Description: Permissions Sets determine the configurations, options, and settings the user can see or use within Activate or Interact.
Permissions Sets are assigned to a Terminal Role or Employee Role.
Some permissions include:
- Defining access to menus.
- Enabling Require Manager PIN for different actions
- Access to customizing the menu layout.
- Enabling/disabling the use of tabs/checks.
- The information displayed on a guest's check/receipt.
- The information displayed in the Finalize Day section.
Note: Permissions Sets must be created before creating an Employee Role or Terminal Role.
Creating Permissions Sets
Select the Permission Sets icon under the Accounts section on the Corporate Dashboard.
- Select the blue Add Set button.
- Once the window appears, fill in the Name (Example: Concessions, KDS, Bars, etc.).
- Customize the settings in the tabs (see below for details of each setting).
- Select Save once the Permission Set has been configured.
Main View
The Main View controls what is seen or toggled on the main screen once a user is logged in to Activate.
- Open Side Menu: Enables the use of the dropdown side menu.
- Show Item Size Slider: The ability to change the menu items icon size.
- Default Layout Grid: Sets the default layout to a grid.
- Refresh: The ability to refresh the menu.
- Allow Printer: Toggles printer pairing functionality.
- Email Receipt: The ability to email the receipt upon purchase.
- Show Offline Mode Dot: Toggles the display of the offline mode indicator dot.
- Use X for Removing Cart Items: Toggles the X next to cart items for quick deletion.
- Show Age Verification: Toggles the display of an Age Verification message.
- Show Age Verification for Order with Alcohol Items: Toggles the display of an Age Verification message on Orders containing Alcohol Items.
- Hide 0.00 Price: Terminal will not display 0.00 as a price on an Item.
- Show Retail Mode: Displays the retail mode option.
- Close Activate: The option to close Activate from the side menu.
- Show Activate Favorites: Toggles the display of items set as Favorites.
- Drag Items: The ability to drag items into the cart.
- Change Grid/List: The option to quickly switch between menu formats.
- Pre-Auth: The ability to pre-authorize a card.
- Mobile Orders: The ability to receive mobile orders.
- Phone Number: The ability to add a phone number upon payment to receive a receipt via text.
- Store Login Info: The ability to automatically retain the last used login for quick re-logins.
- Pin To Exit Tip Screen: The system will require a PIN when attempting to go back from entering a tip.
- Alert on Alcohol Item: Informs the cashier that there is an alcoholic item when checking out.
- Show Age Verification for Alcohol Items: Toggles the display of an Age Verification message when an Alcohol item is added to the cart.
- Show Battery Indicator: Shows the battery life.
- Hide 0.00 Modifier Price: not display 0.00 as a price on a Modifier.
- Show Add Tip/Finalize button on Thanks Screen in rest mode: Enable the option to Add Tip/Finalize the order from the completion page.
- Require PIN for removing items in cart: Prompts the system to enter a PIN to remove items in the cart.
- Require PIN for Removing Fees: Prompts the system to enter a PIN to remove fees in the cart.
The Menu tab controls which functionalities are active or displayed on the side menu in Activate.
- Printers: Whether printers can be viewed.
- Diagnostics: The ability to view the Diagnostic Menu.
- Mobile Auto Print: Enables the KDS function.
- Offline Mode: Enables the ability to toggle the offline mode in the Activate application.
- Logout: The option to logout.
- Allow POS off clock: Allow the POS to be used by an employee during non-scheduled time using a 3rd party software.
- All Orders: The ability to view the All Orders tab.
- Check Orders: The ability to view the Check Orders tab.
- Refresh Wristbands: The ability to refresh all active wristbands.
- PIN for Cash Register: Will prompt the system to require a PIN to access the cash register.
- PIN for Finalize Day: Will prompt the system to require a PIN to start the finalize day process.
- Require PIN for Training Mode: Will prompt the system to require a PIN to start training mode
- Employee Login: Supported a past integration
- Cash Management: Allows the POS user to have Cash Management functionality.
- Inventory: Enables access to the Inventory page.
- Auto Print: The ability to auto print receipts.
- Open Cash Drawer: The ability to pop the cash drawer open.
- Timeclock: The ability for employees to clock in/out.
- Allow POS ON break: The ability to allow sales while an employee is on break.
- Beacon Menu: Allows access to the Beacon Pay menu.
- Require PIN for Logout: Causes the system to prompt for PIN entry before logout.
- PIN to Open Cash Drawer: Prompts the system to enter a PIN before opening the cash drawer.
- Require PIN for inventory: Prompts the system to enter a PIN before entering Inventory on POS.
- Show Price Levels Button: Enables the ability to view Price Levels in Activate
- Require Training Mode: Require Training mode active for POS usage.
Tabs defines the functionality for tab/check orders.
- Allow Tab by Name: Allows tabs to be created by entering a customer’s name.
- Allow Tab by Seat: Allows tabs to be created by entering the customer’s seat information.
- Show Tab Description as Name: Causes the name of the tab to display as the customer’s entered name.
- Require PIN for canceling tab: Causes the system to require PIN entry to cancel a tab.
- Breakout items in check: This allows for items to be broken out and added to split tabs.
- Show tab as suite: Causes the name of the tab to display as the customer’s suite information.
- Show Tab Description as Seat: Causes the name of the tab to display as the customer’s seat information.
- Require PIN for Removing Items: Prompts PIN entry when attempting to remove items from tabs.
- Show Tab Description as Seat and Name: This causes the name of the tab to display as both the customer’s entered name and seat information.
- (Yes/No) Allow opening closed checks: Will allow the user to open a closed check.
- Allow tab by suites: Allow tab to be opened by selecting a Suite
- Allow Tab by Credit Card: Allow tab to be opened with a Credit Card.
Orders View
Orders View controls the functionality for viewing and editing all current and past orders stored on the device's local database.
- Switch Users: The ability to access another user's orders.
- Refunded Orders: The ability to view refunded orders.
- Individual Item Refund: The ability to refund individual items within an order.
- Offline Order Editing: The ability to make edits to orders while the system is Offline.
- Print Server Totals: The ability to print the terminal's totals that have been uploaded to Connect.
- Print Venue Totals: The ability to print totals for the entire Venue.
- Sync All: The ability to force a sync of all Offline orders.
- Print Vendor Totals: The ability to print totals for the vendor.
- Go to Other Date: The ability to view orders from another date.
- Refund Button: The ability to issue refunds from the orders page.
- Reprint Receipts: The ability to reprint a specific receipt.
- Print User Totals (Local): The ability to print the current user’s totals.
- Show All Totals: The ability to show totals for all users.
- Clear Database: The ability to clear the current order database.
- Email Receipt: The ability to send a receipt via email to a customer.
- Show gift print button: The ability to print a receipt with no prices that can be used to return items.
Finalize Day
The Finalize Day tab controls the display and the available options for the user when using Finalize Day on Activate.
- Print Local Totals: Toggles the option to print local totals.
- Local Totals: Toggles the display of local totals.
- Logout Button: Toggles the display of the logout button.
- Credit Sales: Toggles the option to view the credit sales breakdown.
- Ticket Sales: Toggles the option to view the ticket sales breakdown.
- Credit Fees: Toggles the option to view the credit fees breakdown.
- Ticket Fees: Toggles the option to view the ticket fees breakdown.
- Cash Minus Credit Tips: Toggles the option to view credit totals without tips.
- Ticket Tips: Toggles the option to view tips received from ticket sales.
- Credit Taxes: Toggles the option to view the credit taxes breakdown.
- Ticket Taxes: Toggles the option to view the ticket taxes breakdown.
- Total Sales: Toggles the option to view the total sales breakdown.
- Total Tips: Toggles the option to view the total tips breakdown.
- Items Sold List: Toggles the option to show a list of items sold by quantity.
- Show Register Summary: Toggles the option to show the breakdown of all transactions at a specific register.
- Show Wristband: Toggles the option to show wristband breakdown.
- Show Wristband Tips: Toggles the option to show wristband tips breakdown.
- Print Vendor Totals: Toggles the option to show and print Vendor totals.
- Show Date Picker Button: Toggles the option to show the date picker in the ‘All Options’ section.
- Custom Tenders Sales: Toggles the option to show custom tenders breakdown.
- Print on Cash End Summary: Toggles the option to print a cash summary after final cash numbers are entered
- Print Server Totals: Toggles the option to print the server totals.
- Server Totals: Toggles the option to view the server totals.
- Cash Sales: Toggles the option to view the cash sales breakdown.
- House Sales: Toggles the option to view the house sales breakdown.
- Cash Fees: Toggles the option to view the cash fees breakdown.
- House Fees: Toggles the option to view the house fees breakdown.
- Credit Tips: Toggles the option to view the credit tips breakdown.
- Cash Tips: Toggles the option to view the cash tips breakdown.
- Cash Taxes: Toggles the option to view the cash taxes breakdown.
- House Taxes: Toggles the option to view the house taxes breakdown.
- Total Cash Owed: Toggles the option to show the total cash to be returned.
- Total Fees: Toggles the option to view the total fees breakdown.
- Total Taxes: Toggles the option to view the total taxes breakdown.
- Allow Cash Drawer Open: Toggles the option to open the cash drawer during Finalize Day.
- House Tips: Toggles the option to show house tips.
- Show Wristband Fees: Toggles the option to show the total wristband fees.
- Show Wristband Taxes: Toggles the option to show the total wristband taxes.
- Show Email Button: Toggles the option to show the email button.
- Require Closed Checks: Requires all checks to be closed before completing Finalize Day.
- Custom Tenders Fees: Toggles the option to show the total Custom Tender Fees.
- Custom Tenders Taxes: Toggles the option to show the total Custom Tender Taxes.
Check Orders View
Check Orders View controls the options available when viewing check orders.
- Print User Totals (Local): Toggles the ability to print the current user’s totals.
- Show all Totals: Toggles the ability to show totals for all users.
- Clear Database: Toggles the ability to clear the current order database.
- Print Vendor Totals: Toggles the ability to show and print the totals for the Vendor.
- Enable Check Syncing: Toggles the ability to access open checks on multiple terminals.
- Print Server Totals: Toggles the ability to print server totals for a terminal.
- Print Venue Totals: Toggles the ability to print totals for the entire Venue.
- Sync all: Toggles the ability to force a sync of all offline orders.
- Allow Single Check Access override: Toggles the ability to edit a check that is being edited on another device without PIN entry.
- Require PIN for Adjust Tip: Prompts the system to enter a PIN before adjusting a tip.
The KDS tab controls the information displayed on the KDS and the receipts.
- Show Subtotal on Receipt: Shows the order subtotal on the receipt.
- Show Grand Total on Receipt: Shows the order grand total on the receipt.
- Show Tax on Receipt: Shows the order tax on the receipt.
- Show Fees on Receipt: Shows the order fees on the receipt.
- Show Check Number on Orders List: Shows the check number that can be used to track and retrieve orders.
- Require PIN for catalog page: The system will prompt for PIN entry before opening the Catalog page.
- Require PIN for settings page: The system will prompt for PIN entry before opening the Settings page.
- Show Manage Wait Time Button: The system will show the wait time button.
- Vendor Order ID overrides order ID as barcode value: The system uses Order IDs over barcode values.
- Show Item Deactivate Button: Toggle button to Deactivate an Item
- Show Subtotal on Order Details: Display Subtotal in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Fees on Order Details: Display Fees in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Tip on Order Details: Display the Tip amount in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Tax on Order Details: Display the Tax amount in the on-screen Order Details.
- Display Courses: Show Course on screen.
- Display Seats for Table Service: Show seat Name / Number.
- Show Tip on Order Receipt: Shows the tip amount on the receipt.
- Show New Orders on Top: Shows the most recently placed orders on top.
- Show Refunds on Receipt: Shows refunded items on the receipt.
- Show Order ID on Orders List: Shows the order ID numbers when viewing the orders list.
- Show Print Missing Pending orders: Allows the Print Missing Pending Orders button to appear.
- Require PIN for admin page: The system will prompt for PIN entry before opening the admin page.
- Left menu hidden by default: This will cause the screen to automatically hide the side menu.
- Show barcode with order id: This will show the barcode with the Order ID.
- Require PIN for Item Deactivate Button: The system will prompt for PIN when Item Deactivate Button is selected.
- Show Item Sold Out Button: Toggle button to set item as Sold Out.
- Show Grand Total on Order Details: Show Grand Total in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Item Price on Order Details: Show Item Prices in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Refunds on Order Details: Show Refunds in the on-screen Order Details.
- Show Rounding on Order Details: Show Rounding Total in the on-screen Order Details.
- Print Courses: The ability to print courses for an order.
- Print Seats for Table Service: This allows seat Names / Numbers to be printed for an order.
The Payments tab determines whether cash payments will be stored for later (syncing of the iPad in Offline Mode) and allows the Cash Transactions to work online for scenarios with a KDS.
- Cash Payments Obeying in Offline Mode: Cash payments can be accepted in Offline Mode.
- Require Manager PIN for Custom Refund: Requires admin approval for refunds per item or custom amount.
- Manual check of CC last 4: Will require manual check of the credit card being used.
- Override employee ID with wristband user in checkout: Wristbands can override a PIN.
- Calculate Tip % Using Subtotal: The tip will automatically show using the subtotal.
- Disable source verification for ApplePay: Disables verification of user info for ApplePay.
- Allow Manual CC Entry: Allows the employee to enter the credit card info manually.
- Send Order Location: Geo Latitude and Longitude will show in orders table if enabled
- Show Custom refunds: Enables the custom refunds.
- Bytes swap for RFID token: A developer toggle that impacts the way RFID data is utilized.
- Percentage/Amount Switch for Tip: Option to switch from percentage to specified amount for entering tip in Restaurant Mode.
- User Server Locale to Parse Payments String: A developer toggle that measures parse payments string in Activate.
- Calculate Tip % Before Discount: Calculates the recommended tip before discounts are applied.
- Enable Easy Splits: Enables easy splitting of the tab between multiple customers.
- Disable Cash & Credit only mode: Allows additional tender types to be accepted.
The Timeclock tab controls the settings of the Time Clock view.
- Enable Tipping on Clock Out: Allows the employee to add all tips on the clock out screen for Humanity.
- Show Change Position Button: Whether the Change Position button is displayed on the timeclock screen.
- Manual CC Approval: Requires manager approval for the manual entry of a credit card from Time Clock view
- Allow Manager Override Clock In: Enables the manager PIN to override a clock-in.
- Require Manager PIN for Change Position: The manager PIN will have to be entered if someone needs to change position, like from a Bartender to a Cashier.
Cash Drawer
The Cash Drawer tab allows the settings of the Cash Drawer view to be edited.
- Cash Drawer Assignment: Turns Cash Drawer assignment On/Off.
- Cash Drawer Unassignment Requires PIN: Unassigning a drawer requires the Admin PIN.
- No Sale Assignment Required: No Sale allows the cash drawer to open with no transaction, but it must be assigned to the employee first.
- Open Cash Drawer on Refunds only for cash transactions: When enabled, a cash drawer will only open on a refund transaction that had originally used cash.
- Cash Drawer Assignment Requires PIN: Assigning a drawer requires an Admin PIN.
- Cash Drawer Assignment Reset Requires PIN: Resetting a drawer assignment requires an Admin PIN.
- Block UI when cash drawer is open on Thank You screen: Blocks the screen for use until the drawer is closed.
- Cash Drawer Dual Enabled: Enable the use of two (2) Cash Drawers.
The Kiosk tab allows the settings of the kiosk view to be edited.
- Show prices on wizard: Allows the prices of the Wizards options to be visible to users.
- Requires Cash Drawer Assignment: Toggles the need for Cash Drawer Assignment before kiosk usage.
The Itemized tab dictates the receipts that are printed in an itemized fashion.
- Print Seat Info: Allows seat number and information to be printed on a receipt.
- Print Trailer: Allows a footer to be printed at the bottom of a receipt.
- Tax Breakout Enabled: Allows a breakdown of the taxes on a receipt.
- Print Large Check Number: Prints in a large font.
- Always Show Change: Shows change from payment method.
- Print Custom QR Code: Prints a custom venue QR code.
- Print Discounts in Item List: Discounts are shown next to each item.
- Print Separate Balance Chit: Prints out another receipt with the balance.
- Print Account Name: Prints employee names on the receipt.
- Show Order Prefix Button: Displays the order prefix that is set on the kiosk
- Show Pending Order Button: Shows the pending order button on the admin panel for Interact Classic.
- Print Logo: Prints company logo (if uploaded).
- Always Print Tax: Prints tax amount on receipt.
- Print Check Number: Prints the check number.
- Print SKU/Barcode: Prints a SKU barcode.
- Print Order Barcode: Prints an order barcode
- Print Modifiers: Shows the modifiers of each item.
- Print Fees in Items List: Shows fees per item.
- Split Multi-Tender Prints: Shows split checks on the receipt.
- Print Special Instructions: Allows special instructions to be printed on the receipt.
- Show Previous Orders Button: Enable toggle to view previous orders.
- Print Guest Count: Prints the number of Guests on the receipt (Table Service only).
CC Voucher
The CC Voucher tab allows the content of the Credit Card Voucher view to be edited.
- Print Suggested Tips: Recommended tip amounts appear on the receipt.
- Print MID: Shows the Merchant Payment Gateway on the receipt.
- Print Trailer: Shows the footer on the receipt for a credit card summary.
- Print Taxable Identifier: Include Taxable Identifier on Receipt
- Print Modifiers Costs: Include the costs of modifiers on the receipt.
- Print Courses on Guest Receipt: Include Course on Receipt.
- Print Logo: Prints the company's logo on the credit card receipt.
- Masked Preamble of CC: Doesn't print the credit card preamble.
- Print Account Name: Prints the Account name on the order.
- Print offline Status: Prints the offline status when the order is completed.
- Print Non-Taxable Identifier: Include Non-Taxable Identifier on receipt.
- Print Table: Print table information on the receipt.
CT Voucher
The CT Voucher tab allows the content of the Custom Tender Voucher to be edited
- Print Suggested Tips: Recommended tip amounts appear on the voucher.
- Print MID: Shows the Merchant Payment Gateway on the receipt.
- Print Trailer: Shows the footer on the voucher for a credit card summary.
- Print Table: Print Table information on the receipt.
- Print Logo: Display logo on receipt.
- Masked Preamble: Masks the Credit Card Preamble on receipt.
- Print Account Name: Display Account Name on the voucher.
Assigned Venues
The Assigned Venues tab allows the Permission Set to be assigned to Venues and displays to which Venue(s) the Permission Set is currently assigned.
To Update Venue Assignment
- Select Assign Venue
- Select Assign or Unassign next to the desired Venues
Note: Once a Permissions Set is assigned to a Venue, it will need to be associated with an Employee Role or Terminal Role before use.
The History Tab allows users to view changes made to the Permissions Set during a specified date range.
The viewable data includes:
- User Name of account that made the change
- Time of Change
- Action executed on the Permission Set
- The Name of the Field that was Updated
- The Old Value
- The New Value
- The Context of the change
- Actions
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