On Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, SkyTab Enterprise merchants will receive SkyTab POS v1.110 and SkyTab KDS v1.29.1 as Required Updates. The Release Notes below summarize all the items included in this release for POS and KDS.
Note: Please ensure that someone is at the location to accept the update on each SkyTab POS and KDS device.
New Features
- Changing the assigned Revenue Center for a terminal in Lighthouse will now be updated immediately
- Splitting payments from the Take Payments screen will now prevent users from creating $0.00 payments
- Payments are now listed in the ticket payment summary by the time they were taken
- Menu Availability Enhancements:
- Availability rules by Item are now supported in the Favorites and Tags tabs
- View Hidden Departments / Items permission will now be required when adding items outside of current Availability from Item Search.
- Dynamic Pricing Enhancements:
- We now allow scheduling override dates for Price Groups in Dynamic Pricing (Available to all merchants on 1.102+) - Override start/end dates will follow Business Date as defined by the POS Start of Day time.
- SNBC printers now support currency symbols £ / €
- Generic printers now support currency symbol €
- SkyTab Glass will now complete any operation currently in progress in the background when put to sleep.
- When an adjustment is made to a time clock shift, any associated tips and gratuities for that shift now remain associated with it.
- In the Ticket Summary section of the ticket, the total of the surcharges is now displayed as Total Surcharge instead of Surcharge.
- Added additional resiliency when the system automatically goes into offline payments mode.
- Modifier Set sort order of Global is now retained when adding a new modifier set to an item.
- Removed the tip share prompt from the clock-out procedure when a rule does not exist or the suggested tip share amount is zero
- We’ve updated the Date Selector in the Ticket Grid View to be localized to the location’s country.
- When an employee goes on a break, they will automatically be logged out of all POS terminals.
- When a user changes the language setting on the Employee Dashboard, a message will appear saying that they will be logged out so that the changes can take effect.
- Made changes to retain the original ticket owner as the current owner after combining tickets
- Improvements for ensuring Business Day is used consistently across SkyTab POS
- Various performance improvements
- Offline Payments Strengthening: We’ve improved SkyTab's response to various inputs to ensure that Offline Payments mode activates when upstream issues occur
- We now skip attempting to take Credit payments via CFD when Offline Payments is active
- We’ve improved the prompt and messaging on the SkyTab Workstation to notify the employee that Customer Facing Display payments are not available in offline mode and to use the onboard reader instead of CFD
KDS: We’ve added the ability to Rush a ticket from any KDS station
KDS: Added the ability to Recall an order from another KDS device
KDS: We’ve added the ability to select the Recall behavior for non-Bump Station devices to Local or Global Recall
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Fulfillment printers would print all ticket items instead of just the items from SkyTab KDS.
- Fixed an issue where cycling through users in Tip Adjust may not show all users
- Fixed an issue where the “Add extra space to kitchen slip header” setting was ignored when using a USB printer
- Fixed an issue where a pre-auth ticket would be created without an order type
- Fixed an issue where the Tip Reduction value was not displayed on Payroll reports
- Fixed an issue where a Special Request would print on the ticket when the setting was disabled
- Fixed an issue where the Save button would be available in the Accounting section without any settings being changed
- Fixed an issue where the Undo button was causing tickets to be unlocked at other terminals
- Fixed an issue where tickets could be left open with Dual Pricing when tendered in Cash
- Fixed an issue where modifier sets would not display in the correct order
- The Item printing status now matches the printing status shown on other screens, such as Order Entry and the Ticket Grid
- Restored the ability to add the image to be shown in the item description in the POS
- Added the ability to deselect a custom sort method and revert back to the default, system-wide sort method
- Fixed an issue where item level surcharges were discounted when they had a non-discountable revenue class
- We fixed an issue where SkyTab Mobile would use the default menu item price instead of the price configured in Dynamic Pricing
- Fixed an issue where a partial refund could not be completed when the Advantage Program is configured to use Dual Pricing or Supplemental Fee
- Fixed gratuity settings issue where the currently selected gratuity would be deselected on save
- Fixed a display issue when using fast pay buttons
- Fixed display of Advantage program name on the Manage Tickets screen
- Fixed the itemized receipt not containing credit card info if the ticket was started with a Pre-Auth
- Fixed online ordering issue when applying a coupon to an item with a quantity greater than 1
- Fixed an issue with Manual weight entry flow that caused manual weight entry not to function if there was weight on the scale
- Fixed an issue where jobs with 'show hidden menu parts' would still prompt its users to enter the override pin to view hidden menu parts
- Fixed an issue where multiple tenders could not be applied if a customer was attached to a ticket
- Restored a workflow to allow discounting a Gift Card 100% and closing tickets with a cash payment of $0.01
- Fixed an issue where after selecting a modifier and then adding or removing seats, the menu item buttons would resize
- Fixed an issue where voided house account charges were still being reported on the customer's house account balance
- Fixed an issue where selecting the “Back” button on the payment screen when trying to tender a house account balance payment item caused a system error
- Fixed an issue where the Reference Number did not print on the Payment Slip when using the Credit Manual payment type
- Fixed an issue where, after power cycling a printer, the first customer or merchant credit slip would not print
- Fixed an issue where the tip share input field would not display when adding a new shift
- Fixed an issue where opening the Languages menu in the Employee dashboard caused a system error
- Fixed an issue when refunding to a Gift Card where it would not go back to the Completed Tickets screen
- Fixed an issue where an error could occur when completing a Gift Card reload or refund
- Fixed an issue where the house account name would not display correctly in the Order Number field
- Weighted items are no longer split when they are in the table area and remain on the original ticket.
- Fixed an issue where the refund balance was not displaying correctly on the POS
- Fixed an issue where the Send and Cancel buttons on the ticket header did not display correctly
- Removed the option for Unknown Line Spacing in the Line Spacing dropdown for printers
- Fixed an issue where a receipt would print after selecting a Fast Pay option, regardless of the receipt printer settings
- Fixed an issue where a payment would fail on SkyTab Mobile if the employee taking the payment did not have any open tills
- Fixed an issue where the background would not display correctly when the "Select Payment Owners Till" message was presented
- Fixed an issue where if more than one function was selected at a time, multiple popups could appear simultaneously
- Fixed an issue where the printing of modifier slips did not occur when using a USB printer
- Fixed the error message that displayed when an incorrect percentage for tip reduction was entered
- Fixed an issue where support pin users were unable to open tickets with failed pending payment
- Fixed an issue where the "Amt Due" value displayed as $0.00 on a ticket in the Ticket Grid screen after the payment was voided from it
- Fixed an issue where a user was redirected to the incorrect screen after completing an Open Refund
- Fixed an issue where employees were able to access completed tickets without having that permission enabled
- Fixed an issue where an error would occur when scanning a Gift Card at the Load or Check Balance dialogs
- Fixed an issue where an error would occur when trying to load a Gift Card from the Ticket-Grid screen if the user's job has the Force Order Type option enabled
- Fixed an issue where the tap to edit button was cut off in the Jobs Setting menu
- Fixed an issue where the last Department selected in the previous ticket a user created was pre-selected in a new ticket
- Fixed an issue where the POS would fail to update if the “Download and Install” button was not selected within 5 minutes of being presented
- Fixed an issue where the House Account payment tickets were showing in the Historical Search results
- Fixed an issue where items were not listed in the ticket in the order they were entered when using SkyTab Mobile
- Fixed an issue where a ticket could become unlocked on all terminals even though a user was already accessing the ticket
- Fixed an issue where the table area would remain selected when adding a new guest
- Fixed an issue where the payment balance for a House Account could be doubled if a payment was voided on the ticket
- Fixed an issue where a question mark would display on a completed ticket in the ticket grid screen instead of the Card Type that was used
- Fixed an issue where an “Inconsistency Detected” error could occur when the Online Orders list on the login screen was being updated
- Fixed an issue where resetting a button to the default color was not working
- Fixed an issue where the UTC timezone was being used instead of the timezone that was set on the terminal when performing an advanced ticket search
- Fixed an issue where the Total Amount due does not update to the Cash Discount amount after selecting the Cash tender
- Fixed an issue where an error could occur when trying to split an item that had a multiple quantity
- Fixed an issue where the currency was not formatted correctly for Cash Drawers in the Activity screen
- Fixed an issue where the Gift Card reload amount could be doubled when Cash Rounding is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where Printer setup changes were not being saved correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Test Print button did not use the most recent Printer setup changes
- Fixed an issue where the system asked for permission to install updates to SkyTab POS more than once
- Fixed an issue where the Customer Facing Display would become unresponsive when attempting to direct a user to the loyalty sign up screen
- Fixed an issue where a user was not able to open their own tickets from Host Mode
- Fixed an issue where open & weighted items restricted by menu availability would not prompt for manager override
- Fixed an issue where a pre-auth ticket could be created without an order type
- We fixed an issue where invalid item splits were allowed when using Split by Seat.
- Fixed an issue where a selected ticket would not display on the screen
- Fixed an issue where the POS could become unresponsive due to the "No Item(s) selected" dialog note being displayed when managing new tickets
- Fixed calculation of certain discount scenarios on the Financial Overview report
- Fixed an issue where the POS could become unresponsive when bypassing the override pin with an employee card swipe
- Fixed an issue that was causing system errors when using Call Numbers
- Fixed an issue where items that were sent and then split into separate checks before printing in the kitchen could be printed on the same ticket
- Fixed an issue where Completed tickets could be displayed on the Open tickets screen after searching for tickets from previous business days
- Fixed an issue where items may not print to remote printers if two open tickets with the same custom ticket name are merged
- Fixed an issue where the Ticket Grid screen could flicker when searching for tickets
- Fixed an issue where voided credit payments appeared as Pending Tip tickets on the Employee Dashboard.
- Fixed an issue where splitting a ticket by seat could result in a continuous “processing” message
- Fixed an issue where the ticket layout on the Order Entry screen would not display correctly after viewing an Item Description
- Fixed an issue where discounts were not reported correctly in SkyTab Business Intelligence when tickets with discounts on them were merged
- Fixed an issue where the "Auto-Complete when required modifiers are met" feature was affecting items that did not have any required modifiers assigned to them
- Fixed an issue where the "Auto-Complete when required modifiers are met" feature would cause items with optional nested modifiers to auto-complete
- Updated the Cash Count Dialog on the Employee Dashboard to default to the Cash Expected rather than $0 for Non-Blind Jobs
- Fixed an issue that prevented changes to Business Reasons from syncing to all POS terminals
- Fixed an issue where combined tickets could disappear
- Updated logic so that when a Cash Drawer or Employee Bank is automatically closed, the Cash Counted now equals the Cash Expected
- Fixed a delay in the loading screen after creating a new ticket
- Fixed an issue where duplicating Order Types were being added to filter settings for Gratuities, Surcharges, and Taxes
- Fixed an issue where a canceled house account balance payment would show up as paid
Third-Party Online Orders will now be rejected if there is an unpaired surcharge with the POS
- Fixed an issue where Advantage was applying to house account balances, and dual prices were printed on the receipt
- Fixed an issue where Favorites would not display all items
- Fixed an issue where ticket preview loading on large tickets, selecting multiple large tickets in succession or using the Select All / Deselect All button could keep the tickets from loading immediately
- Fixed an issue where duplicate printing to order devices could occur in specific use cases
- Fixed an issue with non-credit payments counting as Pending Tips
- Fixed an issue where the Re-Register terminal button in the secret menu could cause a terminal to lose its cloud encryption key
KDS: We implemented a number of significant enhancements to improve overall system responsiveness and performance.
KDS: Fixed an issue when Automatic Daily Restart is enabled, where the KDS application would keep reloading until a manual restart was performed
KDS: Fixed an issue where the KDS device did not perform optimally after running for an extended period of time
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