Description: Review how to set up Payment for Terminal Roles in Connect below.
- Log in to Connect and select Options from the left-side menu.
- Select Terminal Roles from the Options menu.
- Search for and select the Terminal Role to edit.
- Select the Payment tab.
- Select the green checkmark in the upper right corner to save any changes.
- For additional configuration options, please see Terminal Roles.
- Cash: Enable if cash is accepted.
- Max per Transaction: Set a max amount of times cash can be used on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set a dollar amount limit per transaction.
- Cash Drawer: Enable if a Cash Drawer is present.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required after a cash transaction.
- * Currency Conversion: Set to use a currency conversion calculator.
- Cash Drawer Type: Select APG or NCR cash drawer type.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the amount of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: * Items are Activate Classic features not currently supported in Enterprise versions.
- Credit: Enable if credit card payment is accepted.
- Enable Credit Chip: Enable to process credit cards via EMV.
- Block Gift Credit Card: Enable to block gift credit cards.
- Max per Transaction: Set a maximum amount of different credit cards allowed to be used on one transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required with a credit card transaction.
- Max. Amount: Set a dollar amount limit per transaction that can be paid by credit card.
- Quick Chip: If yes, credit card transactions will respect Quick Chip, allowing customer to remove card before the transaction finishes processing on the POS.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
- Offline Manual Credit Authorization: If yes, when the network is offline, manual authorization will be required for credit card transactions.
- * Wristband Promo Popup: Enable if wristbands are used.
- * Wristband Promo Popup Message: Custom name of promo in the message.
- * Wristband Auto Email Receipt: Enable email receipts to send with the wristband's registered email automatically.
Prepaid Card
- Prepaid Card: Enable if prepaid cards are accepted.
- Max per Transaction: Set the max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required after a transaction.
- Max. Amount: Set the max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: Folio charge is integration specific
- Folio Charge: Enable to use folio charge.
- Max per Transaction: Set the max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on the transaction.
- Max Amount: Set the max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
- Magic Bands: Enable magic bands.
- Key Cards: Yes/No
- Lookup: Yes/No
- Group: Yes/No
Store Credit
- Store Credit: Enable if store credit is used.
- Max per Transaction: Set the max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on the transaction.
- Max Amount: Set the max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
- Contactless: Enable if the device will accept NFC payments.
- Note: You must use a compatible payment device.
- * Quick Checkout: Enable a user to bypass adding items to the cart to process a sale.
- * Tab: Enable the user to start tabs (This is the 'Check' tender option to have a running tab).
- Split Tender: Enable to allow split payments.
- * RFID: Enable if RFID is accepted.
- Max per Transaction: Set the max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on the transaction.
- Max Amount: Set the max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Submit with no payment: Yes/No
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: House is a Classic configuration. For house accounts in Enterprise, use Custom Tenders.
- House: Enable if house accounts are allowed.
- Max per Transaction: Set the max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on the transaction.
- Max Amount: Set the max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Use Code: Yes/No
- Additional voucher to print: Set the additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: Beacon is a Classic configuration.
- Beacon: Enable if Beacon payments are used.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Credit Chip: Enable if credit chip is accepted.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of vouchers you will like to print after a transaction.
Stored Value
Note: The Stored Value options are for Classic configuration. Please see the External Value tab for Enterprise configuration.
- Stored Value: Enable if store value is used.
- Note: Stored value is integration specific.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Braintree PayPal: Enable if payments are processed through Braintree Paypal.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Loaded Ticket/Gift Card
Note: The Loaded Ticket/Gift Card options are for Classic configuration. Please see the External Value tab for Enterprise configuration.
- Loaded Ticket/Gift Card: Enable if loaded tickets are used.
- Note: Loaded ticket/gift card is integration specific.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Custom Givex Button Tile: Set button name.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
- Can Accept Offline Givex: Yes/No
- Max Givex per Transaction: Set a max dollar amount per Givex transaction.
- Is Member Benefit: Yes/No
- Givex Member Benefits Label: Set a specific label if there are multiple loyalty options.
Note: MyCheck is integration specific.
- MyCheck: Enable if this tender type is used.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: The Skidata options are for Classic configuration. Please see the External Value tab for Enterprise configuration.
- * Skidata Direct Payment: Enable if there is a Skidata integration for Direct Payment.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Direct Payment Button Tile: Enter the payment button name.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
- Skidata Loaded Value: Enable if there is a Skidata integration for Loaded Value.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Skidata Direct Payment: Yes/No
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Streamline Loaded Value
Note: The Streamline options are for Classic configuration. Please see the External Value tab for Enterprise configuration.
- Streamline Loaded Value: Enable if Streamline will be used.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Require Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max amount of this payment type per transaction.
- Streamline Loaded Value Button Tile: Enter payment tile name here.
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Dining Plan
- Dining Plan: Enable if Dining Plans are used.
- Max per Transaction: Set max number of this payment type per transaction.
- Signature Amount: Set the minimum dollar amount required for signature.
- Required Signature: Enable if a signature is required on a transaction.
- Max Amount: Set max dining plan amount limit per transaction.
- Display Dining Plan Confirmation: Yes/No
- Additional voucher to print: Set the number of additional vouchers to print after a transaction.
Note: * Items are Activate Classic features that are not currently supported in Enterprise versions.
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