Description: Review the procedure for closing or deactivating a venue in Connect below.
Closing/Deactivating a Venue
Once the request has been received, follow the steps below in Connect.
- Go to Settings > Venue and set the status to Closed.
- Scroll down to the User section and update the Username so they can no longer use the default login. Add some characters to make it hard to hack.
- Save the changes at the bottom of the page and ensure the green Success message comes up.
- Go to the Accounts page.
- Select the Connect tab.
- Open a Connect account.
- Change Is Active to No and enter a new, unpredictable password.
- Save the changes.
- Repeat for each Connect account.
Once the Connect portions are complete, please review open/on-hold/recent tickets in Zendesk for the venue to see if any outstanding issues can be resolved.
- If there are open or on-hold tickets with bugs attached, silently close those.
- If there are any open or pending tickets, send a follow-up or silently close, depending on the issue.
- Please consult with Quinton or Bethany if there are any questions on how to handle them.
- If there are any recurring maintenance calendar events, delete all future events from the series.
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