Description: Learn how adjust tips on an already closed check in Activate Classic.
Adjust Tip is a feature that gives users the ability to edit the tip amount when finalizing check orders with a Credit Card.
For Example:
You open a check order and add a tip when finalizing the transaction with a Credit Card. Later, you notice that you've added the wrong tip and want to change its amount. With Adjust Tip feature, you can adjust the tip amount on a check.
When does Adjust Tip work?
- Adjust Tip only works for Check orders
- The feature is available for payments finalized with Credit Card, in online mode only
Connect Configuration
To enable Adjust Tip for your Activate account you need to configure the Employee Role with an additional option available in the Permission Set.
Employee Role Configuration
- Log into Connect and select Options from the left side menu.
- Select the Employee Roles from the Options drop down menu
- Select the desired Employee Role
- Open the Fee/Tip/Tax tab
- Set Adjust Tip Allowed to Yes
There is also a Delay Time for Adding Tip option on the Fee/Tip/Tax tab. Here you can adjust the amount of time users have to adjust a tip. This is option is configured in minuets with 1 min being the minimum allowed.
Permission Set Configuration
There is an option in the Permissions Sets to require a Manager PIN when the user needs to adjust the tip.
- Log into Connect and select Options on the left side menu.
- From the Options drop down, select Permissions Sets
- Select the Desired Permission Set
- Select the Check Orders View tab
- Set Require Pin for Adjust Tip to Yes
How does it work In Activate?
Once the original tip is added onto the check in the Pending Closed state, it will have a large green check present in the orders view. This will indicate that the tip has been adjusted.
From here, the check will stay in the pending closed state for the time set in the Employee Role. This will give the ability to adjust the tip within that specific timeframe. Once that time has depleted, the order will automatically move from Pending Closed status to Completed.
1. The check goes into a into Pending Closed State (After the initial tip adjust it will show a Green Check Mark)
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