Description: Review how to create a new Inventory Event in Connect below.
The steps are very similar to Create a Venue Event, but the final steps are crucial to ensuring your event is linked with your Inventory.
- In Connect, select Events in the left side menu and select Calendar from the dropdown.
- Select the month and then click on the numeric date of the desired event.
- Configure settings for the event:
- Name: Enter a name for the event. This will be used for Suites PreOrders and Reporting so make sure it reflects the published event title and/or date.
- Date & Time Start: Select the Date and Time that the event will start.
- Date & Time End: Select the Date and Time that the event will end.
- Toggle the Include Inventory Event button to Yes.
- Use the Tags field to create new tags or select previously created tags from the list.
- Tags will be used to identify and group events together. Users can use as many tags for an event as they would like to.
- Other optional settings include descriptions, alcohol start/end times, expected attendance, weather, genre, tour, etc.
- Configure the Cash Room options and assign an event type or price level if needed.
- Select Continue to set up the Inventory portion of the event.
- Bring Items to Par - If Par Levels are configured, this setting will automatically create Pre-event transfers to stock items and bring them to Par.
- PAR Warehouse - This will dictate where par-level values are being pulled from.
- Standsheet Downloads - This will allow Standsheets to be exported to a PDF if desired.
- Select Add Vendors to assign vendors to the event by using the All options or select Assign for individual vendors in the list.
- Once all of the settings are correct, choose Save.
Note: When using the Venue or Vendor Start/End times, the venue or vendor will automatically close once the End time has passed. The venue or vendor will remain closed until they are manually opened or the next event has a Start time configured to automatically reopen them.
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