Description: GeoTax is an inclusive tax type that allows users to apply an inclusive tax rate to a defined geo-fence. This option is only available for TPI (Tax Per Item) venues and iOS GPS enabled devices.
How GeoTax Works
- When items are added to the cart, within Activate, the app calls out and records the device's GPS location.
- The GPS location coordinates are then associated with the order.
- The coordinates and check information is then passed to Connect.
- If the vendor/menu items have a GeoTax rate associated, Connect looks at the GPS coordinates associated with the order and checks if the coordinates match any of the GeoTax Rates.
- If the order coordinates match a GeoTax GeoFence, the inclusive tax associated with the GeoTax is applied to the order.
- Completed Orders within Connect display the captured coordinates in the Order Details.
- If an order's coordinates fall outside the GeoTax GeoFence, it defaults to Geo Tax Not Found.
- Users with the appropriate Connect Role configuration are able to edit the Geo Tax Not Found tax rate and assign the correct tax rate with the Order Details.
How GeoTax Rates Behave within Tax Groups
Tax Groups with GeoTax Rates assigned to them only apply Rates that match the order/check's GPS Coordinates. Regular (Inclusive) Taxes within a tax group are still applied as normal.
Example Tax Group: Canada
Assigned Tax Rates:
- Ontario (Geo) (5%)
- Yukon (Geo) (10%)
- Quebec (Geo) (7%)
- Federal Rate (Non-Geo) (5%)
If an Order/Check has GPS coordinates that match the Yukon GeoTax Rate GeoFence, only the Yukon GeoTax rate is applied. The Federal Rate is a regular inclusive tax of 5% and will also be applied.
Total Tax Applied = Yukon (Geo) (10%) + Federal Rate (Non-Geo) (5%) = 15%
Configuring GeoTax
Permission Sets
For Activate to send Connect the GPS coordinates, the Permissions Sets associated with the Activate account's Employee Role must have the Send Order Location toggle set to Yes on the Payments tab.
Vendor Role
The Vendor processing the transaction must have GeoTax enabled on the assigned Vendor Role on the General tab.
Tax Rates
- Fill in the ancillary Tax Rate information, but make sure the following configurations are set properly:
- Tax Type = Active
- Status = Active
- GeoTax = Active
- Once GeoTax is set to Active, additional options appear.
- The data area only accepts GeoJson formatted coordinates.
- Users can copy and paste the GeoJson data or upload a GeoJson file.
- To configure a JSON, please visit
- Once the data has been uploaded or pasted into the data field, select the Import geoJson Format button.
- Once the file is imported, a Google map appears that displays the Geofence coordinates.
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