Description: The ACH extract file provides information that identifies the details regarding the original sale deposits and the items that impacted the total amount funded to you after processing by the card acquirer systems within Shift4 Payments.
For more information on Enterprise Extracts, refer to the Enterprise Extracts Guide.
How to Use the Extract
Merchants who receive the ACH data extract use this information primarily to reconcile original sale deposits to cash activity posted to their bank account.
Using the Transaction Type field, you can identify the items that impacted the total amount funded after processing. The allowed values correspond to the client adding or subtracting from the funding totals.
- Deposit (add)
- Chargebacks (add)
- Adjustments (add)
- Rejects (add)
- Reserved Funds (subtract)
- Released Funds (add)
- Fees (subtract)
- Non-Settled (subtract)
- Federal BW (subtract)
- State BW (subtract)
- Transmittal Errors (subtract)
File Name
- EnterpriseCustomer_YYYYMMDD_Enterprise_ACH_Extract.csv
- EnterpriseCustomer is the given customer’s name
- YYYYMMDD is the given date for the file generated; it is based on the previous day’s date and will represent the data that was provided by the various card acquirer systems within Shift4.
- Shift4 SFTP / Customer-Specific Folder / Prod
File Format
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Daily, based on the reception of data from the various card acquirer systems within Shift4. We are currently expecting all data to be available by 4:00 a.m. ET and the extracts should be available within the SFTP sites by 11:00 a.m. EST.
# | Data Element | Data Type | Description |
1 | MerchantID | nvarchar(20) | Your acquirer’s identification number |
2 | DBAName | nvarchar(100) | Your DBA name |
3 | Transaction Type | nvarchar(10) | Type of transactions related to your funding |
4 | RoutingTransitNumber | nvarchar(10) | ACH routing number |
5 | AccountNumber | nvarchar(20) | Account where monies are applied |
6 | DebitCreditIndicator | nvarchar(10) | Indication if the transaction was flagged as debit or credit |
7 | ReferenceNumber | nvarchar(20) | Unique identifier for the ACH transaction |
8 | ProcessingDate | date | Date the transaction was processed within the payment system Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
9 | FundingDate | date | The ACH effective date. Note: The date does not populate when the transaction type is Transmittal Error, Rejects, or Non-Settled Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
10 | Amount | numeric | Dollar amount for the type of currency specified above |
11 | CurrencyCode | nvarchar(3) | International standard 3-digit currency code |
Please proceed to the next article on this topic: Authorization Extract File Details.
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