What is causing this Error?
While using QSR, there are certain situations that may arise where the error “Unhandled Records - There are records that are not settled or closed out. You cannot end the day without handling these records” appears. The ticket may appear to be fully closed, but when performing the End of Day (EOD) the system will continuously tell you this ticket needs to be closed before continuing. There is a setting in the back end that will allow you to force these tickets to close when the End of Day is performed when all other options have been exhausted.
Important: Leaving this setting on is leaving the merchant open for reporting discrepancies.
If they are having an issue where this is required PLEASE ensure that you change back to the default setting before ending the call. This is essentially forcing the ticket closed and has been known to cause reporting discrepancies when used too often, and is generally not a setting we want to leave on for the merchant to abuse.
The End of Day procedures will not be able to be completed until certain criteria are met, and that includes having all checks closed and employees clocked out.
It is your responsibility to ensure all checks are closed before doing EOD, but in the event that a ticket appears to already be closed but is still being flagged as open, you can enable the setting below.
How do I resolve this Error?
- To fix this issue, log in to the QSR system and navigate to Admin > Config Tools > System + Station Settings > Business.
- From there, you will set Allow End of Day With Open Checks to 2 and attempt to do the EOD once more. The setting by default should always be set to 0. This prevents you from doing the End of Day with open checks and will force you to close it.
- This time, on the screen where it shows the open checks, there will be a button saying Yes (previously was not there) allowing them to bypass. Clicking Yes here will force the check closed and allow you to continue with the procedure.
Important: After the End of Day has been completed, you MUST start the software back up and change this setting back to “0” immediately. We cannot stress enough how important this is, or you will have reporting discrepancies in the future.
- Internal:
If the situation is such that you are unable to change the setting back because they’re not immediately going to do the End Of Day, you MUST submit a ticket to the QSR SME queue asking us to change it back in the morning - See below for additional information on the reporting discrepancy this setting will cause when a check is dropped at End Of Day
Important Information about EOD with Open Checks
The above steps bypass the actual “closure” of the check, which deleted it from the database when the EOD is performed because QSR can only migrate completed data to the history, not anything left open. This is why we do not like this setting because it could cause inconsistencies in reporting.
The payment on the check will still be reported, which is where that inconsistency can come into play. The report will show they received more money in sales than actual ticket sales (once again. because we allowed the EOD to bypass that open check(s) essentially removing that check completely, but retaining its payment method.
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