Description: Items are the goods sold in venues (Ex, Hotdog, Turkey Burger, Sprite, etc.). They can be assigned to specific Venues and Vendors.
Items created at the corporate level can be overridden at the venue level.
How to Create an Item
- Click the Items icon under the Items section on the Enterprise Connect dashboard.
- Click Create in the top right corner and input the Item’s Name, Type, and Price.
- Click Save to create the Item.
- Once the item has been created, select the item to edit the detailed information.
- Name: The item name.
- Price: The default selling price of the item.
- Open Price: If yes, once selecting in Activate it will prompt the cashier to enter a price.
- Status: Active status allows the item to be available for sale.
- Unique ID: Items with the same ID will be grouped together in reports (Up to 100 characters).
- External ID: User-defined field for 3rd party integrations.
- SKU Number: Enter the item Stock Keeping Unit number.
- Corporate Lock: This is an upcoming feature.
- Tip Eligible: Determines if the item will be a part of an auto-calculated tip.
- Age restriction: Created in Item Restrictions with a name and a value (ex. Must be 21).
- Restrictions: Select a restriction configured from an External system.
- Prop 65: requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
- The receipt prints a disclaimer for items that have this enabled.
- Behavior Type: A user-defined field for 3rd party integrations.
- External Menu Item ID: A user-defined field for 3rd party integrations.
- Non-Refundable: Mark the item as non-refundable and users will not be allowed to select when attempting to return.
- Allowable Return Window (Days): Enable a restriction of how many days after the sale an item can be refunded.
- Max Qty Per Transaction: Set a number to limit the quantity sold per order.
- If a higher quantity is attempted at the workstation, Item Maximum Sell Quantity has been Reached pops up with the option to Cancel or Allow.
- If you select to allow it will let you order more and not prompt again.
- UNSPSC: United Nations Standard Products and Services Code used for 3rd party integrations
- Course: This is an upcoming feature.
- Type: Assign a type to the Item: Meal, Food, Drink, Merchandise, Bundle, Gift Card or Shipping.
- The Type cannot be changed after creating the item. If the incorrect type is selected, a new item will need to be created with the correct setting.
- An item can be changed from Food to Drink or vice versa but those are the only compatible Types.
- A Food item cannot be changed to Merchandise after it has been created.
- A Food item can be changed to Drink after it has been created.
- Note: The Meal item type is integration specific and only compatible with Activate X and Interact X.
- External Class: A user-defined field for 3rd party integrations.
- Shippable: Enable to allow the item to be charged for shipping.
- Is Clickable: Enable for Suites items that need to appear in the Preorder Portal but are not able to be ordered from the POS POS terminal on the event day.
- Calories (Number Value): Number of calories in the item.
- Calories (Display Label): The label that appears next to calories (ie: calories, calories per serving, etc).
- Weight Item: If set to yes, the item will be weighed via an external scale peripheral.
- Weight Units: The unit of weight in which the item is weighed.
- Tare Weight: The weight of the container that will be subtracted from the item cost.
- Sold Out: Labels the Item as Sold Out at the POS terminal and it cannot be added to the cart.
- Allow Sold Out Sales: If Inventory is enabled and this is set to Yes, it allows the system to continue selling the item even if inventory is <1.
- Commission Group: Assign the item to one of the Commission Groups.
- Receipt Trailer Message: A message that will print at the bottom of the receipt when that item is a part of the order.
- Primary Report Category: Custom classification categories that will help filter reports (1st level).
- Secondary Report Category: Custom classification categories that will help filter reports (2nd level).
- Third Report Category: Custom classification categories that will help filter reports (3rd level).
- SKIDATA Points: Configure points to add to a guest's SKIDATA account when the item is purchased.
- Quantity Required: A window will require the user to select a quantity before it can be added to the cart at the POS terminal.
- Image: Upload a photo of the item.
- Find a photo with a square aspect ratio (300x300 pixels).
- JPEG or PNG types recommended. Please use lowercase file extension name when uploading image files. Example: itemImage.jpeg or itemImage.png
- Make sure the photo is at least 200x200 pixels to ensure the quality of the image.
- Maximum file is 4 MB.
- Display Name: Additional naming field for an item that will override the Primary Name setting at the POS terminal.
- Interact Display Name: The name of the item displayed in Interact
- Is Alcohol: If the item is a Drink, this is the flag to identify if the item is alcohol.
- This can be used to restrict the selling of items on client-facing applications or prompt an employee to ask the guest for an ID.
- Show Description: If you would like to add a description of the item that will show if the guest selects the item.
- Description: Used for customer-facing scenarios where the item will show a description (Ex: Kiosks and Mobile Ordering).
- Sort Order: Set the order in which the item will be listed on the menu.
- Featured: Used for Interact to move an item to the top of order screen with a larger image to highlight specific items.
- Track Inventory:
- Icon: Select an icon to represent the item.
- Uploaded image takes precedence over the selected icon.
- **Featured Image Width: Determine if a featured item will take up half or all of the width on the item grid in Interact Kiosk.
- This setting is only available after enabling the Featured option.
- Choose Half or Full.
- Non-Refundable: Mark the item as non-refundable and users will not be allowed to select when attempting to return.
- Is Grab & Go: If toggled yes, this will remove items from the Interact screen and will require it to be scanned in order to add to the cart.
- Allow Board Mode: Enable for 3rd party menu board integrations.
- Print: Allow item to print on receipt
- Button Text Color: Hexadecimal color code used to change the button text color of the item name.
- The Price does not change color, only the item name.
- Button Background Color: Hexadecimal color code used to change the button background color.
- It cannot be used with an item image.
- Favorite Item: Choose to allow top items to show onscreen in Activate when added to Favorite Groups.
- Optional Names: Other names that can be used for items; comma-separated.
- Kiosk Item Grid Image: This image will be used on the item grid for Kiosks.
- If one is not uploaded, it will default to the item Image.
- The maximum file size is 4 MB and dimensions are below for each type at the Kiosk.
- Item tile: 276 x 200
- Half banner: 582 x 230
- Full banner: 1194 x 230
- Item tile: 276 x 200
Configure item prices for each Price Level on the Prices tab. If a price level is left blank, the item will use the default price.
- Open Price: If yes, once selecting in Activate it will prompt the cashier to enter a price.
- Price Override on Purchases/Sales: Enables the item price to be overridden during a sale.
- Price Override On Returns/Refunds: Enables the item price to be overridden for returns and refunds.
- Promotions: Enables promotions for this item.
- Discounts: Enables discounts to be used on this item.
- Require Data Entry: Must enter SKU and a note before the item is added to the cart.
Item availability can be configured to set a manual start and end time for an item to be sold or add a Day Part.
- Start Date: This is the start date of the day part and only needs to be set if it's within a specific date parameter.
- End Date: This is the end date of the day part and only needs to be set if it's within a specific date parameter.
- Always Available: If a day part is being assigned, this must be set to No because it will not always be available. It will only be available within the day part parameters that are set on the item.
Category Groups
Category Groups determine how items are grouped on Activate or Interact.
For example, a Level 1 Category might be Soda, containing all bottled and fountain sodas.
A Level 2 Category Group might be Fountain Soda which would be a submenu found under Soda and would contain only items assigned to the Fountain Soda Group.
Modifiers are additional changes or options to be selected when purchasing an item. A modifier for a cheeseburger could be the type of cheese, pickles, bacon, etc.
- Require Modifiers: If a Modifier is required or optional to purchase the item.
- Modifier Price Override: Determines if there is an additional charge for the modifier.
- Yes: The price of a Modifier overrides the original price of parent item.
- Ex: if a burger started at $0 and the type of patty and bun determines the cost.
- Beef Patty $5.00 + Pretzel Bun $2.00 = $7.00 burger
- Ex: if a burger started at $0 and the type of patty and bun determines the cost.
- No: The modifier adds to the price of the item.
- Ex: if a burger started at $7 and premium meat or toppings adds to the base cost.
- Burger $7.00 + Bison Patty $3.00 = $10.00 burger
- Yes: The price of a Modifier overrides the original price of parent item.
- Restrict Single Modifier: Allows only one Modifier from the list to be selected.
- Allow All Modifiers: All modifiers that are set to be Allowed will be available to select on this item.
- Custom Vendor: Assign a Modifier to specific Vendors.
Items as Modifiers
This option is only visible if the Enterprise is using Items as Modifiers. Choose whether the item will be used as a modifier or as instructions for another item.
- Used As Modifier: Toggle to Yes if the item will be a modifier for another item.
- Instruction: Toggle to Yes if the item will be an instruction for another item.
Assigned Venues
Items can be individually assigned to venues.
- Select an item and click on the Assigned Venues tab.
- Select Add Venue.
- Select Assign to add the Item to a Venue.
- Use the Assign All or Unassign All for mass updates.
Assigned Vendors
Items can be individually assigned to a vendor.
Note: Vendors must be created at the Venue level to assign.
- Select an item and click on the Assigned Vendors tab.
- Select Add Vendor.
- Select Assign to add the Item to a Vendor.
- You can use the Venue and Vendor filter to narrow down the results.
- Use the Assign All or Unassign All for mass updates.
The Codes tab is where Barcodes and LCS (Liquor Control System) IDs can be added to an item.
- Select an item and click on the Codes tab.
- Select Add code.
- Enter the code (ex: 123443950) and the code type (Barcode or Lcs).
- Select Save.
Tax Rates or Tax Groups can be assigned to Items that are taxed differently from the other items at the Vendor. Items can also be Taxable or Non-Taxable.
Note: Taxes configured on the item will override the Vendor Role level taxes.
- Search for and select the item to edit.
- Select the Taxes tab.
- Taxable
- Yes: If the item will be taxed
- No: If the item is exempt from taxes.
- This setting controls the taxable status of the Item even if there is not a specific Item-level tax assigned to it.
- Taxable
- Click Assign Tax Rate and select Assign for each tax that will be applied to the item.
- Click Assign Tax Group and select Assign for the group of taxes that will be applied to the item.
Tender Restriction
Tender restrictions limit the methods of payment that can be used for an item.
- Search for and select the item to edit.
- Select the Tender Restrictions tab.
- Toggle Enable Tender Restrictions to Yes.
- Set the available tenders to Active or Inactive.
- Use the Activate All, De-activate All, or Reset All options for mass updates.
- Active allows the item to be paid for with that tender.
- Inactive will prevent completing an order with that tender.
- If one item has tender restrictions on a check with multiple items, Activate will present an error and not allow the check to close with that tender.
Card Restriction
This is an upcoming feature.
This is an upcoming feature.
POS Categories
POS Categories are used to create organized and complex nested category structures.
Item Attributes are characteristics that are shared by multiple items within a database. As a method to group and classify items, the user-defined attributes are useful for dietary restrictions, types of food, combos, etc. The Attributes filter the menu on Interact Web and Interact Kiosk.
Linked Items
Link items that will automatically add to the cart when the original item is selected.
- Search for and select the item to edit.
- Select the Linked Items tab.
- Click Add Item.
- Assign items that will be added to the order when the item is selected.
Upsell Items
The ability to suggest another item that goes well with the selected item when checking out in Interact.
- Search for and select the item to edit.
- Select the Upsell Items tab.
- Click Add Upsell Item.
- Select Assign to add an item.
- Once assigned, the item will appear like Goes well with: in Interact.
Item Countdown
Item Countdown allows users to see sold-out items updated in real-time.
This is an upcoming feature.
The History tab will display any updates that were made to the Item.
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