Description: Review the general process of performing a refund on the SkyTab POS system.
For more information on voiding a payment, visit the Void a Payment on SkyTab POS article.
To perform a full refund using Lighthouse Business Manager, visit the Perform a Full Refund in Lighthouse Business Manager Transactions Manager article.
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
Perform Full or Partial Refund
The refund process is the same for all applicable tender types: cash, credit, etc.
To refund a transaction:
- Log in to the POS system.
- Navigate to Order > Completed.
- Select the ticket you want to refund.
- If you need to search for it, use the search bar in the top right and search by order number, ticket name, total, or the last four digits of the card used.
- If you need to search for it, use the search bar in the top right and search by order number, ticket name, total, or the last four digits of the card used.
- If you need to print an itemized copy, select Print.
- If it was a credit card, you can choose Merchant Payment Slip(s) or Customer Payment Slip(s).
- If it was a credit card, you can choose Merchant Payment Slip(s) or Customer Payment Slip(s).
- To refund a particular item on the ticket, select the Refund button and then only keep the item or items you want to refund highlighted. Press Refund.
- The next screen displays refund reasons; choose one of the reasons. You can also add additional comments here if desired. Select Refund.
- A screen with the available refund options is presented. You can choose cash, credit, or gift card.
- Selecting any of the refund options prompts you to confirm the amount.
- After the refund is completed, a confirmation receipt prints and the order appears under the Completed Orders tab as refunded. After that, no further actions against tickets can be made except re-printing the refund receipt.
Perform Open Refund
This option is used when there is no associated ticket with the refund.
- Log in with the manager's PIN.
- Navigate to Manager > Activity.
- Select Open Refund, which prompts you to enter the desired refund amount.
- Enter the amount and press OK.
- Confirm that the refund amount is entered correctly and continue by tapping the blue Refund button.
- Select the reason for the refund and select Refund again.
- Select the desired refund option and press the tender button at the bottom of the screen.
- To perform a Cash Open Refund, select the cash tender type and press the blue Cash button to complete it.
- To perform a Credit Open Refund:
- Select the credit tender type.
- Press the blue Credit button.
- Insert, swipe the credit card, or enter the full credit card number on the PIN Pad and press the green Enter button.
- Enter the credit card expiration date and press Enter button. Other options (address, zip code, CVV) can be bypassed by pressing the Enter button.
To perform a Gift Card Refund:
- Select the gift card tender type.
- Press the blue Gift Card button.
- Swipe or manually enter the gift card number.
After the refund is completed, a receipt is printed.
Important: There is no option to reprint open refund slips from the POS.
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