Description: Review two ways to ensure a secure tally at the end of your business day, regardless of when that is.
Hospitality does not require the completion of a “Z” or end-of-day procedure to prepare for the next day of business. Restaurants often remain open through the midnight hour and regard a business “day” as ending in the early morning of the following calendar day. The Hospitality reporting system automatically adjusts date and time values to compensate.
Cash Deposit Report Section
Hospitality will not allow a ticket to close until the transactions balance the sales to create $0.00 due on the ticket. Thus, Hospitality is designed to balance internally. The Cash Deposit section of the Restaurant Daily report is the final tally of the cash you should have after tip distribution.
Server Banking
In a Server Banking environment, each server balances cash individually with the manager at the end of their shift. Any server errors while making changes are irrelevant to the cash the server must produce for the restaurant.
Cashier Environment
In a Cashiering Environment, the cashier or bartender makes changes from the drawer, and there may be some variation due to human error. The reasons will vary based on cash-handling procedures. The issues are compounded if you allow more than one person to share a drawer.
Print Financial Information on Clock-Out Slips
Typically, each employee settles cash with the manager at the end of the shift. This usually involves taking a copy of the Personal Page report, verifying signed credit card slips for each ticket, ensuring tips were entered properly, and then giving or receiving cash based on the total of credit card tips and cash received.
Some localities require that the reconciliation procedure be completed while the employee is still on the clock. This presents a problem since the user may create and close additional tickets after settling with the manager but before actually clocking out.
At a minimum, the manager should be sure the employee has no open tickets at settlement time.
Hospitality also provides an option to include financial information on the slip that prints when the employee clocks out. In this case, employees should be instructed to use the Personal Page report to complete the reconciliation and present the clock-out slip with the information to the manager before leaving. This way, the manager can see that the employee has clocked out and verify the final totals. To do this:
- Log in to the POS system.
- Touch Manager > System from the Order Entry screen.
- Check the box labeled Include Financial information on Clock Out Slip.
- Press Save to commit the changes.
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