Description: The batch extract file holds various information with batch details for a given batch that has been processed by the various card acquirer systems within Shift4 Payments.
For more information on Enterprise Extracts, refer to the Enterprise Extracts Guide.
How to Use the Extract
The batch extract lists a summary of unique batches (identified by the column BatchID) and shows the batch date, transaction count, and currency used.
You can use the extract when comparing processed batches against deposits made into your bank.
Note: Any given date may have one or more batches. The greater the volume of business, the greater the amount of batches within that day.
File Name
- EnterpriseCustomer_YYYYMMDD_Enterprise_Batch_Extract.csv
- EnterpriseCustomer is the given customer’s name
- YYYYMMDD is the given date for the file generated; it is based on the previous day’s date and will represent the data that was provided by the various card acquirer systems within Shift4.
- Shift4 SFTP / Customer-Specific Folder / Prod
File Format
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Daily, based on the reception of data from the various card acquirer systems within Shift4. We are currently expecting all data to be available by 4:00 a.m. ET and the extracts should be available within the SFTP sites by 11:00 a.m. EST.
# | Data Element | Data Type | Description |
1 | BatchDate | date | Date of submitted batch |
2 | BatchCount | number | Count of transactions per batch |
3 | FileNumber | date | File date of batch |
4 | SubmissionNumber | nvarchar(9) | Submission number - a unique identifier for a given batch |
5 | MerchantID | nvarchar(20) | Your acquirer's identification number |
6 | BatchID | nvarchar(9) | Same as SubmissionNumber - a unique identifier for a given batch |
7 | Currency | nvarchar(3) | Currency code assigned to the batch processing country (e.g. USA = 840) |
Please proceed to the next article on this topic: Dispute Extract File Details.
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