Description: The Advantage Program is a series of patron-facing and POS configuration options designed to help merchants offset operational costs. There are three pricing and POS configuration options under the Advantage Program for Simphony 2.
- Simphony Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Installation
- Simphony Cash Advantage Supplemental Fee Installation
- Simphony Cash Advantage True Cash Discount Installation
WARNING: Advantage Program and Debit/EBT transactions are incompatible!
Important: The Advantage Program is NOT a surcharge program. Shift4 does not support or endorse any type of credit card surcharging. It is the merchant's responsibility to be familiar with the patron-facing pricing and POS configuration options available under Shift4's Advantage Program and choose the option that works best for their business.
Simphony Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Installation
The Simphony 2 Payment Extension adds support to existing Shift4 customers leveraging Oracle Simphony SPI, requiring additional functionality that SPI alone does not cover.
Payment Extension now includes Cash Advantage Dual Pricing. Cash Advantage Dual Pricing is the program that allows merchants to give their customers a chance to pay a reduced amount if they pay with cash. The instructions for setting up Cash Advantage Dual Pricing are included below.
Software Installation
- Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Install Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension Using EMC
- Configure Cash Advantage Service Charge
- Configure Cash Advantage Calculator Menu Items Classes
- Configure Cash Advantage Calculator Menu Item
- Configure Cash Advantage Page Design Buttons
- Configure Cash Advantage Voucher Trailer
- Optional* Add A fix auth button
- Configure Cash Advantage Extension Application Settings File
- Update Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension
- Deploy to Workstations
- Start and test the Shift4 Payment Extension application
1. Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Merchant has a Shift4 payments processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- Shift4 Payments are functional with current SPI + UTG configuration.
- Payment_Extension_Settings application is installed and functional.
2. Setup Simphony Using EMC
2A. Access the Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
- Open the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) shortcut on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
Login to EMC with a user that has permissions to make the necessary changes.
- Screenshots may vary depending user permissions and configuration
- Screenshots may vary depending user permissions and configuration
2B. Navigate The Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
Once logged in, the "locations" navigation tree in the left panel of the application window will be displayed. The tree hierarchy has three levels under the Default System View.
- The Organization\Enterprise level
- The Property\Location level
- The Revenue Centers level
2C. Install the Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Properties typically have unique Shift4 Mid Assignments which require unique settings configurations.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Custom Content sub-menu, click the Extension Application link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Extension Application Record named "Shift4_Payment_Extension".
Add the Extension Application Contents.
Click Insert Application Content.
- ZoneableKey = "Shift4_Payment_Extension"
- Description = "Shift4_Payment_Extension"
- Click OK.
- Change the Content Type to "3 - DLL" from the dropdown menu.
Click import from file.
- For Properties 19.2 and above, select the 19.2 Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll from the download folder.
- For Properties 19.1 and below, select the 19.1 Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll from the download folder.
- Navigate to the General tab.
- Update the Disk File Name to "Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll"
Click Insert Application Content.
- ZoneableKey = "Settings"
- Description = "Settings"
- Click OK.
- Change the Content Type to "23 - Text"
- Paste the contents of the "settings.param" generated from the Payment_Extension_Settings application.
- Click the Save All button at the top of the EMC menu.
Click Insert Application Content.
2D. Configure Cash Advantage Service Charge
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Service Charges link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Service Charge record named "Cash Advantage Charge."
- In the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Cash Advantage Charge."
- Click OK.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
in the toolbar to change to the form view.
Configure the following settings for the service charge added:
- General tab: Print Class: Set to a print class that prints to guest check, receipt, and journal
- General tab: Tax Class: This must be set to a class that has No Taxes applied, OR a class that only has INCLUSIVE taxes set. Setting this to a tax class with add-on taxes is not supported and will result in incorrect charge calculations.
- General tab: Privilege Group: 0
- General tab: Report Group: Set to report group as desired
- General tab: 1 - On = Open; Off = Preset should be checked
- General tab: 2 - On = Amount; Off = Percent should be checked
- General tab: All other options should be unchecked
- Itemizers tab: All Service Charge Itemizers should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Main Levels should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Sub Levels should be checked
- NLU/SLU tab: NLU should be blank
- NLU/SLU tab: SLU: 0 - None
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2E. Configure Cash Advantage Calculator Menu Items Classes
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Menu Item Classes link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Menu Item Class record named "Cash Advantage Calculation."
- In the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Cash Advantage Calculation"
- Click OK.
- Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
Configure the following settings for the menu item class added:
- General tab: Print Class: Set to a print class that prints to not print to any printers
- General tab: Tax Class: This must be set to a class that has No Taxes applied, OR a class that only has INCLUSIVE taxes set. Setting this to a tax class with add-on taxes is not supported and will result in incorrect charge calculations.
- General tab: Privilege Group: 0
- General tab: Sales Itemizer: Set as appropriate
- General tab: All other settings should be set to zero
- Options tab: 1 - On = Open-Priced Menu Items; Off = Preset Menu Items should be checked
- Options tab: All other options should be unchecked
- Condiment Groups tab: All condiment group options should be unchecked
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Menu Item Class record named "Negative Cash Advantage Calculation."
- In the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Negative Cash Advantage Calculation."
- Click the Use Template checkbox.
- Click the Select link for the Template Record.
- Highlight the menu item class created above and click the OK button.
- Click OK.
Configure the following settings for the menu item class added:
- Option tab: 3 - Negative Priced Menu Items should be checked
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2F. Configure Cash Advantage Calculator Menu Item
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Menu Item Maintenance link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Menu Item record named "Cash Advantage Calculation."
- Ensure Add Master Record from Template is selected.
- Click the Use Template checkbox.
- Click the Select link for the Master to Copy field.
- Highlight a menu item that has similar properties to the Cash Advantage Calculation Menu Item. This would generally be any menu item that is currently in use and available to employees to ring up. The new menu item will be modified with the settings below. Click the OK button.
- In the name field enter: Cash Advantage Calculation.
- In the Record Number field enter the object number desired for the Cash Advantage Calculation menu item.
- Click OK.
- Click No when prompted to add another menu item.
- If the list of menu items is not being displayed, click the Search button.
- Double-click the newly added Cash Advantage Calculation menu item to view the item in form view
Configure the following settings for the menu item added:
- Major Group and Family Group should be set to appropriate groups. In theory, the sales for these items should always be zero as it is removed after the cc voucher is printed. If an issue occurs the menu item could be left on the check.
- General Tab: Menu Item Class: Set it to the menu item class created in the step above
- General Tab: Print Class Override: 0 - None
- General Tab: Touchscreen Properties: All SLUS should be set to 0 - None
- General Tab: Menu Level Availability: All main and sub levels should be checked
- Prices Tab: Price should be set to 0.00
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Menu Item record named "Negative Cash Advantage Calculation."
- Ensure Add Master Record from Template is selected.
- Click the Use Template checkbox.
- Click the Select link for the Master to Copy field.
- Highlight the menu item that was just created above. Click the OK button.
- In the name field enter: Negative Cash Advantage Calculation
- In the Record Number field enter the object number desired for the Negative Cash Advantage Calculation menu item.
- Click OK.
- Click No when prompted to add another menu item
- Double-click the newly added Negative Cash Advantage Calculation menu item to view the item in form view.
Configure the following settings for the menu item added:
- Major Group and Family Group should be set to appropriate groups. In theory, the sales for these items should always be zero as it is removed after the cc voucher is printed, If an issue occurs the menu item could be left on the check.
- General Tab: Menu Item Class: Set it to the negative menu item class created in the step above
- General Tab: Print Class Override: 0 - None
- General Tab: Touchscreen Properties: All SLUS should be set to 0 - None
- General Tab: Menu Level Availability: All main and sub levels should be checked
- Prices Tab: Price should be set to 0.00
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2G. Configure Cash Advantage Page Design Buttons
If credit card payment buttons already exist on the page, they will need to be replaced or modified to the new Cash Advantage credit card payment buttons. It may be desirable to put the original credit card buttons on a page or tab that is still available to be used in situations where it is desired to not add the Cash Advantage charge to the credit card payment. They can also be used in situations where there is an issue with the Cash Advantage functionality.
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted
- From the User Interface sub-menu, click the Page Design link.
- Highlight the transaction page to view the details
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
- Click the Aspect dropdown list and select 16:9 to get a better view of the page.
- Click the Payments tab or any tab that will need the Cash Advantage payment button.
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Credit Authorize function.
Configure the following settings for the Credit Authorize button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: CreditAuthOnly (This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Credit Card Auth (or something similar)
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Credit Finalize function.
Configure the following settings for the Credit Finalize button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: CreditFinalize (This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Credit Card Final (or something similar)
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Manual Authorize function.
Configure the following settings for the Manual Finalize button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: ManualAuthorization(This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Manual Authorization (or something similar)
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Auth and Pay function.
Configure the following settings for the Auth and Pay button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: CreditAuthAndPay(This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Credit Auth And Pay (or something similar)
- Repeat the above buttons set up on any additional pages or tabs as needed.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2H. Configure Cash Advantage Voucher Trailer
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Descriptors tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Headers/Trailers sub-menu, click the Credit Card Trailers link.
- On the appropriate line, enter "@@CashAdvantageVoucherTrailer" (no double quotes, this is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown).
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2I. Optional Add A fix auth button
NOTE: Ideally, this button will never have to be used, but due to the nature of the prevent unused auth reversal functionality, it would be prudent to have access to this button.
If an unused auth is modified by the extension during the close check process, and is not restored when the check is reopened/readjusted, this button would attempt to restore the auth again. |
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the User Interface sub-menu, click the Page Design link.
- Navigate to the page design that makes sense for this button to be added to (potentially a manager screen.)
Add a new button called "Restore Auth."
Type = Function
- "Run Extensibility App From File"
- type = dll
- appname = Shift4_Payment_Extension
- filename = Shif4_Payment_Extension
- function = resetPaymentEdi
Type = Function
- Click the Save All button at the top of the EMC menu.
3. Configure Cash Advantage Extension Application Settings File
- Open the Payment_Extension_Settings application.
Configure the following settings:
- POS Product Line tab: POS PRODUCT LINE: Simphony2
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Enable Cash Advantage Functionality: On
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Send/Stay Object Number: Set this to a configured Tender/Media service button that performs the service check function and remains on the guest check
- Cash Advantage Implementation Method: DUAL_PRICING
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Non-Cash Charge Percentage: Set this to the percentage to charge the customer for credit card usage. This is typically between 3 and 4 percent
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Non-Cash Calculator Object Number: Set this to the object number of the Calculator menu item created in Step 2F
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Negative Non-Cash Calculator Object Number: Set this to the object number of the Negative Calculator menu item created in Step 2F
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Non-Cash Charge Object Number: Set this to the object number of the Non-Cash Charge service charge created in Step 2D
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Charge Tip Object Number: Set this to the object number of the Charge Tip service charge used for employee tips on credit cards. This should have been created previously with the SPI/OPI standard set up.
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Include Other ServiceCharges IN Calculation: Set this ON if other service charges (excluding the Non-Cash Service Charge) should be included in the calculation
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Prompt operator for tip amount on Auth and Pay: Set this to ON in counter service locations where the site accepts tips on counter orders and the pinpad is not configured to prompt for tips
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Prompt operator for Debit or Credit: Set this to ON if the operator should be prompted to select debit or credit when performing a credit card transaction.
- Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the window.
- Open Windows File Explorer and browse to the location of the Payment_Extension_Settings application executable. There will be a file named settings.param that contains all the settings for the payment extension application.
- Open the "settings.param" file in notepad or notepad++ and copy the entire contents into the windows clipboard. It will be used in the step below
4. Update Extension Application Settings
- Open the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) shortcut on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
- Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, go back to the Extension Application configured in Step 2C above.
- Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Custom Content sub-menu, click the Extension Application link.
- Highlight the existing "Shift4_Payment_Extension" extension application.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
- Double-click the second Extension Application Contents record. It should have the Zoneable Key name of settings.
- Paste the contents of the "settings.param" generated from the Payment_Extension_Settings that is currently in the windows clipboard from step 3 above.
- Click the Save All button at the top of the EMC menu.
5. Deploying to workstations
Once EMC is updated, the workstations still need to be updated to reflect the changes.
- It is quite common to have to repeat this step twice. It is suggested to do one workstation, and test before attempting the rest of the workstations at the property.
- The "Reload Database" function must be performed on the workstation.
- A warning will display that this process takes some time. It is not uncommon for this to take over 20 minutes for this process to complete.
- Once the workstation Reload is completed, the service host will need to be restarted.
- If the reload was successful on implementing the new dll, log lines with the prefix ExtApps in the EGatewayLog will be found at ([root]:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\EGatewayLog).
6. Start and Test the Shift4 Payment Extension
- Testing the payment extension installation is dependent on the particular configuration and settings set up to be supported by the extension. Please consult the use case for your particular setting.
Understanding Discrepancies
It is crucial to note that the collection of Cash Advantage fees may not always precisely align with the amount debited from your account for transaction fees. Below are the reasons for these discrepancies:
- Transaction costs are determined by your rate multiplied by the total credit card amount captured by your location and processed through Shift4.
- The additional funds captured by Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Program are solely based on the pre-tip amount of credit card totals captured by your location.
- Transactions where the Cash Advantage fee is intentionally removed by the operator will not be accounted for.
- Certain transactions, such as voids and returns, are also not offset by the Cash Advantage Program.
Simphony Cash Advantage Supplemental Fee Installation
- Merchant has a Shift4 processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- The merchant’s Oracle Hospitality Simphony POS system has been configured to be used with Shift4.
The supplemental cash advantage program allows merchants to apply an across the board service charge.
- The Supplemental Fee cannot be applied to Non-Revenue Service Charges.
- If you are already using auto service charge functionality built into the Oracle RES product, you will need to make operational changes to accommodate this Supplemental Fee.
Software Installation
- Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Configure Cash Advantage Service Charge
- Configure RVC Tender Parameters
- Add Service Charge Exempt button to page design
- Confirm privileges on auto service charge exempt function
- Deploy to Workstations
1. Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Merchant has a Shift4 payments processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- Shift4 Payments are functional with current SPI + UTG configuration.
2. Setup Simphony Using EMC
2A. Access the Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
- Open the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) shortcut on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
Log in to EMC with a user that has permission to make the necessary changes.
- Screenshots may vary depending on user permissions and configuration
- Screenshots may vary depending on user permissions and configuration
2B. Navigate The Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
Once logged in, the "locations" navigation tree in the left panel of the application window will be displayed. The tree hierarchy has three levels under the Default System View.
- The Organization\Enterprise level
- The Property\Location level
- The Revenue Centers level
2D. Configure Cash Advantage Service Charge
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level. - Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Service Charges link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Service Charge record named "Supplemental Fee."
- In the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Supplemental Fee."
- Click OK.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
in the toolbar to change to the form view.
Configure the following settings for the service charge added:
- General Tab - Percent: Set this to the appropriate amount (For example, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, etc)
- General tab: Print Class: Set to a print class that prints to guest check, receipt, and journal
- General tab: Tax Class: This must be set to a class that has No Taxes applied, OR a class that only has INCLUSIVE taxes set. Setting this to a tax class with add-on taxes is not supported and will result in incorrect charge calculations.
- General tab: Privilege Group: 0
- General tab: Report Group: Set to report group as desired
- General tab: 1 - On = Open; Off = Preset should be unchecked
- General tab: 2 - On = Amount; Off = Percent should be unchecked
- General tab: All other options should be unchecked
- Itemizers tab: All Service Charge Itemizers should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Main Levels should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Sub Levels should be checked
- NLU/SLU tab: NLU should be blank
- NLU/SLU tab: SLU: 0 - None
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
Configure the RVC Tender Parameters
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the revenue center level. - Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Parameters sub-menu, click the Tender Parameters link.
- Change the Automatic Service Charge dropdown to be the Supplemental fee created in the previous step.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
Configure the RVC Parameters
- Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired revenue center from the location tree.
- Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Parameters sub-menu, click the RVC Parameters link.
- On the Options tab, uncheck option 10 - Auto Service Charge Defaults to Off.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
Add Service Charge Exempt button to page design
It may be necessary for the Supplemental Fee to be removed from the check in certain situations. This function can be placed on any page but would typically be placed on the payment or function screen. This functionality should be controlled by employee class privilege so that only managers are allowed to exempt the Supplemental Fee.
- Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired level where the appropriate page exists from the location tree.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the User Interface sub-menu, click the Page Design link.
- Select the appropriate page from list of pages. Usually this will be the transaction page.
- Navigate to the section where the exempt button will be placed.
Right-click the background of the page and select Add Button to add a new button. Alternatively, and existing button can be copied and pasted using right click., and change the following settings for that button:
- Legend - Remove Supplemental Fee
- Type: Function
Function - Exempt Auto Service Charge
- Repeat the above steps for any additional touchscreens that need the remove Supplemental Fee button.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
Confirm privileges on auto service charge exempt function
Checking proper privileges is required to prevent an employee from removing a Supplemental Fee that they are not authorized to remove. Every employee class should be checked to confirm that only authorized employees are privileged to remove the Supplemental Fee.
- Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the enterprise level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Personnel sub-menu, click the Roles link.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
in the toolbar to change to the form view.
- Click the first role.
On the Operations >Transactions tab, ensure that option 12- Authorize/perform Automatic Service Charge Exemptions is set appropriately for the role.
- Repeat step 6 for all the other roles.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
Deploying to workstations
Once EMC is updated, the workstations still need to be updated to reflect the changes.
- It is quite common to have to repeat this step twice. It is suggested to do one workstation, and test before attempting the rest of the workstations at the property.
- The "Reload Database" function must be performed on the workstation.
A warning will display that this process takes some time. It is not uncommon for this to take over 20 minutes for this process to complete.
- Once the workstation Reload is completed, the service host will need to be restarted.
- If the reload was successful on implementing the new dll, log lines with the prefix ExtApps in the EGatewayLog will be found at ([root]:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\EGatewayLog).
Simphony Cash Advantage True Cash Discount Installation
The Simphony 2 Payment Extension adds support to existing Shift4 customers leveraging Oracle Simphony SPI requiring additional functionality that SPI alone does not cover.
Payment Extension now includes True Cash Discount. True Cash Discount is a part of the Cash Advantage program that allows merchants to give their customers a discount when using cash for payment. The instructions for setting up True Cash Discount are included below.
Software Installation
- Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Install Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension Using EMC
- Configure Cash Advantage Discount
- Configure Cash Tender
- Configure Cash Advantage Page Design Buttons
- Configure Cash Advantage Extension Application Settings File
- Update Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension
- Deploy to Workstations
- Start and test the Shift4 Payment Extension application
1. Confirm Prerequisites Have Been Met
- Merchant has a Shift4 payments processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- Payment_Extension_Settings application is installed and functional.
2. Setup Simphony Using EMC
2A. Access the Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
- Open the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) shortcut on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
Log in to EMC with a user that has permission to make the necessary changes.
- Screenshots may vary depending on user permissions and configuration.
- Screenshots may vary depending on user permissions and configuration.
2B. Navigate The Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
Once logged in, the "locations" navigation tree in the left panel of the application window will be displayed. The tree hierarchy has three levels under the Default System View.
- The Organization\Enterprise level
- The Property\Location level
- The Revenue Centers level
2C. Install the Simphony 2 Shift4 Payment Extension
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Properties typically have unique Shift4 Mid Assignments, which require unique settings configurations.
For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Custom Content sub-menu, click the Extension Application link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Extension Application Record named "Shift4_Payment_Extension".
Add the Extension Application Contents:
Click Insert Application Content.
- ZoneableKey = "Shift4_Payment_Extension"
- Description = "Shift4_Payment_Extension"
- Click OK.
- Change the Content Type to "3 - DLL" from the dropdown menu.
Click import from file.
- For Properties 19.2 and above, select the 19.2 Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll from the download folder.
- For Properties 19.1 and below, select the 19.1 Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll from the download folder.
- Navigate to the General tab.
- Update the Disk File Name to "Shift4_Payment_Extension.dll"
Click Insert Application Content.
- ZoneableKey = "Settings"
- Description = "Settings"
- Click OK.
- Change the Content Type to "23 - Text"
- Paste the contents of the "settings.param" generated from the Payment_Extension_Settings application.
- Click the Save All button at the top of the EMC menu.
Click Insert Application Content.
2D. Configure Cash Advantage Cash Discount
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Discounts link.
- Click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Discount record named "Cash Discount."
- In the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Cash Discount."
- Click OK.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
in the toolbar to change to the form view.
Configure the following settings for the discount added:
- General tab: Activation Type: 0 - Manual
- General tab: Print Class: Set to a print class that prints to guest check, receipt, and journal
- General tab: Privilege Group: 0
- General tab: Report Group: Set to report group as desired
- General tab: Trigger MI Group: 0 - Use Discount Itemizers
- General tab: 1 - On = Open; Off = Preset should be checked
- General tab: 2 - On = Amount; Off = Percent should be checked
- General tab: All other options should be unchecked
- RVC Type: All revenue center types should be checked
- Itemizers tab: All Discount Itemizers should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Main Levels should be checked
- Menu Levels tab: All Active on Sub Levels should be checked
- NLU/SLU tab: NLU should be blank
- NLU/SLU tab: SLU: 0 - None
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2E. Configure Cash Advantage Cash Tender
A cash tender will most likely already exist. It is not necessary to create a new cash tender, just confirm the settings.
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Sales sub-menu, click the Tender/Media link.
- Highlight the existing cash tender or click the Insert button located in the toolbar to add a new Tender/Media record named "Cash."
- If displayed, in the Insert Record dialog box, select the option button "Record number or range" and enter the object number desired in the field to the right of the option button.
- Set the Record Name(s) field to "Cash."
- Click OK.
Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
in the toolbar to change to the form view.
Confirm/configure the following settings for the cash tender:
- General tab: Privilege Group: 0
- General tab: Key Type: 1-Payment
- General tab: Report Group: Set to report group as desired
- General tab: Print Class: Select a print class that prints on the customer receipt, journal, and guest check
- Options tab: Ops Behavior tab: 2 - Amount Required should be unchecked
- General tab: Ops Behavior tab: 3 - Assume Paid in Full should be unchecked
- General tab: Printing Options tab: 8 - Print Customer Receipt should be checked
- General tab: Printing Options tab: 21 - Print Summary Totals should be checked
- General tab: Printing Options tab: 22 - Print Check Trailer should be checked
- General tab: Printing Options tab: 23 - Print Check on Demand should be checked
- General tab: Charge Tip Options: 10 - Post Amount ot Gross Receipts on Tip Reports should be checked
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar.
2F. Configure Cash Advantage Page Design Buttons
Existing Cash Payment can remain on the payment pages at the merchants discretion. There may be some situations where the merchant chooses not to apply a discount to the cash tender. Gift card sales could be one example. The Cash Replacement button will be used to display the cash due amount and prompt the operator for a cash amount to enter.
Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, select the desired property from the location tree.
- For most installations, it is suggested to install at the property level.
- Click on the Configuration tab if not already highlighted.
- From the User Interface sub-menu, click the Page Design link.
- Highlight the transaction page to view the details.
- Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
- Click the Aspect dropdown list and select 16:9 to get a better view of the page.
- Click the Payments tab or any tab that will need the Cash Replacement button.
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Cash Replacement function.
Configure the following settings for the Cash Replacement button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: CashReplacement (This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Cash or Cash w/ Disc (or something similar)
- If needed, right-click on the design grid and select Add Button for the Display Cash Total function
Configure the following settings for the Display Cash Total button added:
- Type: Function - Run Extensibility App
- Arguments: Type: dll
- Arguments: appname: Shift4_Payment_extension
- Arguments: filename: Shift4_Payment_extension.dll
- Arguments: function: DisplayCashTotals (This is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown)
- Legend: Display Cash Total (or something similar)
- Repeat the above buttons set up on any additional pages or tabs as needed.
Save the changes once complete by pressing the Save button
in the toolbar
3. Configure Cash Advantage Extension Application Settings File
- Open the Payment_Extension_Settings application.
Configure the following settings:
- POS Product Line tab: POS PRODUCT LINE: Simphony2
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Enable Cash Advantage Functionality: On
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Send/Stay Object Number: Set this to a configured Tender/Media service button that performs the service check function and remains on the guest check
- Cash Advantage Implementation Method: CASH_DISCOUNT
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Cash Discount Percentage: Set this to the percentage to charge the customer for credit card usage. This is typically between 3 and 4 percent
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Send/Stay Object Number: Set this to a configured Tender/Media service button that performs the service check function and remains on the guest check
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Cash Discount Object Number: Set this to the object number of the discount created in Step 2D
- Simphony Cash Advantage Settings tab: Cash Tender Object Number: Set this to the object number of the cash tender referenced in Step 2E
- Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the window.
- Open Windows File Explorer and browse to the location of the Payment_Extension_Settings application executable. There will be a file named settings.param that contains all the settings for the payment extension application.
- Open the "settings.param" file in notepad or notepad++ and copy the entire contents into the windows clipboard. It will be used in the step below.
4. Update Extension Application Settings
- Open the Enterprise Management Console (EMC) shortcut on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
- Once logged in to EMC with the appropriate permissions, go back to the Extension Application configured in Step 2C above.
- Click on the Setup tab if not already highlighted.
- From the Custom Content sub-menu, click the Extension Application link.
- Highlight the existing "Shift4_Payment_Extension" extension application.
- Click the Toggle Table/Form View button
- Double-click the second Extension Application Contents record. It should have the Zoneable Key name of settings.
- Paste the contents of the "settings.param" generated from the Payment_Extension_Settings that is currently in the windows clipboard from step 3 above.
- Click the Save All button at the top of the EMC menu.
5. Deploying to workstations
Once EMC is updated, the workstations still need to be updated to reflect the changes.
- It is quite common to have to repeat this step twice. It is suggested to do one workstation and test before attempting the rest of the workstations at the property.
- The "Reload Database" function must be performed on the workstation.
- A warning will display that this process takes some time. It is not uncommon for this to take over 20 minutes for this process to complete.
- Once the workstation Reload is completed, the service host will need to be restarted.
- If the reload was successful on implementing the new dll, log lines with the prefix ExtApps in the EGatewayLog will be found at: ([root]:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\EGatewayLog).
6. Start and Test the Shift4 Payment Extension
- Testing the payment extension installation is dependent on the particular configuration and settings set up to be supported by the extension. Please consult the use case for your particular setting.
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