Description: Review all of the available preferences on the ChefTab Kitchen Video System (KVS) in the article below.
- User Profile
- Network
- Device Profile Settings
- Ticket Pipeline Settings
- Ticket Settings
- Bump Settings
- Text Highlighting Settings
- Expediter Settings
- Productivity Settings
- Notification Settings
- Reports
- Advanced Settings
User Profile
Store Location Name: Unique store ID such as ‘Store #123’.
Manager’s Email address: Email address of the main contact is required in order to perform “upload files to support”.
Managers Password: Unique password designated for the manager's use which allows access to locked features on the Settings or Help Menu.
- Locked features show up on the menus as grayed out.
- A default password of 9999 has been entered at the factory.
Wifi: NOT RECOMMENDED. Designates your network type as Wifi and allows connection to and programming of your active Wifi network.
Ethernet: Designates your network type as wired Ethernet and allows programming of your Ethernet settings.
RS232: Enables receipt of RS232 ticket data using an optional USB-RS232 adapter. Currently, the supported adapter is Trendnet TU-S9.
TCP Port Number: TCP port number that ChefTab is listening for incoming connections on. The default is 9100.
UDP Port Number: UDP port number used for EPSONQ commands. The default is 3289.
Device Profile Settings
Station Name: Used to rename the ChefTab station. Ex: Grill, Fryer, Expo, etc.
Station Type: Gives the manager the ability to change the way tickets appear on the screen.
Bump Bar Attached: Enable/disable the attached USB Bump Bar.
Background Settings: Allows the Ticket Wheel background image to be disabled. When disabled, a blank background appears. Create a custom background by adding a file called logo.bmp and placing it in the cheftab/image folder:
- This file should have the same resolution as the screen.
- Screen resolution for your device can be found on the Help > About menu.
Printer Emulation: Allows you to change the printer emulation style. This should always be set to Epson by default.
Show/Define ‘All-Day’ Items
Ticket Pipeline Settings
Expediter IP address: IP address of another ChefTab that has been configured as an EXPEDITER station type.
Print-On-Demand IP address: IP address of network printer used to generate hard copy tickets ‘ON-DEMAND ONLY’.
Pipe Ticket Upon Arrival to…: IP address of another device, ChefTab, or printer, to forward ALL tickets to immediately upon arrival.
Pipe Ticket When Complete to…: IP address of another device, ChefTab, or printer, to send ALL bumped tickets to.
Ticket Settings
Number of Tickets Visible on Screen: How many tickets can fit horizontally on the screen.
Ticket Font Size: Allows you to change the general font size on the ticket.
Header Font Size: Allows you to change the font size of the headers on each ticket.
Truncate Ticket Data: Shortens text instead of wrapping down to the next line if a word goes over.
Double Space Items: Creates space between items to read easier.
Language (Character Set): Allows ChefTab to handle international character sets. Unless an international character set is required, use Standard ASCII for optimization purposes.
Merge Tickets: Combines tickets that have identical order numbers.
Broadcast Ticket Status Banner: Send a ‘banner’ to other Food Prep stations, notifying them of ticket progress at this station.
Ignore Tickets with this Word or Phrase: Allows you to add words or phrases that may appear on tickets in order to filter those tickets away from the KVS (ex. Drink tickets).
Add Ticket Separator: Adds a ticket separator.
Remove Prices From Tickets: Remove all prices from the displayed ticket. Embedded prices will remain untouched.
Bump Settings
Enable Two-Touch Bumping (Marking): Allows marking of tickets prior to bumping. If enabled, tickets require two clicks in order to be bumped.
Enable Item Bumping: Enables bumping of individual items from tickets. In order to bump individual items, press the ITEM button on the bump bar with the correct ticket highlighted.
‘Replicate Bump’ On All Food Prep Stations: When a ticket is bumped at this station, bump it from all other ‘Food Prep’ stations simultaneously.
‘Replicate Bump’ On Lobby Display at this IP Address
Ignore ‘Replicate Bump’ Commands at this Station: Ignore Replicate bump commands received from other food prep stations.
Auto bump timer
Ticker Complete Identifier (ex: PAID)
Ticket Complete Timeout
Text Highlighting Settings
Highlight with Background: Allows the user to configure certain words to trigger one of the four color highlights on the screen. An example is ‘Add’ in green, ‘No’ in red, etc.
Expediter Settings
Enable ‘Table View’: Allows more advanced expediter functionality from this station.
Move ‘Prepped’ Tickets Forward: Move tickets that have all items prepped up in the queue.
For more information, refer to ChefTab KVS: Expediter Setup.
Productivity Settings
Ideal Prep Time: Sets the time during which the Ideal Elapsed Color kicks in and modifies the ticket.
Ideal Elapsed Color: Color to highlight the ticket once the Ideal Prep Time has expired.
Unacceptable Prep Time: Sets the time that must be elapsed before that Unacceptable Elapsed Color kicks in and modifies the ticket.
Unacceptable Elapsed Color: Color to highlight the ticket once the Unacceptable Prep Time has expired.
Notification Settings
ChefTab Ready Notification: Notify the user when the ChefTab is ready to receive tickets.
Error Notification: Notify the user when a general error is encountered.
Printer Error Notification: Notify the user when printer errors are encountered.
Speed of Service Logging: This feature logs detailed transaction data required to provide Speed of Service reports.
Advanced Settings
Order Recovery: The order recovery feature preserves all orders in the Active Order Queue during reboot or power failure.
Auto Restart Time: The time that the ChefTab Pro unit restarts automatically.
Play QuickStart video: Re-enables a quickstart training video to be played upon boot up.
Debug Logging Level: This feature should only be enabled when trying to troubleshoot.
- When this feature is enabled tickets are displayed, and logged, in a special format.
- Non-printable characters appear on the screen in hexadecimal format to facilitate debugging.
- A bug icon displays on the main screen when this feature is enabled to alert the user.
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