Description: Learn about various Enterprise Beta Reports for Appetize systems.
Column Dictionary
Column Name | Description | Example |
Cart Discounts | Discounts that apply to the entire order. When broken down by item, the total amount is proportionally applied to each item. | 10% off entire order (10% off each item). $10 off $20 order (50% off each item). |
Exclusive Tax | Tax is applied after the price of the item is calculated. |
Fees | Convenience/Service fees are applied after totals are calculated. This includes custom fee totals. |
Inclusive Tax | Value-added tax that is included in the price of the item. This is often used to reclaim value-added taxes on costs/expenses from supplies. |
Item Discounts | Discounts that apply to specific items. | $5 off hamburger |
Item Quantity | Total quantity of parent items sold. This does not include modifiers. |
Modifier Quantity | Total quantity of modifiers sold. This does not include parent items. |
Orders | Total number of unique orders/transactions. |
Refunds | Total amount refunded. |
Subtotal | The original price of the item (times) the quantity purchased. This total includes inclusive tax. |
Tips | Total amount of tips added to orders. |
Total | Subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. |
Total (No Tax) | Subtotal (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts. |
Total Discounts | Cart-level discounts (plus) item-level discounts. |
Total Quantity | item quantity (plus) modifier quantity |
Total Tax | Inclusive tax (plus) exclusive tax |
All Orders
The All Orders report displays all orders submitted for the selected date range.
This report is most often used to validate order-level details or used to validate against other reports.
- Subtotal
- Quantity
- Discounts
- Refunds
- Total (No Tax)
- Fees
- Tips
- Exclusive Tax
- Total
The Discounts report displays a detailed breakdown of discounts by discount name, vendor name, category, item name, user name, and terminal ID. Total discounts are calculated by item-level discounts (plus) cart-level discounts.
This report is most often used to review total discounts by user or item at end-of-day.
Export to: Excel, CSV, and PDF
- Start Date
- End Date
- Discount Name
- Venue ID
- Venue Name
- Vendor Name
- Category Name
- Item Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Discount Name
- Vendor Name
- Primary Category
- Item Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Number of Discounts
- Item Discounts
- Cart Discounts
- Total Discounts
The Revenue report displays a detailed breakdown of payments by method of tender, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. The total represents the total amount paid and should correlate with the total found on Sales by Item.
This report is most often used to review payment types, tips and fees, or collected taxes by vendor or user at end-of-day.
Export to: Excel, CSV, and PDF
- Start Date
- End Date
- Venue ID
- Venue Name
- Vendor Name
- Method of Tender
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Method of Tender
- Vendor Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Orders
- Item Price
- Subtotal
- Refunds
- Discounts
- Total (No Tax)
- Exclusive Tax
- Fees
- Tips
- Total
Sales by Hour
The Sales by Hour report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by hour by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total is calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts.
This report is most often used to review total sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
Export to: Excel, CSV, PDF
- Start Date
- End Date
- Venue ID
- Venue Name
- Vendor Name
- Primary Category
- Item Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Hour
- Primary Category
- Item Name
- Vendor Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Orders
- Item Price
- Item Quantity
- Subtotal
- Refunds
- Discounts
- Total (No Tax)
- Exclusive Tax
- Fees
- Tips
- Total
Sales by Item
The Sales by Item report displays a detailed breakdown of sales by primary category, item name, vendor name, user name, and terminal ID. Total sales are calculated by subtotal (plus) exclusive tax (plus) tips (plus) fees (minus) refunds (minus) discounts.
This report is most often used to review total sales by item or vendor at end-of-day.
Export to: Excel, CSV, and PDF
- Start Date
- End Date
- Venue ID
- Venue Name
- Vendor Name
- Primary Category
- Item Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Primary Category
- Item Name
- Vendor Name
- User Name
- Terminal ID
- Orders
- Item Price
- Item Quantity
- Subtotal
- Refunds
- Discounts
- Total (No Tax)
- Exclusive Tax
- Fees
- Tips
- Total
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