Description: The transaction extract file is a deep dive into your business's payment transactions processed by the various card acquirer systems within Shift4 Payments. With fifty columns of data, the extract shows line by line detailed information on each processed transaction that took place on any given day, including sales and refund transaction types.
For more information on Enterprise Extracts, refer to the Enterprise Extracts Guide.
How to Use the Extract
Taking the extract file for a day in question, a user can review individual transactions and determine which processor batch the transaction is contained in.
Insights such as authorization codes, date, time, processing date vs. transaction date can also be found within the data enabling a user to research down to a granular level of information.
Note: The transaction extract file contains a list of settled transactions. Items such as chargebacks and retrievals can be reviewed in the dispute extract file.
File Name
- EnterpriseCustomer is the given customer’s name
- YYYYMMDD is the given date for the file generated; it is based on the previous day’s date and will represent the data that was provided by the various card acquirer systems within Shift4
- Shift4 SFTP / Customer-Specific Folder / Prod
File Format
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Daily, based on the reception of data from the various card acquirer systems within Shift4. We are currently expecting all data to be available by 4:00 a.m. ET and the extracts should be available within the SFTP sites by 11:00 a.m. EST.
# | Data Element | Data Type | Description |
1 | MerchantId | nvarchar(20) | Your acquirer's identification number |
2 | ProcessingDate | date | Date that the transaction was processed by the acquirer Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
3 | TransactionDate | date |
Date that the transaction occurred Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
4 | TransactionSequenceNumber | nvarchar(7) | Unique sequence number in the file for a transaction |
5 | AuthCode | nvarchar(6) | Authorization code passed with the settlement record |
6 | TransactionTypeCode | nvarchar(4) |
Type of transaction See Shift4 TransactionType reference table for values. |
7 | POSEntryMode | nvarchar(2) | Point of sale entry mode for the transaction |
8 | CardAccountNumber | nvarchar(20) | Masked value of the credit card number used for the transaction |
9 | TransactionAmount | numeric |
Total amount for the transaction Format: Cents e.g. 1000 = 10.00 |
10 | AuthorizedAmount | numeric |
Authorized amount for the transaction Format: Cents e.g. 1000 = 10.00 |
11 | CashBackAmount | numeric |
Cash back amount for the transaction Format: Cents e.g. 1000 = 10.00 |
12 | MerchantCategoryCode | nvarchar(4) | Standard industry code for a specific industry or business |
13 | CardBrand | nvarchar(2) |
Type of card used in the transaction See Shift4 CardBrand reference table for values |
14 | CardProductType | nvarchar(3) | Indicates if the type of card, debit or credit |
15 | BatchNumber | nvarchar(6) |
Unique identifier for a given batch for a given customer Format:julian date DDDYY |
16 | NetworkReferenceNumber | nvarchar(23) | Identification number for a credit card transaction assigned by the acquirer. |
17 | AuthorizationSource | nvarchar(1) | Authorization source of the transaction |
18 | MailPhoneIndicator | nvarchar(1) | Indicates if the transaction is a mail order or telephone order |
19 | CATIndicator | nvarchar(1) | Code that indicates if the terminal can be activated by the cardholder |
20 | InvoiceNumber | nvarchar(50) | Invoice number - provided by the gateway |
21 | TerminalId | nvarchar(8) | Terminal Id - provided by the gateway |
22 | CurrencyCode | nvarchar(3) | International standard 3 digit currency code |
23 | VisaProductCode | nvarchar(3) | Codes provided by Visa to indicate the type of card at multiple levels |
24 | DBAName | nvarchar(100) | Your DBA Name |
25 | DebitCreditIndicator | nvarchar(10) | Indicates whether the amount is a debit, credit or non monetary |
26 | FundingDate | date |
Date that the transaction was paid via ACH Format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
27 | AVSResponseCode | nvarchar(10) | AVS Response Code - provided by the gateway |
28 | CVV2ResponseCode | nvarchar(10) | CVV2 Response Code - provided by the gateway |
29 | CardExpirationDate | date |
Identifies the card expiration date in Format: YYMM |
30 | TransactionTime | time | Identifies the timestamp of a transaction based on GMT Example: HH:MM:SS (using a 24-hour clock) |
31 | RejectReason | nvarchar(4) | Indicates if a transaction is rejected or not. If a reject code exists, then the transaction is rejected. If blank, not rejected |
32 | AdjustmentAmount | Numeric | Total Amount for the Transaction |
33 | AdjustmentDescription | nvarchar(10) | Description of adjustment. Example: refund, reversal, chargeback, refund fees related to a transaction |
34 | AssociationNumber | Numeric | The identification number of an association to which a merchant reports |
35 | AuthCurrencyCode | Numeric | Currency for the settlement, typically USD |
36 | AuthorizationDate | date | Date the transaction was authorized |
37 | AuthResponseCode | nvarchar(10) | Code stating if the transaction was accepted or rejected. |
38 | BillingDescriptor | nvarchar(10) |
Identifies the billing descriptor. It may contain additional billing or reporting information |
39 | IssuingBankCountry | nvarchar(100) | Identifies the issuing bank’s country of card used |
40 | EstimatedBankDate | nvarchar(20) | *This date refers to the ACHPostingDate |
41 | FileNumber | Numeric | Date and sequence consumed by Shift4. |
42 | FundsTransferGroup | nvarchar(10) |
Identifier of the transaction group. Formed by the locations Merchant ID and the clearing batch date (Julien date) |
43 | InterchangeCode | nvarchar(10) | States whether the customer received the best interchange rate |
44 | IssuingBank | nvarchar(20) | Reserved field, not currently used |
45 | VendorReference | nvarchar(256) | Reference received from the Gateway |
46 | AdjustmentType | nvarchar(10) |
Reason Code field will be used to identify Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) for Visa A MIT is any transaction that relates to a previous consumer-initiated transaction, conducted without the consumer being present and without any cardholder validation performed |
47 | ProviderPath | nvarchar(10) | Name of the Acquirer |
48 | RegulatedIndicator | nvarchar(2) |
Regulated Indicator See Shift4 Regulated Indicator reference table for values. |
49 | UniqueID | nvarchar(10) | A unique Key that identifies the transaction (TransactionID+BatchNumber) |
50 | ReceiptNumber | nvarchar(50) | Receipt Text provided by the Gateway |
51 | CustomerEmailAddress | nvarchar(100) | Customer email address |
52 | CorrelationID |
nvarchar(12) |
Universal transaction identifier allowing linking among Transaction, Authorization, and Dispute data |
* ACHPostingDate Monday-Friday then EstimatedBankDate the next day.
ACHPostingDate Saturday or Sunday then EstimatedBankDate will be Monday.
If ACHPostingDate falls on a US Bank Federal Holiday then EstimatedBankDate will be the next day.
Please proceed to the next article on this topic: Transaction Fee Extract File Details.
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