Description: As a manager, you can add or edit employee shifts on-the-fly by navigating to the Manager Settings screen and selecting Labor.
For more information on the Employee functionality of time management, see Employee Time Clock.
Overview of Labor Management Screen
The Labor Management screen lists all of the employees currently clocked into the system on the right under Employees Clocked In. You can also perform the following functions:
- Filter the time frame by using the Show Shifts in the Last drop-down box, allowing you to select Two Days, Five Days, Two Weeks, One Month, or Custom.
- Select Custom to open a calendar screen, allowing you to select the appropriate date range.
- To view a list of shifts for a specific employee on the left:
- Select the employee name on the list of names under Employees Clocked In, or
- Use the Filter by Employee button to select each employee, then click OK.
- To end an employee's shift, select the employee from the list on the left and select Clock Out in the lower left corner of the screen.
- The Employee Shift Report can be printed from this page as well. To do so, select the employee from the list on the left and select Print Shift Report in the lower right.
Add a New Shift
You may need to create a new shift for an employee for a number of reasons, including if the employee did not clock in for the day. To add a new shift:
- Select New in the lower left corner. This will open the Select an Employee dialog box.
- Choose the employee you wish to add the shift for.
- Select the date and time the Shift Began. You may also fill in the Shift Ended if applicable.
- Choose the Job Performed from the drop-down list to auto-fill the Pay Rate and Overtime Pay Rate.
- If you do not select a job, you will need to enter the desired rates manually.
- Once complete, select OK to commit the shift.
Edit an Existing Shift
If you need to edit an employee’s shift, follow the below instructions:
- Select the appropriate employee from the list on the left.
- Press Edit in the lower left corner of the screen.
- Make the desired changes on the Edit a Shift’s Information screen.
- Select OK to commit the changes.
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