Description: You'll learn how to create Terminal Accounts in Connect, set up login credentials, permissions, and vendor assignments, as well as review and manage account details, including statistics, slideshow settings, integrations, history, and custom fields.
Terminal Accounts are created to log in to Activate or Interact with the designated vendors.
Note: Prior to creating Terminal Accounts, Terminal Roles must be created.
Create Terminal Account
- Log in to Connect and select Accounts from the left-side menu.
- Select Add Account in the upper right corner.
- From the type dropdown, select Terminal.
- Enter Terminal Account Information.
- Name: Name of the Vendor or Stand/Location.
- A recommended practice is to add * to the Name so the terminal accounts are listed first.
- Ex. *Concession 101
- This also makes it easier to filter or exclude the accounts when performing mass vendor assignments through the Account Import/Export process.
- A recommended practice is to add * to the Name so the terminal accounts are listed first.
- Known As: How the Vendor will display on the terminal.
- Login ID: A unique username is required for each account.
- A recommended practice is to use an acronym for the venue followed by all or part of the Vendor name.
- Venue: Ops Playground
- Vendor: Concession 101
- Example Login ID: OPConc101
- A recommended practice is to use an acronym for the venue followed by all or part of the Vendor name.
- Password: This will be entered at the device to access the terminal account.
- A generic password can be used to access all terminal accounts (1234).
- Admin Pin: The Admin PIN is used by managers to authorize restricted actions such as opening the cash drawer, authorizing refunds, and running the finalize day reports.
- Create a pin between 1-36 digits (Ex: 8000).
- It is a best practice that the same Admin PIN be used for all accounts.
- Employee Pin: This number is used as another layer of security and usually contains four digits.
- Not required to log in to the terminal.
- External ID: Optional to use with an external system.
- User Roles: Select the Terminal Role to be associated with this Account.
- Code: Optional, depending on the venue needs.
- Force code reset: Account is set to force code reset.
- Is Temporary: Set start and end days for this account if needed.
- Name: Name of the Vendor or Stand/Location.
- Select the Vendor Assignment tab.
- Select the Checkmark to assign a vendor.
- Note: Terminal Accounts can only be assigned to one vendor.
- Note: Terminal Accounts can only be assigned to one vendor.
- Select the blue Save button to finish adding the account.
Review Terminal Account
Once the account has been created, select to review additional information.
- Search for and select the account to edit.
- Select the Stats tab to view recent terminal and order details for the account.
- Select the Slideshow tab to add images for a Slideshow when the screen is idle.
- The Contact Info tab is not utilized for Terminal Accounts.
- Select the Integrations tab to add the Skyflo Virtual Bar ID, 7Shifts User ID, and 7Shiftes Punch ID.
- Note: This integration is still in development.
- Note: This integration is still in development.
- Select the History tab to view changes made to the account.
- Select the User Defined Fields tab to configure any custom fields on the Terminal account.
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