Description: Create or edit Menu Items within the SkyTab POS system.
- Create or Edit Menu Items
- General Tab Terms
- Advanced Tab Terms
- Accounting Tab Terms
- Inventory Tracking Tab Terms
- 86 Menu Items
- Delete or Remove Menu Items
- Sort Menu Items Alphabetically
To set up on Lighthouse, visit the Create, Edit, and Duplicate Menu Items in Lighthouse Business Manager for SkyTab POS article.
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
Within the SkyTab POS system, Items are the actual buttons you select to place an order.
Create or Edit Menu Items
To add a menu item to the menu in SkyTab POS, proceed with the following steps:
- Navigate to Manager > Settings > Menu > Items and press the blue Add New Item button at the bottom left corner of the screen
- Fill out the required * fields (Item Name, Revenue Class, Department, and Item Price) in the General tab and create an item by pressing the blue Save button at the bottom right of the screen.
To edit an existing item in SkyTab POS, proceed with the following steps:
- Navigate to the Manager > Settings > Items and select the desired item from the list on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Make the proper adjustments.
- Select Save to commit the changes.
General Tab Terms
Active: Activate the item within the menu for sale.
Favorite: Add the item to the Favorites list module on the Order Entry screen.
Item Name (required): Supply the item with a unique, identifiable name.
Revenue Class (required): Define the type of item for reporting purposes (one per item).
Department (required): Add a Department from the drop-down list; only one Department is permitted per item.
Tags: Select the + (plus sign) to display a multi-select list of tags, then highlight the tag on the left to attach it to the item. Press Ok to commit the changes.
Assign to Course: Select a course for the item (Appetizer, Dessert, Entree, Salad).
Item Price (required): The customer price for the item.
Item Cost: The cost of the item for you.
Assigned Modifier Sets: Add or remove modifier sets from the item. Press Tap to edit at the bottom of the list; the sets display in the order listed here.
- Tap Edit to change the order, the Modifier Sets will appear in the Item Functions menu.
- The middle arrows move the Modifier Set up or down one position.
- The first and last arrows move the Modifier Set to the top or bottom.
- Toggle Sort A-Z to put the assigned Modifier Sets in alphabetical order.
- Press Done, then Ok to commit the changes.
Duplicate: Creates another item with the same attributes but requires a different name.
Advanced Tab Terms
To watch more how-to videos, visit our video section.
Kitchen Print Name: Provide an alternative name for the Item when it is printed to the kitchen.
Default Qty: Quantity that is automatically added to the ticket when the Item is selected from the order screen; when “Item Sold by Weight” is on, the quantity field will require two decimal places.
Item UPC: Identify an item that cannot be duplicated in the system.
Item Description: General description of the item and allergen information can be added here, which can be provided to the customer. An example for a house cheeseburger could be, "Our succulent beef patty, perfectly grilled, meets the creamy embrace of aged cheddar. Topped with crisp lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and house-made pickles, it's a flavor explosion!"
Printers: Select the + (plus sign) to display available printers for assignment. Select the printer from the left, add it to the right, and then select Ok.
Item Sold by Weight: Allow the weight to be entered when selecting the item on the Order Entry screen; this also activates the Tare Weight button, which can only be used with a scale.
DO NOT Print Item on Customer Receipt: Determine whether or not the item prints on the receipt.
Open Item: Allow item price assignment at the time of selection in the Order Entry screen.
Show Special Request When Ordering: Display the Special Request screen on the right when the item is added to the ticket.
Item Purchasable With Gift Card: Allow this item to be purchased using the Gift Card tender type; if not selected, the Gift Card tender will not be listed as an option on the Payment Screen.
Accounting Tab Terms
The Accounting tab contains tax information and shows the taxes that are applied to the item. Taxes are displayed in two groups (Taxes and Hidden Taxes). When these boxes are selected, a dialog box appears allowing you to modify the tax assigned.
Note: SkyTab POS utilizes Revenue Class tax setup; therefore, only individual cases would require items having tax assigned directly.
Inventory Tracking Tab Terms
The Tracking tab contains information on item quantity on hand and item tracking configuration settings, which helps the merchant manage their inventory stock.
Quantity on Hand: Input how many items are currently in stock.
Note: When an employee presses and holds an item on Order Entry, a pop-up appears so you can edit the quantity on hand. If the user lacks the Access Menu Setup permission, the action will prompt for PIN override.
Allow Ordering if Quantity is Zero: This prevents an item from being added to the order if the quantity on hand is 0 (zero).
Low Stock Indicator: Select the following information when toggled to the right.
Alert at Amount (required): Count down the quantity on hand on the item button when this threshold is reached.
Display Item Quantity on Login Screen: Display quantity on hand under Item Tracking on the login screen of the POS system.
Visit the Prevent Customers from Ordering Sold Out Items on SkyTab Online for additional information.
Price Schedules
Scheduled Pricing has been moved to Lighthouse Business Manager.
86 Menu Items
To 86 menu items (making items not available, out of stock) in SkyTab POS, proceed with the following steps:
- Navigate to the Manager > Settings > Menu > Items. Select the Item that needs to be out of stock by pressing on it.
- Select the Tracking section at the top middle menu and proceed with the settings configuration listed below:
- Quantity on Hand = 0
- Allow Ordering If Quantity is Zero = OFF
- Press the blue Save button to confirm changes.
Once an item is set as 86 in the POS System, it will be displayed in a gray background and will give the error message “Item cannot be ordered due to insufficient quantity” as shown in the screenshot below:
Delete or Remove Menu Items
Note: SkyTab POS software cannot delete or remove items from the menu once it is added to the POS system. The only way to remove or delete Items from the menu is to make them inactive.
To deactivate the item, proceed with the following steps:
- Navigate to the Manager > Settings > Menu > Items. Select the Item that needs to be deactivated from the left side menu by pressing on it.
- Slide the Active toggle OFF on the top middle of the screen.
- Press the blue Save button at the bottom right corner.
Sort Menu Items Alphabetically
To sort menu items alphabetically:
- Navigate to Manager > Menu > Departments and select the desired department from the left side of the screen.
- On the Items Assigned to Department section, press Tap to edit (pencil icon) in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- On The Items Assigned section, press the blue Edit button at the window's top right corner.
- Slide the "Sort A-Z" toggle ON and press the blue Done button at the window's top right corner.
- Press the blue OK button.
- To save all the changes, press the blue Save button at the bottom right corner of the POS Terminal screen.
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