Description: The Advantage Program is a series of patron-facing and POS configuration options designed to help merchants offset operational costs. Under the Advantage Program for Micros RES, there are three pricing and POS configuration options.
- Res Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Installation
- Res Cash Advantage Supplemental Fee Installation
- Res True Cash Discount Installation
WARNING: Advantage Program and Debit/EBT transactions are incompatible!
Important: The Advantage Program is NOT a surcharge program. Shift4 does not support or endorse any type of credit card surcharging. It is the merchant's responsibility to be familiar with the patron-facing pricing and POS configuration options available under Shift4's Advantage Program and choose the option that works best for their business.
Res Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Installation
- The merchant has a Shift4 processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- The merchant’s Oracle Hospitality RES 3700 POS system has been configured to be used with Shift4.
- DBA credentials for the micros Sybase anywhere database.
- FOR OPI INSTALLATIONS ONLY: "Enable Top up authorization for POS" must be checked in the Oracle Payment Interface Configuration utility. The setting is on the PSP Configuration tab.
The Cash Advantage program allows merchants to offer a dual pricing method for cash and non-cash payments.
- Dual pricing cannot be applied to Non-Revenue Service Charges.
- Exact Amount Partial Tendering may not work with the Dual Pricing logic. It is suggested to split the checks prior to payment when possible. If exact charges are needed for a partial payment in a situation such as a 50.00 pre-loaded card, it is suggested to use the legacy credit card buttons that will leverage the cash due amount instead.
- When voiding a credit card tender, DO NOT void the charge tip amount, void the credit card tender, the charge tip will automatically get voided as well. Voiding the charge tip will cause the authorization to not be available to be retendered.
- If a taxing jurisdiction requires the non-cash svc to be taxable, the tax on the non-Cash svc tax must be INCLUSIVE. Using an add-on/percentage or breakpoint type tax will result in incorrect calculations.
- If the amount of sales on a credit card authorization changes after an authorization occurs, the credit card authorization button must be used to create a new voucher with the correct amount. It is possible in a partial tender situation to change the authorized amount using the cc final button. Doing this will incorrectly calculate the non-cash total. Changing the amount authorized on a partial tender with the CC Final button is not best practice, but is possible and will cause an incorrect non-cash total.
- Non-cash totals will not be precisely equivalent to the rate charged for use with the non-cash total over time. There are several factors that prevent "balancing" the total non-cash svc. These include: tips not being included in the calculation, rounding, and taxes applied to the non-cash svc itself. The circular nature of the charge also will affect balancing. For example, a check of $1000 would display a non-cash total due of $1030, but because $1030 is being charged, the 3% calculation on the non-cash total would be $1030.90. In general, the Cash Advantage program is a best effort to collect the appropriate charge fee amount.
- Using split check to a separate a check with multiple authorizations already present will generally not work properly. Best practice is to split guest checks before any authorizations are applied.
- Prompting operator for debit/credit is not currently supported using bridge.
- Copy Installation files as appropriate.
- Install Payment Extension Application.
- Use the POS Configurator to configure the RES/3700 POS as appropriate.
- Run Payment Extension Manage to configure settings.
- Rename the PMSX.isl file
- Use the POS Configurator to complete the RES/3700 POS programming.
- Run CashAdvantageInstall.sql script to add cashAdvantage db user and stored procedures.
Copy Installation files
- Open File Explorer on the RES/3700 server.
- Locate the file or download the file to a temporary location on the RES/3700 server.
- Extract the files (PMSX.isl, CashAdvantageInstall.sql, and payment extension application files ) from the installation zip file to a temp folder on the RES/3700 server, if necessary.
- Copy the files into the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
Install Payment Extension Application
- Create a folder on the RES server for the payment extension application. The default location should be D:\micros\ProfessionalServices\payment_Extension_Settings
- copy the application files to the folder.
- Run the Install Service shortcut.
When prompted, enter a name for the service. The default name should work in most instances.
Configure RES using POS Configurator (Part 1)
Open POS Configurator on the RES server.
Configure the Cash Advantage Interface:
- Click on the Devices tab.
- Click on the Interfaces button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new interface record. Make a note of the record number, it will be used later when renaming the isl file.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: CashAdvantage
- General Tab - Outgoing Message Name: CashAdvantage
- General Tab - Timeout: 20
- General Tab - Network Node: Pick the server from the drop down list
- General Tab - Number of ID Digits: 2
- General Tab - Log Transactions: Checked
- General Tab - SIM Interface: Checked
- General Tab - Interface Type: TCP
- Interface Tab - TCP Server Name: Set to
- Interface Tab - TCP Port Number: Select a port number that is NOT in use by any other interface. the typical port number is in the range of 5001-5100. Make a note of this port number as it will be used again when setting up the payment extension application.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- On RES Versions 5.7 and higher, when prompted to load the ISL file now, click No.
- Close the Interfaces window.
Configure the Service Charge.
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Service Charges button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new Service Charge record for the Non-Cash Charge Calculation. Make a note of the service charge object number as it will be used again when setting up the payment extension application.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: CashAdv Calc
- General Tab - Tax Class: Select a class that has no Taxes unless the Non-Cash Charge is taxable in your jurisdiction. Otherwise, select the tax class that applies.
- General Tab - Print Class: Select a class that prints on guest checks, receipts, journals and reports
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- General Tab - Percent: Blank
- General Tab - Amount: Blank
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- Options Tab - Preset: Unchecked
- Options Tab - Amount: Checked
- Options Tab - Apply to Service Charge Itemizers: All eight itemizers checked
- Service Charge Tab - Type: Standard
- Service Charge Tab - Post to cover count: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to service charges total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Tender/Media for Tips Paid: Blank
- Service Charge Tab - Post a percentage to tips paid: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to tips paid total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to charged tips total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post on check finalize: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Do not post to emp tip totals: Unchecked
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- If desired, click the Number field for the Non-Cash Charge Calculation and change it to a number that is not in use that is also within the range of other service charges that are similar for organizing reasons.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new Service Charge record for the Non-Cash Charge. Make a note of the service charge object number as it will be used again when setting up the payment extension application.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: CashAdvantage
- General Tab - Tax Class: Select a class that has no Taxes unless the non-cash svc is taxable in your jurisdiction. Otherwise, select the tax class that applies.
- General Tab - Print Class: Select a class that prints journals and reports
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- General Tab - Percent: Blank
- General Tab - Amount: Blank
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- Options Tab - Preset: Unchecked
- Options Tab - Amount: Checked
- Options Tab - Apply to Service Charge Itemizers: All eight itemizers checked
- Service Charge Tab - Type: Standard
- Service Charge Tab - Post to cover count: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to service charges total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Tender/Media for Tips Paid: Blank
- Service Charge Tab - Post a percentage to tips paid: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to tips paid total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to charged tips total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post on check finalize: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Do not post to emp tip totals: Unchecked
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- If desired, click the Number field for the CashAdvantage svc and change it to a number that is not in use and is also within the range of other service charges that are similar for organizing reasons.
- Close the Service Charges window.
Configure the Cash Advantage Send & Stay Tender/Media.
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Tender / Media button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new Tender Media record for the Cash Advantage Calculator.
- Change the Object Number in the Number column to 999901 and press Enter.
Set the record fields as listed below:
- Name: CA Send/Stay
- General Tab - Type: Select Service Total in the dropdown.
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- Service TTL Tab - Send Order: Checked
- Service TTL Tab - Keep Held Status selected
- Tender Tab - No options should be selected
- Presets Tab - No options should be selected
- CC Tender Tab - No options should be selected
- CC Auth Tab - No options should be selected
- PMS Tab - No options should be selected
- Printing Tab - No options should be selected
- Personal Check Tab - No options should be selected
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Tender / Media window.
Configure the Guest Check and Receipt trailers
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Descriptors button.
- Click on the Trailers tab.
- Highlight the trailer for the guest checks and receipts.
- If trailer Line 1 is empty, enter @@cashadv on that line. Otherwise, move the text on each of the lines down a line and then enter @@cashadv on Line 1. It may be necessary to remove a line or consolidate text between lines in order to get the new trailer to print as desired.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above steps for any trailers that require the Cash Advantage custom trailer.
- Close the Descriptors window.
Configure the print check tender/media.
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Tender/Media button.
- Highlight the first Tender/Media record.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Printing Tab - Print summary totals: Unchecked
- Printing Tab - Print check trailer: Checked
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above steps for all tender/media records.
- Close the Tender/Media window.
Configure the RVC Discount / Service
- Click on the Revenue Center tab.
- Click on the RVC Discount / Service button.
- If the Other Service Charge Name is something specific, like Gratuity, this would need to be changed to something more inclusive of the different types of service charges. It could be changed to "Other Service Charges" for example.
- If a change was made to the field, click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the RVC Discount / Service window.
Configure touchscreen buttons
- Click on the Devices tab.
- Click on the Touchscreen Designer button.
- Click the dropdown list in the upper left corner to select the payment touchscreen or touchscreen that currently has the credit card payment buttons.
Select the Credit Authorize button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashAdvantage
- Inquire Number - 11
Select the Credit Finalize button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashAdvantage
- Inquire Number - 21
Select the Credit Lookup (Auth & Pay) button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashAdvantage
- Inquire Number - 31
Add a new button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashAdvantage
- Inquire Number - 52
- Legend - Display Credit Ttl
Add a new button and change the following settings: Note: This button is used to pull down changes to payment extension and database settings. It should normally be placed on a managers only screen:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashAdvantage
- Inquire Number - 99
- Legend - Initialize Interface
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Touchscreen Designer window.
Run Payment Extension Manage to configure settings
- Open File Explorer on the RES server.
- Browse to the folder where the Payment Extension Application was placed in a previous step.
- Open the Manage Service shortcut.
- On the POS Product Line tab, select RES_3700 from the POS Product Line dropdown list.
On the Windows Service Setup tab, enter the following settings:
- Service Name - leave blank
- Service IP Address - set to
- Service port # - the port number configured in a previous used on the POS Configurator > Devices > Interface > Interface tab > TCP Port Number field.
On the Payment Extension Settings tab, enter the following settings:
- Service Name - leave blank
- Merchant ID - enter the customers Merchant ID
On the RES Cash Advantage Settings tab, enter the following settings:
- Enable Cash Advantage Functionality - checked
- Is RES Cash Advantage logging enabled - checked
- Cash Advantage Log File Name for RES: cashAdvantage.log
- Logging Level - 0 for normal operations
- Send/Stay Object Number: Set this to 999901, the tender/media that was created in a previous step
- Cash Advantage Implementation Method - select dual pricing to view the dual pricing specific settings
- Non-Cash Percentage - Set this to the percent being added for non-cash payments
- Non-Cash Calculation Object Number - Set this to the calculation service charge created in a previous step
- Non-Cash Service Charge Object Number - Set this to the cashAdvantage service charge created in a previous step
- Charge Tip Object Number - Set this to the charge tip object number used for tips on credit card tenders
- Include Other Service Charges in Calculation - Set this to checked if other service charges should be included in the calculation
- Prompt operator for tip amount on Auth and Pay - Set this to checked if the counter service operation does not prompt for tips on the pinpad
- Prompt operator for Credit or Debit on Credit Card Transactions - Set this to checked to prompt for credit or debit when using credit authorization buttons. When debit is selected that service charge calculation is skipped.
On the RES Database Configuration tab, enter the following settings:
- Database Name - micros
- Database User Name - custom
- Database Password - set to the custom database users password
- Click the Save Settings button to save the settings.
Rename the PMSX.isl filename.
On the RES 3700 Server, you will need to rename the PMSX.isl to the correct pms###.isl name, and place the renamed file in various locations to be copied to the workstations. You only need to copy the renamed PMSX.ISL to the folder for their workstation models.
- Retrieve the object number of the Cash Advantage interface number created in the step above.
- Open File Explorer.
- Browse to the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
- Make a backup copy of the PMSX.isl file.
- Right-click on the PMSX.isl filename and select rename.
- Change the name of the file to PMS##.isl where ## is the object number from step one above.
Configure RES using POS Configurator (Part 2) RES Versions 5.6 and higher.
- Open POS Configurator on the RES server.
- Click on the Devices tab.
Click on the ISL Files button.
- Highlight the last ISL File record.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new interface record.
- Enter the appropriate PMS name from the steps above in the Name field.
- Click on the folder icon to the right of the File Name field.
- Browse to the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
- Highlight the file that was renamed in the step above.
- Click the Open button.
- Click the Yes button to continue loading the two Cash Advantage files into the RES database.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Interfaces window.
Note: If the settings in the payment extension change, it is recommended to initialize the Interface button to pull down the new settings.
Copy isl files for distribution to the workstations (Part 2) RES Versions 5.5 and below
On the RES/3700 server, copy the renamed “PMSX.isl” to:
- ...\MICROS\Res\Pos\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS5A\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS5\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS4LX\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS4\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\Win32\Files\Micros\Res\Pos\Etc...
Run CashAdvantageInstall.sql script
- On the RES Server, click Start > Run and type “dbisql” and press Enter.
- In the Connect dialog box, enter dba in the User ID: field, and enter the dba password in the Password: field and click the Connect button.
- From the file menu, click File > Open.
- In the Open dialog box, browse to the temp folder where the installation files were placed, highlight the CashAdvantageInstall.sql file and click the Open button.
- Click the execute button in the toolbar to run the script.
Note: The first step in the script is to create the CashAdvantage db user. If the script must be run more than one time and the user was successfully created, comment the first line by adding two dashes to the beginning of the line (the text will turn green). The rest of the script commands will overwrite the existing objects. - Close dbisql.
Optional Configuration
If you so desire, you can optionally program the built-in credit card functions to be available in case of emergency use or for situations where you choose not to apply the non-cash charge to a specific guest check. For example, if you do not want to apply the non-cash charge to debit cards, you can use built-in credit card functionality. In some cases, it may be necessary to place the built-in credit card functions on a touchscreen only available to managers.
Understanding Discrepancies
It is crucial to note that the collection of Cash Advantage fees may not always precisely align with the amount debited from your account for transaction fees. Below are the reasons for these discrepancies:
- Transaction costs are determined by your rate multiplied by the total credit card amount captured by your location and processed through Shift4.
- The additional funds captured by the Cash Advantage Dual Pricing Program are solely based on the pre-tip amount of credit card totals captured by your location.
- Transactions where the Cash Advantage fee is intentionally removed by the operator will not be accounted for.
- Certain transactions, such as voids and returns, are also not offset by the Cash Advantage Program.
Res Cash Advantage Supplemental Fee Installation
- The merchant has a Shift4 processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- The merchant’s Oracle Hospitality RES 3700 POS system has been configured to be used with Shift4.
The supplemental cash advantage program allows merchants to apply an across the board service charge.
- The supplemental fee cannot be applied to Non-Revenue Service Charges.
- If you are already using auto service charge functionality built into the Oracle RES product, you will need to make operational changes to accommodate this Supplemental Fee.
Use the POS Configurator to configure the RES/3700 POS as appropriate.
Configure RES using POS Configurator
Open POS Configurator on the RES server.
Configure the supplemental fee service charge
- In POS Configurator, click on the Sales tab.
- In POS Configurator, click on the Service Charges button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new service charge record.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: Supplmnt Fee
- General Tab - Tax Class: Select a class that is no Taxes, unless the supplemental fee is taxable in the your jurisdiction. Otherwise, select the tax class that applies.
- General Tab - Print Class: Select a class that prints on guest checks, receipts, journals and reports
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- General Tab - Percent: Set this to the appropriate amount (For example, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, etc)
- General Tab - Amount: Blank
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- Options Tab - Preset: Checked
- Options Tab - Amount: Unchecked
- Options Tab - Apply to Service Charge Itemizers: None of the itemizers should be checked
- Service Charge Tab - Type: Standard
- Service Charge Tab - Post to cover count: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to service charges total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Tender/Media for Tips Paid: Blank
- Service Charge Tab - Post a percentage to tips paid: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to tips paid total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post to charged tips total: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Post on check finalize: Unchecked
- Service Charge Tab - Do not post to emp tip totals: Unchecked
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- If desired, click the Number field for the supplemental fee Calculation and change it to number that is not in use that is also within the range of other service charges that are similar for organizing reasons.
- Click on the blue plus icon in the toolbar to create a new Service Charge record for the supplemental fee.
- Close the Service Charges window.
Configure the RVC Discount/Service.
- In POS Configurator, click on the Revenue Center tab.
- In POS Configurator, click on the RVC Discount / Service button.
Set the fields as listed below:
- Turn auto service charge off: Unchecked
- Auto Service Charge: Select Supplmnt Fee in the dropdown.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above step for all revenue centers
- Close the RVC Discount/Service window.
Find Tracking Groups that are currently in use
- In POS Configurator, click on the Reporting tab.
- In POS Configurator, click on the Historical Totals button.
- In the Historical Totals window, click on the Classes tab.
- Scroll through all of the historical totals classes. Make a note of the tracking groups used. Each individual tracking group that is used by a historical totals class will need to be changed in the next step
Configure Tracking Groups
- In POS Configurator, click the Reporting tab
- In POS Configurator, click the Tracking Group button.
Click the Copy button
in the toolbar
Click the Paste button
in the toolbar. This will create a new tracking group.
- Change the name as necessary to reflect the difference in the tracking group. Typically the date of the change is appended to the end of the name.
- Click the green check to save the changes.
- Find the existing tracking group total for the "Cash Discount/NCC/ Non Cash Charge" if a Cash Advantage was previously installed and change the name field to "Supp Fee." Otherwise find a record number between 1 and 64 that is not being used.
- In the Tracking Total Type dropdown list select "Discount/Service Charge"
- In the "Tracking Total Number" field select the supplemental fee programmed in the steps above.
- Click the green check to save the changes.
- Repeat these steps for all the tracking groups that are used by historical totals classes.
Add Service Charge Exempt button to touchscreen.
It may be necessary for the supplemental fee to be removed from the check in certain situations. This function can be placed on any touchscreen but would typically be placed on the payment or function screen. This functionality should be controlled by employee class privilege so that only managers are allowed to exempt the supplemental fee.- In POS Configurator, click on the Devices tab.
- In POS Configurator, click on the Touchscreen Designer button.
- Click the dropdown list in the upper left corner to select the payment touchscreen, or touchscreen where the service charge exempt button is needed.
Click the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to add a new button, and change the following settings for that button:
- Legend - Remove Supp Fee
- Category - Function: Check Operations
- Function - Auto Service Charge Exempt
- Repeat the above steps for any additional touchscreens that need the remove supp fee button.
- Click the green check to save the changes.
Confirm privileges on auto service charge exempt function
Checking proper privileges is required to prevent an employee from removing a supplemental fee that they are not authorized to remove. Every employee class should be checked to confirm that only authorized employees are privileged to remove the supplemental fee.- In POS Configurator, click on the Employees tab.
- In POS Configurator, click on the Employee Classes button.
- In the Employee Classes window, click on the Transactions tab.
- In the Transactions tab, click on the Transaction Control tab.
- Starting with the first employee class and checking them all verify that the "Exempt auto service chg" is unchecked for employee classes that are not authorized to remove the supplemental fee. Check these options for any employee who would be authorized to remove a supplemental fee.
- Click the green check to save the changes.
Change Crystal Report templates as necessary
Changes to crystal reports may be necessary. Changing crystal report templates is outside of the scope of this document and should be performed by someone familiar with the process.
Res True Cash Discount Installation
- The merchant has a Shift4 processing account and has been assigned to a Merchant ID Number (MID).
- The merchant’s Oracle Hospitality RES 3700 POS system has been configured to be used with Shift4.
The True Cash Discount program allows merchants to offer a reduced guest check price when using cash for payment.
- The current implementation does not have any configuration for limiting the cash discount based on specific menu item/service charge existence on a guest check. IE. The discount is applied to the entire check without regard to the check detail. An example of a situation you may desire to NOT apply a cash discount is with a gift card sale. In these situations, It is recommended that the regular cash tender is placed on a touchscreen (possibly with the gift card sale buttons) in order to use it to not apply the cash discount.
- The current implementation will only apply the discount to a cash tender. It will not apply to other tenders, such as gift card redeem, or house charge. If this is desired, an additional discount should be created which is a preset percentage discount for the cash discount percent. Typically it would be a manager controlled button. This discount would be used manually before the gift card redeem or house charge tender.
- Copy installation files as appropriate.
- Use the POS Configurator to configure the RES/3700 POS as appropriate.
- Install Payment Extension Application.
- Configure Payment Extension Application
- Install Cash Advantage Windows Interface Service.
- Start Cash Advantage Windows Interface Service.
- Rename the PMSX.isl file.
- Use the POS Configurator to complete the RES/3700 POS programming.
Copy Installation files
- Open File Explorer on the RES/3700 server.
- Locate the file or download the file to a temporary location on the RES/3700 server.
- Extract the PMSX.isl file from the installation zip file to a temp folder on the RES/3700 server, if necessary.
- Copy the file into the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
Configure RES using POS Configurator (Part 1)
Open POS Configurator on the RES server.
Configure the Cash Discount Interface
- Click on the Devices tab.
- Click on the Interfaces button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new interface record. Make a note of the record number, it will be used later when renaming the isl file.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: CashDiscount
- General Tab - Outgoing Message Name: CashDiscount
- General Tab - Timeout: 20
- General Tab - Network Node: Pick the server from the drop down list
- General Tab - Number of ID Digits: 9
- General Tab - Log Transactions: Checked
- General Tab - SIM Interface: Checked
- General Tab - Interface Type: TCP
- Interface Tab - TCP Server Name: This assumes the payment extension service is running on the RES Server. If the service is running on a computer other than the RES server, use the ip address of that computer instead.
- Interface Tab - TCP Port Number: Pick a port number that is not in use by any other interface or application. Most RES Interfaces use a port number in the 5001-5099 range. Make a note of the port number used as it will be configured in the payment extension application in a later step.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- On RES Versions 5.7 and higher, when prompted to load the ISL file now, click No.
- Close the Interfaces window.
Configure the Cash Discount
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Discounts button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new Discount record. Make a note of the record number, it will be used later when configuring the payment extension application.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Name: Cash Discnt
- General Tab - Type: Manual
- General Tab - Tax Class: Select the tax class that contains the tax rates that will be forgiven
- General Tab - Print Class: Select a class that prints on guest checks, receipts, journals and reports
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- General Tab - Percent: Blank
- General Tab - Amount: Blank
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- Options Tab - Preset: Unchecked
- Options Tab - Amount: Checked
- Options Tab - Reset Itemizers: (If not grayed out) unchecked
- Discount Tab - Apply to auto svc chg: set as appropriate
- Itemizers Tab - All itemizers checked
- Rule Setup Tab - All fields blank
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- If desired, click the Number field for the Cash Discount and change it to number that is not in use and is also within the range of other discounts that are similar for organizing reasons.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Discount window.
Configure the Cash Discount Send & Stay Tender/Media.
If an existing tender/media exists, that has the same configuration as below, it can be used instead of creating a new one. Make a note of the record number. It will be used later when configuring the payment extension application.- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Tender / Media button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new Tender Media record for the Cash Discount.
- Change the Object Number in the Number column to 999901 and press Enter. Make a note of the record number, it will be used later when configuring the payment extension application.
Set the record fields as listed below:
- Name: CA Send/Stay
- General Tab - Type: Select Service Total in the dropdown.
- General Tab - Menu Level Class: Select a class that has all main and sub levels selected.
- General Tab - SLU: Must be blank
- General Tab - Privilege: 0 (Zero)
- Service TTL Tab - Send Order: Checked
- Service TTL Tab - Keep Held Status selected
- Tender Tab - No options should be selected
- Presets Tab - No options should be selected
- CC Tender Tab - No options should be selected
- CC Auth Tab - No options should be selected
- PMS Tab - No options should be selected
- Printing Tab - No options should be selected
- Personal Check Tab - No options should be selected
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Tender / Media window.
Reconfigure the Cash Tender/Media.
Some of the options for the existing cash tender may need to be modified to work with the cash discount.
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Tender / Media button.
- Highlight the existing Cash Tender
Confirm the record fields as listed below:
- Tender Tab - Assume paid in full should NOT be selected
- Tender Tab - Require amount entry should be selected
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
Close the Tender / Media window.
Configure the Guest Check and Receipt trailers
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Descriptors button.
- Click on the Trailers tab.
- Highlight the trailer for the guest checks and receipts.
- If trailer Line 1 is empty, enter @@cashDiscount on that line. Otherwise, move the text on each of the lines down a line and then enter @@cashDiscount on Line 1, It may be necessary to remove a line or consolidate text between lines in order to get the new trailer to print as desired.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above steps for any trailers that require the Cash Discount custom trailer.
- Close the Descriptors window.
Configure the print check tender/media
- Click on the Sales tab.
- Click on the Tender/Media button.
- Highlight the first Tender/Media record used for printing checks.
Set the record fields as listed below: Note any fields not listed can be set as desired.
- Printing Tab - Print check trailer: Checked
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above steps for all tender/media records.
- Close the Tender/Media window.
(Optional) Create preset cash macros
- Click on the System tab.
- Click on the Macros button.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new macro record for the preset cash discount tender.
- Make a note of the record number, it will be used later when configuring touchscreens.
- In the Macro Keys section, set the Category for Number 1 to Function Number.
- Set the Function to the first number of the preset number. For example, if the preset amount is going to be $5.00, set the Function to Five.
- Set the Function to the first second of the preset number. For example, if the preset amount is going to be $5.00, set the Function to Zero.
- Set the Function to the third number of the preset number. For example, if the preset amount is going to be $5.00, set the Function to Zero.
- Continue these steps until the total digits are in the Macro Keys section. If the preset amount is $20.00, there will be four category steps listed, Two, Zero, Zero, Zero. No decimal point is needed.
- On the step after the last digit, set the Category to SIM/PMS Inquire.
- On the Interface dropdown, select the Cash Discount Interface configured above.
- On the Inquire Number field, enter the number 1.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Repeat the above steps for all preset tender macro records.
- Close the Macros window.
- Configure touchscreen buttons
- Click on the Devices tab.
- Click on the Touchscreen Designer button.
- Click the dropdown list in the upper left corner to select the payment touchscreen, or touchscreen that currently has the cash payment buttons.
Select the Cash button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashDiscount
- Inquire Number - 1
On a payment or function touchscreen. Add a touchscreen button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashDiscount
- Inquire Number - 52
- Legend - Show Cash Total
On a function touchscreen. Add a touchscreen button and change the following settings:
- Category - SIM/PMS Inquire
- Interface - CashDiscount
- Inquire Number - 99
- Legend - Initialize Interface
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Touchscreen Designer window.
Additional RES Configuration
The following tasks will likely be required. The specific steps for each task are not included in this document but should be completed by a technician/installer familiar with the process.
- Tracking Groups will need to be modified to include the cash discount.
- Custom crystal report templates may need to be modified to reflect the addition of the cash discount.
- A preset percent discount (typically 4%) will be needed if you want to manually apply the cash discount.
Install Payment Extension Application
- Copy the to a folder on the RES server.
- Create a folder named payment_extension_settings in the D:\micros\ProfessionalServices folder on the RES server.
Note: The Oracle RES application may be located on a drive other than D:. If that is the case, use the other drive instead. - Extract the zip to D:\micros\ProfessionalServices\payment_extension_settings folder.
Configure Payment Extension Application
- In File Explorer (Windows Explorer), Browse to the D:\micros\ProfessionalSerivces\payment_extension_settings folder.
- Double-click on the Manage Service shortcut.
- The first time the payment_extension_settings.exe is run, it will display a prompt about this being a production account. Click Yes.
- On the POS Product Line tab, select RES_3700 from the dropdown list.
On the Window Service Setup tab, set the following fields:
- Service Name - Shift4CashAdvantage
- Service IP Address -
- Service port # - Set this to the port number chosen in the POS Configurator Interface configuration above.
On the RES Cash Advantage Settings tab, set the following fields.
- Enable Cash Advantage Functionality - On (black dot to the right with blue background)
- Cash Discount Percentage: Set this to the discount percentage desired for the cash discount. This will typically be set to 4.
- Send/Stay Object Number - Set this to the tender/media object number created/used in the steps above and defined in POS Configurator..
- Cash Discount Object Number - Set this to the discount object number created in the steps above and defined in POS Configurator.
- Cash Tender Object Number - Set this to the cash tender/media object number defined in POS Configurator.
- Is RES Cash Advantage logging enabled - On (black dot to the right with blue background)
- Cash Advantage Log File Name for RES: Set this to cashDiscount.log
- Logging Level: This should be set to 2 if debugging an issue, and set to 0 for normal operations
On the Logging Options tab, set the following fields
- Location Identifier - to the Merchant ID + Merchant Name. For example: 0011111111 Sam's Cafe Trenton
- Log Verbosity - Set to Debug, it will automatically be reduced after ten days.
- Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the form.
Note: The first time the configuration is saved, an error will display stating that the previous settings could not be backed up. This is normal. - Close Payment_extension_settings application.
Install Cash Advantage Windows Interface Service
The Cash Discount Windows service is responsible for providing the POS clients with configuration information in real time. This includes configuration fields from the payment extension settings app and data directly from the RES database. This service is required to be running for the cash discount functionality to work properly.
- Open File Explorer.
- Browse to the D:\micros\ProfessionalServices folder on the RES server.
Note: The Oracle RES application may be located on a drive other than D:. If that is the case, use the other drive instead. - Double-click on the Install Service shortcut.
- When prompted, enter Shift4CashAdvantage as the desired service name and click OK.
Start Cash Advantage Windows Interface Service
- Right-click the Windows start button and select Run, OR click the Windows start button and select Run. The Windows version will determine which option you choose.
- Type "services.msc" (no quotes) and press Enter.
- Scroll down to the Shift4CashAdvantage service and select it.
- Click the Start link, or right-click the service and select Start.
Rename the PMSX.isl filename.
On the RES 3700 Server, you will need to rename the PMSX.isl to the correct pms###.isl name, and place the renamed file in various locations to be copied to the workstations. You only need to copy the renamed PMSX.ISL to the folder for their workstation models.
- Retrieve the object number of the Cash Discount interface number created in the step above.
- Open File Explorer.
- Browse to the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
- Make a backup copy of the PMSX.isl file.
- Right-click on the PMSX.isl filename and select rename.
- Change the name of the file to PMS##.isl where ## is the object number from step one above.
Configure RES using POS Configurator (Part 2) RES Versions 5.6 and higher.
- Open POS Configurator on the RES server.
- Click on the Devices tab.
Click on the ISL Files button.
- Highlight the last ISL File record.
- Click on the blue plus (+) icon in the toolbar to create a new interface record.
- Enter the appropriate PMS name from the steps above in the Name field.
- Click on the folder icon to the right of the File Name field.
- Browse to the Micros\Res\Pos\Etc folder. This folder is usually located on the D: drive, but could also be on the C: drive.
- Highlight the file that was renamed in the step above.
- Click the Open button.
- Click the Yes button to continue loading the Cash Discount file into the RES database.
- Click the green check in the toolbar to save the changes.
- Close the Interfaces window.
Copy isl files for distribution to the workstations (Part 2) RES Versions 5.5 and below
On the RES/3700 server, copy the renamed “PMSX.isl” to:
- ...\MICROS\Res\Pos\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS5A\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS5\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS4LX\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\WS4\Files\CF\Micros\Etc...
- ...\MICROS\Res\CAL\Win32\Files\Micros\Res\Pos\Etc...
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