Description: Review how to display taxes separately on a Hospitality receipt. The Value Added Tax, or VAT, may be used in a bar setting to show the difference between alcohol and food tax, or separate taxes based on drink types.
Important: Shift4 is not responsible for maintaining your Local, State, and/or Federal Taxes. You are ALWAYS accountable for your Tax Settings and should be aware of any tax changes that may affect your business.
For more information on setting up taxes in the system, visit the Add or Edit Taxes article.
- To enable this setting, go to Manager > Menu >Taxes.
- To edit the tax, select it from the right side of the screen and press Edit at the bottom to open the Edit Tax Rate window.
- In the bottom-right corner is the option called Is VAT. Enabling this separates this tax individually on the receipt as shown above.
Note: It is possible to have some taxes labeled as VAT and others not. This displays on a receipt showing Subtotal and Total Taxes and then separates the VAT taxes at the bottom of the receipt.
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