Description: Review Checkout for Terminal Roles below.
- Log in to Connect and select Options from the left-side menu.
- Select Terminal Roles from the Options menu.
- Search for and select the Terminal Role to edit.
- Select the Checkout tab.
- Select the green checkmark in the upper right corner to save any changes.
- For additional configuration options, please see Terminal Roles.
- Digital Signature: Enable to prompt for signature on screen.
- Signature Amount: Enter the dollar amount required for signature.
- * Split Transaction Totals: Enable to split out multiple tenders in one transaction on receipt.
- * Add Items While Accepting Payment: Enable to allow the employee to add items while in the payment screen.
- * Promo Enabled: Enable to allow the use of promo codes.
- * Require Manager Pin for Codes: Enable manager approval to use Codes.
- * Process Transactions Before Signature: Enable to process transactions before prompting for signature.
- Voucher Auto-Print: Enable to print the credit card voucher automatically
- Itemized Auto Print: Enable to print the itemized receipt automatically
- Auto Print Item Notes: Enable to print notes for items on the receipts.
- Restrict All Tenders During Refund: Enable to restrict employees from refunding against any tender type and requires to refund against the original payment type.
- Require Scan or Manual Item Entry on Returns: Enable manager approval to Return an item on a recalled transaction.
- Require Pin to Remove Stored Card from a Tab: Enable manager approval to remove the stored credit card from a tab.
- * Require both Swiped Card Tracks: Enable for certain swipe only processor settings that require MSR to read track 1 and 2 on credit card.
- Receipted Return Approval: Enable to require manager approval for receipted return.
- Non-Receipted Return Approval: Enable to require manager approval for non receipted return.
- Non-Receipted Tender Default: Select if All or Original tender options are available for Non-Receipted returns.
- Allow Transaction Lookup by Credit Card: Enable to allow employees to look up transactions by credit card.
- Require Supervisor Approval for Transaction Lookup by Credit Card: Enable to require manager approval for lookup.
- Allow partial payments on checks: Enable to allow partial payments on checks.
- Auto-Close on Cash-Only: If enabled, Checks which are paid with cash-only payment(s) will move immediately to Closed instead of Pending Closed.
- Allow Stacking of Unique Discount: This allows the same discount to be used multiple times when scanning unique barcodes against the same discount.
- Allow Tip/Fee Refunds: Enable to allow the option to refund tips and fees in Activate X.
- Auto Add Item to Cart on Refund SKU Search: Enable to add the item to the cart when searching for items to Refund,
- * Classic Split: Enable the Split button.
Note: *Items are Activate Classic features not currently supported in Enterprise versions.
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