Description: Terminal Roles control the POS terminal level access and functionality in Appetize products. Roles can be created or managed at the enterprise and/or venue level. Terminal Roles must be created prior to Terminal Account creation.
Permissions Sets must be created before creating a Terminal Role.
- Items are controlled within the Employee Roles, and the setting does not need to be configured when creating a Terminal Role.
- Items are Activate Classic features not currently supported in Enterprise or ActivateX.
Create Terminal Roles
- Log in to Connect and select Options from the left-side menu.
- Select Terminal Roles from the Options menu.
- Select the blue Create button.
- Configure the options on the General tab.
- Image: An image that diplays at the top of the receipt can be added/removed, with a max size of 32kb.
- Role Name: Name used to identify a given role; recommended to include specific Activate functions such as tips, tabs, print, digital signature, etc., to help identify the purpose of the role.
- Permissions Set: Select a Permissions Set from the drop-down list.
- Default Offline Mode: The Offline Mode is enabled by default after logging in; it is recommended to use Auto mode in case the network is unstable, and POS will respond automatically.
- Level: Determine the level of the Connect user that will be able to assign this Terminal Role to accounts.
- * Profile Type: Select either POS or Restaurant Mode.
- Prompt Order Details: Determine if check details are entered after selecting the First Item or on Checkout.
- Note: This is an ActivateX feature.
- Android KDS: Enable the ability to use Android KDS.
- * Edit Offline Order: This function can be enabled to edit an order while running offline.
- Offline Order Limit: The dollar amount users can accept during offline credit card transactions.
- Request Timeout: The number of seconds a request attempts or responds to a transaction.
- Orders Autocomplete: Enable if orders should complete automatically.
- Orders Autocomplete Minute: The number of minutes for a transaction to autocomplete on the KDS if not manually completed before the time set.
- Submit Orders By: Select what information will be referenced when submitting the order on the receipt, at the KDS, and in the order details.
- Terminal Name
- Card Holder
- Device Name
- Both Terminal and Card Holder.
- Select First Screen: Selecting this will default to this category when signing into Activate. (ie. All, Food, Drink, or Alcohol)
- Note: For use with Category Groups.
- Default POS Category: Selecting this will default to this category when signing into Activate.
- Note: For use with POS Categories.
- * Printing Preset: Select from Standard or Restaurant. Restaurant mode prints credit card vouchers for customers to add a tip and sign on a paper receipt.
- Enable Dual Lane Terminal: Enable if two payment devices will be used to service two lanes of customers.
- Always Prompt Lane Choice: Enable to prompt the user to select the appropriate lane.
- This option is only available when Enable Dual Lane Terminal is YES.
- ** Is Manager: Enable if this employee role is intended for manager accounts.
- * Time clock-only mode: Configuration for POS to be designated as a time clock-only device for shift tracking integration.
- Force Logout after transaction: If set to Yes, the POS will automatically return to the PIN screen after each transaction. Typically used at shared terminal locations.
- Force logout after submission: If set to Yes, the POS will automatically go back to the PIN screen after submitting each check.
- Seat Required: Enable for Activate to prompt for seat selection when opening a check or submitting an order.
- Require Seat Confirmation: Enable to confirm seat selection after updating or closing the order.
- Enable Barcode Scanner for iOS: Enable the use of a scanner on iOS devices with a compatible mTab credit card reader.
- *Special Instruction: Enable to add instructions per menu item during a transaction in Activate by clicking on the item.
- * Kiosk Mode: Adjusts power draw mode of the mTab credit card reader.
- * Parking Pass Mode: Setting to enable parking pass mode on iOS device
- * Enable Split Check: Setting to enable the split check function.
- VDFLine1: Customizable text displayed on Line 1 of 2 line customer display
- VDFLine2: Customizable text displayed on line 2 of 2 the customer display
- Enable Login Message: By enabling this function, messages set at VFDLines will show on Activate.
- Login Message Frequency: Click on the drop-down list to select message frequency.
- Refresh Timer: Set in seconds how often Activate communicates to the cloud to get the latest updates or changes in Connect.
- Maximum allowable Custom Discount Value per Item: Numerically set the maximum discount amount per menu item.
- Maximum Allowable Custom Discount Value for Cart: Numerically set the maximum discount amount per order.
- Inactivity Timeout: Time in seconds, after which the POS will log out due to inactivity.
- Inactivity Warning Duration: A warning message before inactivity timeout logs the user out.
- Show Actions: This enables User Actions.
- Dual Authentication: Additional layer of security for account login to include Employee ID and PIN.
- Cash End - Auto Logout: Log the user out after completing the Cash End action.
- Cash End - Unassign Cash Drawer: Unassign the cash drawer after completing the Cash End action.
- Default Order Type: Select a default Order type such as Dine In or Take Out
- Cached Auto Login: Creates a stored login in Activate that can be utilized to log into Activate when in offline mode.
- Camera Barcode Reader: Enable the camera to be used on an Android tablet as a scanner for items.
- Order Types Prompt: Enable the Order Type menu at the beginning of an Interact X transaction. The configured default will be automatically selected.
- Allow Price Changes for Orders: Enable feature to allow price changes on orders.
- Price Changes require Supervisor Approval for Orders: Enable setting to require manager approval for price change.
- Allow Price Changes for Return: Enable the feature to allow price changes on returns.
- Price Changes Require Supervisor Approval for Returns: Enable the setting to require manager approval for return price changes.
- ** Automatically return to menu (Seconds): Set a screen timer in seconds to go back to the main menu screen.
- Is proxy server: designates workstation as check sync server in a table service environment.
- Access All Checks: Allow users to see all checks for the location.
- * Enable Checks Combine: When using table service, enable this setting to allow the employee to combine multiple checks into one.
- * Transfer Checks: When using table service, enable the setting to allow an employee to transfer checks to another employee within the same vendor.
- Cash Room Capabilities: Enable setting requiring employees to use POS bank functions.
- Require Bank To Use POS: Enable if banks are managed in Connect only.
- Starting Bank Amount: Set the starting bank amount in this box.
- Cash End Blind Drop: Enable to prevent the user from entering a total for Cash End Action.
- Allow Notes: Enable to add notes per menu item during a transaction in Activate X by clicking on the item.
- Gate Swipe for Discounts: Enable the requirement of additional action to trigger a swipe when applying discounts in Activate X.
- Click the green checkmark in the upper right corner to save.
- Once the Role is saved, the additional tabs can be accessed to continue configuring.
Core UI
Core UI allows for the configuration of functions in Activate. Please see Terminal Roles - Core UI.
Note: The Core UI settings only apply to Activate X and are incompatible with the Classic versions of Activate for iOS and Android.
Please see Terminal Roles - Checkout.
Please see Terminal Roles - Calculations.
Please see Terminal Roles - Payments.
Check Number
Check Numbers are used to auto-apply a customer-friendly check number range to a transaction. This is helpful in pickup scenarios to have an easy reference number to call.
Please see Terminal Roles - Check Number.
Splash Screen
Images to be programmed for use on an Elo customer-facing display. Please see Terminal Roles - Splash Screen.
External Value
This tab will control all the 3rd party payment integration settings for the terminal behavior. These settings are applicable to Enterprise. Please see Terminal Roles - External Value.
Note: For classic third-party payment integration settings, please see the Payment tab.
Manager Override
Please see Terminal Roles - Manager Override.
The History tab shows changes made to the Terminal Role. Filter the information by Users, Property, and Dates.
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