Description: The Monthly Sold Quantity report in Harbortouch Retail lists transactions, items, and item amounts, which can be sorted by date, cashier, SKU, etc. You can use this report to locate specific transactions for further detailed information, such as the name of the customer who bought the item.
To bring up the Monthly Sold window, select the Monthly Sold Quantity button.
This window displays the sold quantity by month. It shows the Code, Store, This Year, Last Year, Percent, and the current month of last year to the current month of the current year.
To view the customers who have purchased the selected SKU, select the fourth tab located to the right of the Inventory Items & Lookups tab, labeled Who Bought This Item.
Note: This window will display columns labeled as; Date, Transaction #, Clerk, Cashier, SKU, Dimensions, and so on.
If you wish to search for a particular code or customer, perform the following:
- Insert a keyword into the search field at the bottom of the screen.
- After inserting a keyword select the Show All button.
- This will display a popup window showing the transaction that contains the typed keyword.
- To narrow down your search, you can select dates from the TO and FROM fields and check or uncheck the checkbox next to All Stores.
- Once you have made your choices select the Refresh button to load up a new list.
- If you would like to view a particular transaction, first select the transaction you would like to view.
- Once you have selected the transaction, select the Transaction button located at the bottom of the window.
- This will display an Invoice window where you will view the selected transaction. In this window, you can Print a Return Auth, Print Gift Receipt, and Re-Print the transaction.
- To view the customer‘s information of the chosen transaction, first, select the transaction from the Who Bought This Item window of the customer you would like to view.
- Once you have selected the customer you would like to view, select the Customer Details button located at the bottom of the window.
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