.
- Fixed an issue where hawking loads with extra quantities sold through AX devices were counting extras orders as cash orders in Connect.
- Fixed an issue in hawking settlements where print receipt does not show available printers for accounts without admin permissions.
- Fixed an issue on items where certain color fields could not be empty causing an error when mass editing items.
- Fixed an issue where single sign-on users were not able to see purchase orders pages.
- Fixed an issue where AX was not updating when items were set to inactive in Connect.
- Fixed an issue causing the incorrect Vendor/Station Group name to be displayed on the Sales by Vendor Group report.
- Fixed an issue in Analytics causing the Item Name filter to crash when loading too many records.
- Fixed an issue in Analytics causing the Group By filter to not apply changes to a report.
- Fixed an issue causing custom tenders to be grouped under Other instead of Custom in the Revenue report in Analytics.
- Fixed an issue causing vendors to not correctly appear in the Vendor Name filter in Analytics.
- Fixed issue where payment types couldn’t be unassigned from venues via corporate dashboard.
- Fixed issue with Fortress venue-level configurations being overridden by corporate settings.
- Fixed issue with gateway credentials for Vendor Roles not displaying.
Connect 11.5
Date: July 6, 2021
- Added the Used as Modifier and Instruction flags to Item Export and Imports at the Corporate and Venue levels.
- Added a new status filter to Item Sets to only show Active Item sets.
- Added new statuses to the Tip Enabled flag within Terminal Roles.
- Update the orders search page to enhance performance and usability.
- Added updated UI color pickers to various fields on items.
The completed Event Order Report will now display item notes added to items through Activate
- ie. when using an “open item” in Activate, users can now enter the name of the item and it will display on the guest receipts
- ie. when using an “open item” in Activate, users can now enter the name of the item and it will display on the guest receipts
- Fixed an issue where the Event Order Report was showing extra characters in the header
- Employee Sign-On Validation (ESOV): In conjunction with AX 15.5, clients can integrate their external employee management systems to either grant or deny access to the point of sale.
- Requires client external service to be created according to an established Appetize specification.
- Configuration of ESOV supports identifying the external service and url’s for accessing the service.
- Elavon (Ingenico) Gateway:
- Added flag CardPresent Force Offline to gateway setup, to cause AX to behave as if the gateway is not reachable and all payments to be accepted as offline within the existing constraints of offline limits.
- Reduced 5 second minimum gateway timeout to 1 second.
- Elavon (Pax) Gateway:
- Added Sandbox/Production URLs for PAX. Sends respective URL to AX based on Connect flag setting.
- Suites Event Orders export can now be downloaded through Analytics. The Event Orders report allows users to review all Suites orders in bulk- tremendously reducing the time required for reconciliation. This report can be downloaded as the Event Orders report found in Analytics.
- New Inventory Excel exports are available to download including Inventory Value Summary and Purchase Order Summary. These exports allow users to review expected values for inventory and simplify purchase orders.
- We have refreshed the export UI in Connect giving users a cleaner look and more streamlined experience. In a continued effort to streamline our exporting options, we have removed the ‘IMG’ option. Users can use Screen Print instead to print what is on the screen.
- The download options have been refreshed and when downloading manually, users now have more visibility into the status of the download.
- Fixed an issue where Layouts were throwing an error when trying to edit and add new seats, rows, and sections.
- Fixed an issue where planning transfers using par levels was incorrectly converting unit types.
- Fixed an issue where new inventory items were not available to transfer.
- Fixed an issue where POS sales for the exported stand sheet is showing a different quantity than what is showing when viewing the stand sheet in Connect.
- Fixed an issue where partial refunds were over refunding.
- Fixed an issue where when unassigning a custom fee from a vendor, we get a successful message yet the vendor is still assigned.
- Fixed an issue where exporting blank standsheets was showing counts.
- Resolved issue where corporate-level integration settings were overriding venue-level integration settings for 7Shifts.
- Resolved issue with credit cards being charged for failed split Venuetize transactions.
- Resolved issue with incorrect payment type for split checks paid with credit cards.
- An issue causing the Method of Tender to not appear in the filter has been resolved.
- An issue preventing the start/end date filters from being applied to the ‘Sales Recap’ export has been resolved.
- An issue causing an error reading “NoOrders” when exporting ‘Sales by Item’ to Excel has been resolved.
- An issue causing an error reading “NoOrders” when using ‘Saved Filters’ and exporting ‘Revenue’ to Excel has been resolved.
Connect 11.4
Date: May 25, 2021
- Added new flag to Terminal Role - Offline Order Limit (under Dining Plan).
- Added New flag to Permission Sets - “Show Breakdown by Meal Period”.
- Ability to export and import item assignments at the Corporate level with Enterprise dashboard enabled.
- Added a new KDS Mode to the kitchens within Vendors tab called: QSRA Proxy.
- Added a new KDS Mode to the kitchens tab within Vendors called: Printer Proxy.
- Added a new KDS Mode to the kitchens tab within Vendors called: Android KDS.
- Added a column to the orders search page called Turnaround which tracks time between submitting the order and when it was marked completed in the KDS.
- Added Customer Name as a default column on the orders search.
- Added statuses to payment types to the New Orders UI.
- Added a KDS Status column to the orders search.
- Added a default value of 1 for the Promotion Usage Limit setting within discounts.
- Added the ability to toggle which layout levels show in Interact Web when a seat is required to order.
- Added a “Cancel” flag to check functions within the Core UI tab of Terminal Roles.
- Added a new email template called “Menu Item Removal” that triggers when a suite menu item is removed from the menu.
- Added the ability for a Suites Connect user to see how many PreOrders and Standing Orders will be affected by removing a menu item and can choose to trigger the Menu Item Removal email.
- Added a new email template called “Standing Order Assignment” that triggers when a standing order is assigned to a suite for a particular event.
- Glory Cash: Added filename validation for files uploaded to service.
- IACM: Order information now concatenates Delivery provider (IE UberEats, GrubHub, etc.) with Customer Name.
- New Inventory Excel export available for download on the Sales Recap report: Sales Recap Summary
New Connect filters added to Suites reports:
- Start/End Date
- Event Type
- Venue Filters now automatically populate (as well as attached filters such as item name, primary category, etc.) when there’s only one venue available.
- Vendor Names in the Connect filter now appear in alphabetical order for easier navigation.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Delay Modifiers' flag was missing when corporation has new mods enabled
- Fixed an issue where the list of Hawking transactions was not loading and throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue where purchase orders were reflecting an incorrect timezone
- Fixed an issue where duplicate items showing under menu items for a vendor
- Fixed an issue where a saved Count Group sort order is not applied to subsequent True Up events.
- Fixed an issue where the Hawking Commission Report could not be generated for events past 30 days.
- Fixed an issue where True Up Count Beta exported count groups were not respecting UI sort order.
- Fixed an issue where Suite Name and PreOrder ID were missing on the New Orders UI.
- Fixed an issue where re-arranging the item list on True Up locations did not update the main count group.
- Fixed an issue where after clicking on an order the orders search date filters would be stuck on the previous dates.
- Fixed an issue where PreOrder status is not updating in the ui when it processes.
- Fixed an issue where deleted Event Types are still appearing on Standing Orders.
- Fixed an issue where SMS Text Receipts and Email receipts would not send if a last name was not provided with an order from Interact Web.
- Fixed an issue where SMS Text Receipts and Email receipts would not send if an Interact Web had a total of $0.
- Resolved refunding issue for Freedompay gateway on APL.
- Filters applied before generating Excel exports now correctly apply to exports.
- All discounts now properly appear in the Discounts reports.
- As error when running the Standsheets report has been resolved.
- An issue causing the Start/End date filters to be unchangeable after saving them as a Filter Set has been resolved.
Connect 11.3
Date: April 13, 2021
- Updated several Single Sign-On functionalities to be more user friendly
- Ability to Import Items at the Enterprise Corporate Dashboard level.
- Added a general search bar on the orders search page allowing the user to filter orders by the following criteria:
- Order ID
- Local Order ID
- Employee Name
- Vendor
- Customer Name
- Order Type
- Status
- PreOrder ID
- Suite Name
- Transaction ID
- Added the Venue ID on the Enterprise Dashboard venue list.
- Ability to enter extensions into the Warehouse phone number field.
- Put the data on the Classic Corporate Dashboard behind load buttons to speed up page performance.
- Ability to Accept All Tenders
- A new flag in the hawker settings called Accept All Tenders.
- Ability to connect a hawker profile to an Employee Account for use in Activate and AX, and to complete orders in KDS Mode on IOS.
- Ability to keep track of the total balance built up in Activate orders and apply to hawking loads within single transactions.
- Ability for hawkers using KDS mode on an IOS device to complete orders and have balance tracked in hawking.
- All reports updated within hawking to track new orders accepted via KDS Mode on IOS or Activate/ AX.
- SVS/Freeway partial payment accepted on Classic.
- Connect now sends correct Custom Tender information to Netsuite.
- Connect admins can toggle receipts to be automatically emailed to customers paying with wristbands.
- Fixed an issue where orders were not default sorting by date time on the new orders search page.
- Fixed an issue where the order search pages was displaying the incorrect time format and not using the venue time zone.
- Fixed an issue where digital signatures were not appearing on the new order details page.
- Fixed an issue where Connect operators are able to assign Employee Accounts to a restricted role in the Vendor Assignments tab.
- Fixed an issue where the new orders search was showing the subtotal amount but should be a grand total amount.
- Fixed an issue where duplicated items were being set to Active by default.
- Fixed an issue where Stand Sheet POS Sales were being converted by transfer unit but should have been by sales unit.
- Fixed an issue on the new order details page where discount amount was displaying as a positive integer.
- Fixed an issue where venue level accounts with only 1 venue assigned were able to click “Logout to Corporate” and access other venues.
- Fixed an issue where “Cash” was not being translated correctly on activate when French language was selected.
- Fixed an issue where depletion rates were not displayed when assigned to a modifier.
- Fixed an issue where exported standsheets do not account for Exclusive tax amount when reporting POS Sales.
- Fixed an issue where some venues were exporting items with only the category key.
- Fixed an issue where items assigned to POS categories at the corporate level but not at the venue level were still displaying in AX.
- Fixed an issue when the user timeouts they were led to the Classic dashboard instead of a login screen.
- Fixed an issue where the date filters on hawking were not filtering the events by the dates selected.
- Fixed issue with GloryCash logs displaying incorrect status.
Connect 11.2
Date: March 2, 2021
- Ability to manually refresh the list of items in a True Up Beta to accurately reflect latest inventory item assignments for vendors and warehouses.
- Ability to sort items within count groups in True Up Beta.
- Ability to edit the order of items within Favorite Groups at the Venue level.
Single Sign On
- Ability to create a unique URL for your corporation.
- Ability to add custom SSO logins using SAML 2.0 identity provider endpoints.
- Ability to edit and delete existing SSO configurations within the Integrations menu.
- Ability to manage SSO user permissions via page levels.
Upgraded Orders Search
- Ability to search for orders and inspect them all in one place.
- Ability to customize your filters and visible columns.
- Export orders based on your custom configuration.
Developer Portal
- Updated Reporting API documentation to v0.9.
- Connect generates Promo Codes for wristbands linked with specific card types. This requires AX 15.3 or higher.
- Added support for Valutec stored value integration.
- Fixed an issue where deleted inventory items were still showing up in True Ups.
- Fixed an issue where DMB: Favorite Group Order is Causing the Item to be sent Multiple Times in every payload
- Fixed an issue where an account is not blocked after entering incorrect PIN code three times to sign into Activate.
- Fixed an issue in suites Preorders where split payment was showing as null.
- Fixed an issue where Messages was missing the option to assign all vendors.
- Fixed an issue where enabling the Force Password Reset flag when adding new Connect or Employee accounts will not hold that setting after selecting Save.
- Fixed an issue where Hawking was not generating an order ID for paid loads.
- Fixed an issue where you were unable to mass edit Display settings on FOH Item.
- Fixed an issue with partial refunds remaining in “Pending Refund” status.
- Fixed an issue with split transactions not displaying different entry methods in Connect.
Connect 11.1
Date: January 19, 2021
- Added the ability for new modifiers to be reduced properly from inventory when coming from Activate X.
- Updated the styling of the General section on the Venue Settings page.
- Added a new flag to the Terminal Role module, allowing customers to select what will happen in AX when the user taps the Cancel Order button.
- Added the ability to extend the time out timer for Connect within Corporate Settings.
- Added the ability to search for an invoice number within purchase orders.
- Added the ability to enter multiple email addresses in for the distributor field when a purchase order is being sent out.
- Added the ability to complete a checkout even when the item has been unassigned from the vendor.
- Added the customer mobile number field to AX checkout allowing for SMS updates when the status on the KDS is updated.
- Added the ability to embed URLs and PDFs to the PreOrder Portal
- Added the ability to display a custom message when the PreOrder cutoff occurs for an event on the PreOrder Portal
- Glory Cash: Added logging functionality at Corporate level.
- Sonic Branding: Audio cues can be played when a particular card brand is used. Enabled via Options-> Terminal Roles-> Payment-> Sonic Branding.
- Timeclock: New flag “Schedule Enforcement” in Options-> Terminal Roles-> Timeclock section. Flag allows only users on the 7Shifts schedule to log in to AX. *NOTE*: Requires AX 15.1 and 7Shifts integration.
- Fixed an issue where new modifiers were not being reduced properly from inventory when coming from Activate X
- Fixed an issue where custom fees that had been unassigned from a UDO when an suite’s order was in process were causing an error in Activate.
- Fixed an issue where custom fees with the type “Custom” were still populating in the UDO configuration.
- Fixed an issue where the “Reset Password” link was not sending an email to the user with reset password instructions.
- Fixed an issue in Standsheets where transfers that happened before the last True Up count were still appearing in the transfers in column.
- Fixed an issue where Day parts could not start at 00:00.
- Fixed an issue where Classic Connect was showing all the Corporate’s events within every venue.
- Fixed an issue when processing a "plan a transfer(beta)" the reference event that was selected initially does not populate once you click continue and you navigate to the next page.
- Fixed an issue where purchase orders were displaying incorrect quantities.
- Fixed an issue where the reordering an order on the PreOrder Portal was not copying the items in the cart.
- Fixed an issue where vendor role taxes were not applying to items on the PreOrder Portal.
Connect 11.0
Date: December 8, 2020
- Added new page levels for more granularity in Inventory Pages such as Items, Warehouses, Vendors, and Distributors.
- New Order details view in Connect updated for full compatibility with all fields from previous orders page.
- Ability to return to the Orders page with dates saved after viewing an order.
- Ability to select multiple vendors on the Orders Search page.
- Added an exclusive price column on Standsheets to show net price of the item.
- POS Sales on standsheets now accounts for exclusive tax on items.
- Ability for Suite Admins to add off menu items to a suite order in the PreOrder Portal.
- Ability for Suite Admins to to adjust suite menu item prices in the PreOrder Portal to event day or open pricing.
- Ability to assign item attributes to Suite Items in Connect so that they show up in the PreOrder portal as item tags such as Dairy Free, Gluten Free, etc...
- Ability to filter the PreOrder Portal menu by assigned item tags.
- Added a new tab in Suite Settings called Email Configuration that allows you to customize the following suite email templates: New Order, Updated Order, New Account, Reset Password.
- Ability to add placeholders into email templates such as Suite Name and Order Status.
- Ability to reset suite email templates to defaults if changes have been made.
Cash Management
- Added the ability to add a cash start with a Reference ID in Connect.
- Added the ability to have Reference ID from cash start carry with subsequent actions
- Terminal ID is now optional for creating cash actions.
- When a cash action is edited the original amount is saved for reference.
- Updated the position of the search bars on Cash Management page to be more intuitive.
- Connect users can add a Custom Payment Integration type.
- Fixed an issue where changes to Interact Open Hours were not reflected in the history tab.
- Fixed an issue where refund status was incorrect for Classic checkout.
- Fixed an issue where Custom Fee amounts were not showing properly in Connect.
- Fixed an issue where changes made to Unit type on Plan a Transfer were not saved.
- Fixed an issue where Item imports were failing due to Category Group ID.
- Fixed an issue where you could not add a Gateway credential for a corporate vendor role.
- Fixed an issue where the Plan a Transfer current stock count was inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where adding items to Purchase Orders from the second paginated list produced an error.
- Fixed an issue where reopened event based cash rooms were not allowing custom tender drops.
- Fixed an issue where event based cash room was not updating the POS Cash column with new transactions.
Connect 10.25.0
Date: October 19, 2020
- Ability to download the operator list report when no filters are chosen.
- Added "User List Display Mode” dropdown to Terminal Roles. Users can assign the default check transfer list screen in Activate.
- Ability to choose the image width of the feature image on Interact Kiosks.
- Ability to add internal names for Promo Codes used within Discounts.
- Ability to to determine whether a tip line is added when an automatic gratuity has already been added.
- Added a new filter on Items to distinguish between Modifiers and Items.
Custom Fields
- Added the ability to assign custom fields to Vendors.
- Added the ability to assign custom fields to Inventory items.
- Create new custom field type: URL
- Updated UI to be more user friendly.
- Added the ability to assign one custom field type to multiple areas in Connect.
- Added the ability in Terminal Roles to choose the default screen that AX displays after login.
Event Management
- Added inventory event action buttons to the standsheets so that it's easier to navigate and manage inventory events.
- Added better search tools for managing inventory events.
- Added an easier way to assign vendors to inventory events and par levels.
Added the ability for a Suite Admin to place Standing Orders on behalf of a suiteholder.
- For more information, see Suites - Standing Orders.
- Added the ability to reorder a PreOrder for a future event.
- Added the ability to restrict reordering a past order after a specific amount of time.
- Increased the PreOrder event calendar to show events 12 months in advance.
Added the ability to create a PAR Restock for a suite account.
- For more information, see Suites - PAR Restock
- Added the ability to set currency for suites receipts in CAD.
- Advanced Analytics will have an updated report landing page, new reports, and updates to existing reports in the Classic and Enterprise environments.
- In addition, most enterprise reports will be available for all classic clients by request.
- Please review the Release Notes for more information.
- Advanced Analytics - Classic
- Advanced Analytics - Enterprise
- Please review the Release Notes for more information.
Payment Integrations
HIPS Enhancement for Canada
- Extend HIPS to include Terminal and Gateway ID values.
- User assigns Terminal IDs to individual pin pads to meet Canadian payment gateway requirements.
Developer Center
- Enhanced API definition appearance.
- Access to Developer Center granted via Connect Role by Super Admin.
- Added “unlimited” flag for promo codes. Promos set to 0 uses will not be usable.
- Fixed an issue where employee accounts were unable to be re-added after deletion.
- Fixed an issue where Connect accounts were unable to be re-added after deletion.
- Fixed an issue where the Discount ID field within Orders Search will not pull discounts that were made in the new discount tool.
- Fixed an issue where Orders Search was not working with refunds from Activate X.
- Fixed an issue where the corporate lock flag was unable to be taken off items.
Connect 10.24.0
Date: September 23, 2020
- Added the ability to choose specific custom tenders to be shown in the Cash Management tool.
- Added more page levels for Corporate features that were missing such as Tax Rates, Hawking Quantity Adjustment, Custom Fees, and various Security features.
- Added more granular Connect Roles for Item Attributes and Integration Jobs.
- Add the ability to customize the colors for a larger set of individual UI elements within the Interact X Kiosk under Kiosk Themes.
- Added an option to Hide Barcode for Email and SMS receipts.
Event Management
- When Opening a new inventory event, Users can select the drop Warehouse.
- Create new Events while on the Manage Inventory Events page.
Added permission sets in Connect for accessing stored credit cards for a suite account in Activate.
- To enable this feature go to Connect > Options > Permissions Sets > Select a Permissions Set > Payments tab
- Note: Requires Activate iOS v7.16 or higher
Payment Integrations
- Added support for Atrium Campus payment integration
- Note: Requires ActivateX v14.2 or higher
- As a follow up to our previous release, AA20.1.1 will remove reports that can be replaced with new Advanced Analytics reports. This is the next step in a major overhaul of reporting at Appetize and will provide clients with a more narrow and focused list of reports that will be expanded in the future.
- All reports are scheduled to refresh every 15 minutes and have Excel and CSV exports enabled. If there are issues with new reports, please contact the analytics team and we will enhance new reports when appropriate.
- For details on what reports have been expired in Classic Connect and the corresponding new report to retrieve the same data, please see the Advanced Analytics - Classic Release Notes.
- For details on what reports have been expired in Enterprise Connect and the corresponding new report to retrieve the same data, please see the Advanced Analytics - Enterprise Release Notes.
- Fixed an issue where an event Stand Sheet was showing as Reopened after performing the Close and Transfer action.
- Fixed an issue where non-taxable discounts were being included in the taxable amount.
- Fixed an issue where partial refunds were showing up on all items in an order.
- Fixed an issue where the Category Groups description field was missing from the Connect UI.
- Fixed an issue where Kiosk themes was allowing incorrectly formatted hex codes to be saved which was causing an error in Interact.
- Fixed an issue with Taxes appearing incorrectly on Email/Text receipts.
- Fixed an issue with Stadis not correctly returning refunds to the Promo Card.
- Fixed an issue with the Tender Type report where Users were unable to export without full report permissions.
- Fixed an issue with Planned Transfers incorrectly showing Reference Field after completed.
- Fixed an issue where Inventory Categories couldn’t have a 0.0 tax rate.
- Fixed an issue with Cash Room where Users were unable to update the Bank field.
- Fixed an issue with Inventory Sales displaying sales on a Stand Sheet before an event.
- Fixed an issue searching for Vendors using numbers.
- Fixed an issue where Track for Inventory was not showing on the Modifier tab of an Item.
- Fixed an issue where Report Categories were incorrectly throwing a uniqueness error.
- Fixed an issue where Account Export Assignment was not working.
- Significantly improved loading time for the Vendors page.
- Fixed an issue with assigning an item to a closed Vendor.
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