Description: Learn about Enterprise Custom Tenders in Connect for specialized payment methods.
Enterprise Custom Tenders
Custom Tenders allow a venue to implement specialized tender to be spent on items for sale at the venue. Custom Tenders can be utilized as house accounts and coupons.
Create a Custom Tender
- Select the Custom Tenders icon under the Location section on the Corporate Dashboard
- Select the blue Create button.
- Fill in the Custom Tender details.
- Type: Tender or Group
- Tender: Creates a custom tender type
- Group: Creates a custom tender group where individual custom tenders are assigned.
- Name: The name of the tender.
- Display Name: How it is displayed on the payment screen in Activate.
- Conversion: When converted into dollars (Ex: 1 Appetize Bucks = $1.00).
- Tender Usage Limit: The number of times the tender can be used for an order.
- Status: Active or Inactive.
- Allow Tips: The ability to add tips when utilizing the custom tender.
- Require Approval: Requires manager approval to use the custom tender.
- Require Signature: Requires a signature when used.
- Information Required: Allows for information to be entered at checkout when using the custom tender.
- Message Text: If set to YES, enter a message to instruct the user what needs to be entered.
- Data Format: Use # for numeric wildcards and @ for alphabet wildcards.
- Select Save to create.
- Type: Tender or Group
Configure the Custom Tender
The custom tender now needs to be assigned to venues and vendors.
- Select the Custom Tender to edit.
- The Details tab includes options in addition to the settings above that were configured when creating.
- Select the Pencil icon in the upper right to edit all settings.
- Icon: Upload an Icon to display on the custom tender
- Image: Upload an Image to display on the custom tender.
- Name: The name of the tender.
- Display Name: How it is displayed on the payment screen in Activate.
- Type: The Custom Tender type will be listed, but cannot be changed after creation.
- External ID: An ID that can be used to track in an external system.
- External Validation: Enable an external validation for the Custom Tender with Credit Accounts.
- Currency Prefix: Enter prefix text.
- Currency Suffix: Enter suffix text.
- Status: Active or Inactive.
- Information Required: Allows for information to be entered at checkout when using the custom tender.
- Message Text: If set to YES, enter a message to instruct the user what needs to be entered.
- Data Format: Use # for numeric wildcards and @ for alphabet wildcards.
- Note: This feature is only compatible with Activate X.
- Revenue Recognizable: Determines if the custom tender is an actual tender rather than a discount/coupon function.
- If YES, you will need to account for these totals after events in your revenue totals.
- Additional Notes: Enable to enter in Notes for the custom tender.
- Additional Notes: When Additional Notes are enabled, a new field will appear to enter the notes.
- Tender Usage Limit: The number of times the tender can be used for an order.
- Allow Tips: The ability to add tips when utilizing the custom tender.
- Require Approval: Requires manager approval to use the custom tender.
- Pre-Set Amount: The amount the custom tender will auto-populate.
- Signature Amount: The amount threshold that will require a signature.
- Signature Required: Requires a signature when used.
- Maximum Amount: Enter a maximum value for the custom tender.
- Allow Change: Enable change if the value of the Custom Tender was not depleted.
- Additional Voucher(s) to Print: Allows multiple vouchers to print if there is a signature/tip required
- Will this tender auto-apply promotions?: Used in conjunction with a programmable promotion.
- Cash Management Only: Enable if the tender will be used to enter in values for Cash Management module.
- Hit Enter to save the changes for each setting or the green Checkmark to save all updates.
- Select the Vendor Roles tab.
- Select Add vendor role.
- Select Add to assign to the applicable Vendor Roles.
- Use the Assign to All Vendors option to add to all Vendor Roles in the Enterprise.
- Select the Assigned Venues tab.
- Then Select Assign Venues.
- Select Assign to add to individual Venues.
- Use the UnAssign All/Assign All to update all Venues.
- The History tab will display any updates that were made to the Custom Tender.
Create a Custom Tender Group
Custom Tender Groups are used to group the tenders together to easily search when there are a large number of Custom Tenders in use. For example, if there are 25 different house accounts available to be charged, all the individual custom tenders can be put within one Custom Tender Group labeled “House Accounts” that will then pull up a search option in AX to narrow down to the tender.
- Select the Custom Tenders icon under the Location section on the Corporate Dashboard.
- Select the blue Create button.
- Toggle the type to Group.
- Name: This is the name of the custom Tender Group.
- Display Name: This name displays within Activate.
- Status: Set to Active or Inactive.
- Requires Approval: Requires manager approval to use the custom tender.
- Select the blue Save button when complete.
Edit Custom Tender Group
- Once created, select the Custom Tender Group to configure.
- Select the Pencil icon to edit a specific setting or in the upper right to edit all settings at once.
- Details: These details were preprogrammed when originally creating the custom tender and can be updated.
- Icon: Upload an Icon to display on the custom tender
- Image: Upload an Image to display on the custom tender.
- External Validation: Enable an external validation for the Custom Tender with Credit Accounts.
- Cash Management Only: Enable if all tenders in the group will be used to enter in values for Cash Management module.
Using the Group in Activate
To utilize the group in Activate, items must be added to the cart. Once on the tender screen, the Custom Tender Group will be available to select. Once a user selects the group, a list of the assigned Tenders will appear. The user will then be able to search the list of Custom Tenders assigned to the group to apply to the order.
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