Description: Learn about receipt settings for SkyTab POS.
The Guest Check and Transaction Receipt have the same settings. The two exceptions are for Consolidate Items and Print Barcode.
- Print Customer Name: prints the name of the customer added from the existing customer database
- Print Custom Ticket or Table Name: prints whatever custom name the merchant adds to the ticket, if none is added it prints the table number assigned to the ticket
- Print Items: Prints the menu items on the receipt
- Print Modifiers: Prints the modifiers with prices on the receipt
- Print $0 Modifiers: Prints the modifiers with a $0 charge
- Print Modifier Prices: Prints the prices of the modifiers that have them
- Print Special Requests: Prints all of the special requests added for each item
- Consolidate Items (For Guest Check ONLY): Changes how the quantity of items print
- When turned off, the items will print like this:
- Item
- Item
- Item
- When turned on, the items will print like this:
- 3x Item
- When turned off, the items will print like this:
- Print Barcode (For Transaction Receipt ONLY): This prints a barcode on the bottom of the transaction receipt that merchants who have a barcode scanner can use to pull up the ticket again
- Tip Hints: This is where the merchant can add the hints to suggest to the customer in percentages. These are calculated based on the cash or non-cash totals. This is not adjusted transaction by transaction based on the actual tender that is used but a setting that affects all transactions printed on that receipt printer. The cash and non-cash totals should be the same if they do not have the Advantage Program.
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