Description: Review how to create and configure Subvendors below.
What is a Subvendor?
Vendors represent a separate location where POS units could be located. Subvendors are used for Vendors that use a KDS when orders are placed.
When orders are placed from the same Vendor, the Subvendors (single or multiple KDS terminals) are set up to distinguish what items are sent to which KDS (Ex: drinks, food, bar, etc.).
How to Create a Subvendor
- Log in to Connect and select Vendors on the left side menu.
- Click on Add Sub to the right of the desired Vendor.
- Fill in the Subvendor's settings.
- Click Save Changes.
Subvendor Settings
- Name: The name of the Subvendor
- External ID: A reporting tool used by some venues.
- AutoComplete: Must be set to Yes with at least a 10 min interval selected for the order to print.
- Auto Complete Minutes: Determine how long orders will be pending before they are completed.
- Status: Whether the Subvendor is open or closed.
- Order Status Update Mode: Determines if the subvendor and vendor have a Synchronized or Independent Completion.
- SMS notification: Enable a text message to notify customers their order is ready for pickup.
- Pickup Text Message: Customize the message sent to customers.
- SMS On In Process Custom Message Text: Customize a message once the order is In Process at the Subvendor KDS.
- SMS On Completed Custom Message Text: Customize a message to send once the order is Completed at the Subvendor KDS.
- Location: Add information about the physical location of the stand.
Serves Tab
The Serves Tab dictates which seats are associated with the subvendor.
Menu Items
View the Menu items assigned to the subvendor and assign/unassign items.
The Kitchen tab can be used to configure the subvendor KDS options.
KDS Mode
The Vendor settings determine the Mode and cannot be changed on the Subvendor.
KDS Completion Mode
The Vendor settings determine the Completion mode and cannot be changed on the Subvendor.
Default View
The view of the orders on the KDS can also be set from the vendor and subvendor level. For more information, reference KDS - Default View Options.
Note: Compatible with KDS iOS v4.7+ and KDS Android v5.3+.
- Grid (default): Each order will display with the same width and height; select the order to view the details for each item.
- Tall Grid: Displays one order per column with each order showing the same height/size and with the items section stretching down until the bottom of the page.
- Waterfall: Waterfall will dynamically adjust the view to display the orders with all items in each.
- Note: Waterfall view is not currently supported in KDS Android (KDSX).
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