Description: Review how to set up and troubleshoot Hawking below.
Hawking Set Up
A vendor that will distribute items to Hawkers needs to have Hawking Location switched on. To do so, follow the below steps:
- Log in to Connect.
- Select Vendors from the left side menu.
- Search for and choose the correct Vendor.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Vendor Settings tab.
- Change Hawking Location to YES.
- A Hawking Location - Employee must be selected from the drop-down in order to create transactions.
- Confirm by selecting the Save Changes button.
To be able to create a Hawking account, you need to open the Hawking > Set up page.
There are several steps that need to be taken in order to set up a Hawking account. They’re arranged under Set Up in the order they need to be completed.
Set Up > Commission Rates > Commission Groups > Hawker Types > Hawkers > Hawking Locations > Seniorities > Items.
After selecting Set Up, you need to:
Create Commission Rates
- Commission Rate is used to create various commission types for Hawkers based on specific criteria.
- Select Commission Rates > Create.
- Name: Fill in the name of your Commission Rate, i.e., Rate 1.
- Based on: Define the commission (what is it based on). It can be two types:
- Quantity: The commission for Hawker will be based on the quantity of sold items (5% for each sold item.)
- Dollar Amount: The commission for Hawker will be based on the dollar amount of sold items, i.e., for each $30 of sold products, Hawker gets $3.
- Quantity: The commission for Hawker will be based on the quantity of sold items (5% for each sold item.)
- Type: Define the commission type.
- Percentage: % value of the take.
- Dollar: Constant $1 amount for each sold item (i.e. worth $30).
- Value: Fill in with the numeric value that will define the chosen Commission Type. The field is both for Type: Percentage and Type: Dollar.
- Calculation Type: This field will only be visible when Commission Type: Percentage. Decide whether your Hawker's commission calculation is Gross or Net amount.
Define Commission Groups
- Commission Groups need to be created if you want to add the same Commission Rate to a group of items sold by a given Hawker.
- Commission Groups can only be created when Commission Rates have already been added.
- Go to Hawking > Set Up and select the blue Create button.
- Fill in with the group name and Save.
Click on a newly created group to add categories of items and select the blue Add Category button.
If after selecting Add Category your category list is empty, do the following:
- Go to Connect > Options > Report Category.
2. Fill in with any name.
3. Mark the category as Primary (only then it will work).
4. Assign some items.
5. Then, the category can be added to the Commission Group.
When categories of items are added to the correct Commission Group, you can change the Commission Rate assigned to each item.
Item Categories can belong to the same Commission Group but can have different Commission Rates assigned.
- Go to Connect > Options > Report Category.
Select the small pencil button to select a different Commission Rate within one Commission Group.
The Commission Rate assigned to the individual item category is always superior. So even if a category of items is already added to the Category, it will take the commission from the Commission Rate field.
Create Hawker Types
Hawker Type is used to be assigned to a Hawker account. Hawker Type allows us to define:
- Minimal commission for Hawker
- How much a Hawker would earn for sold items
- Each Hawker must have a Commission Group assigned, and that is why Hawker Type needs to be assigned as well
To add a new Hawker Type, select Hawking > Set up > Hawker Types and select Create.
- Name: Fill in the name of your Hawker Type i.e., JuniorHawkerType
- Description: Add additional info to describe this Hawker Type i.e., This is Junior Hawker Type that will be granted to new Hawkers only.
- Commission Group: Choose from the dropdown. Hawkers cannot have individual items to sell, but they can have the whole group (with a package of items) assigned.
- To be able to complete the Hawker Type, you need to create Commission Groups first.
- Minimum Payable commission: Fill in with a numeric value. This value stands for the minimal commission that Hawker would get.
- Allow Shortage: Set the toggle to Yes / No.
- If it is set to Yes, a Hawker can have a negative cash flow when paying for a load.
- If you select Yes next to Allow Shortage, you can enter the maximum shortage amount (i.e. $10).
- If the shortage exceeds the set Shortage Threshold, it will be deducted from their commission. So in the case when Shortage Threshold = $10, and at the end of the event, a Hawker is $5 short - it won't be deducted as it does not exceed the threshold.
- If it is set to No, Hawker must pay the whole amount for a load.
Create Hawker Account
Select the blue Create button to add a new Hawker.
- Name: The name for the Hawker account
- Hawker Type: Choose from the types defined in the Hawking > Hawker Types section. You cannot skip this step.
- Hawker ID: A numeric value that is used to identify a given Hawker account by the system / in reports
- Seniority: For now, it shows the work practice of a given Hawker. Depending on the seniority settings, Hawker has access to various items, i.e. a senior Hawker has other/higher access to items than a junior Hawker. / or: i.e., a senior Hawker can sell alcoholic beverages, and a junior Hawker cannot.
Once your Hawker account is created, select on it to edit the details. You can also delete the account here.
- Select Create to add a new Seniority Type.
- There can be various Seniority Types (i.e., Golden, Master, Junior).
- You'll be able to assign a Seniority to each Hawker account.
- Once you've entered the Seniority Name, select Save to confirm
- Seniority works as a point of reference for Hawker's supervisor (it helps to quickly get the idea of a given Hawker's work practice/experience).
Hawking > Set Up > Seniorities view
Hawking Location
Hawking Location is the vendor where a Hawker takes his load of items. Each Hawker must have a Hawking location assigned.
- To assign, open Hawking Location.
- Select the blue Assign Location button.
- Select one Vendor (remember that Vendor can become Hawking Location only when it has Hawking Location = Yes) and select the Assign button next to the Vendor's name.
- Additionally, you can look up all Hawkers assigned to one Location (select the Show Hawkers button).
The last step is adding items that can be sold within the Hawking Module.
- Open Hawking.
- Select Set up.
- Choose Items and select the blue Add Item button.
Note: Items available for the Hawking Module are Inventory Items and must be correctly configured first.
Hawking module - Items setup
To make items available for Hawkers, follow the steps below.
- Open Inventory > Items, then select the Item you want to have for sale for Hawkers.
- Navigate to Item Details > Additional Options and select Item Category.
- If you don't have any Categories to choose from the dropdown, you need to create at least one Inventory Category:
- Open Connect > Options > Categories.
- Select Add Inventory Category button.
- Fill in with name/sales code (optional) / cost code (optional) / tax rate.
- Save changes.
- If you don't have any Categories to choose from the dropdown, you need to create at least one Inventory Category:
Select your Category from the dropdown.
- Then navigate to the Vendors tab and select Add Vendor to your item. Remember that the Vendor must have Hawking Location turned on.
- Then the item will appear in Hawking > Set up > Items > Add item.
Requests To Delete a Load
When a client submits a request for a load to be removed from a hawker, this request will need to be escalated to development.
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