Description: During an offline event and when processing a transaction, the Universal Transaction Gateway (UTG) will assign a stand-in authorization code and store the sale on an encrypted UTG file. Once the internet/connection is re-established, it uploads this file and attempts to approve the card.
Offline mode enables merchants to continue accepting payments when their UTG is unable to connect to the Shift4 Payments data centers. In Offline mode, the UTG closely mimics online mode by generating a Token on all authorization and sale requests.
How it Looks
Shift4 Assigned Auth codes look like 44XX44, where XX is the number of transactions that have been processed via the Secured Offline Stand-in (SOS) (i.e., 440544). This value resets after selecting 449944 (but it doesn't overwrite previous transactions).
The cards will show they were captured via Card Swipe, so they may be subject to downgrades if your location normally processes EMV chip cards. This is, however, better than losing a sale completely due to the inability to take credit cards during an offline event.
The business is taking a risk when accepting offline transactions during an internet service interruption. The business should understand the following guidelines before Offline Mode and Stand-in are enabled.
There is also the issue that if the guest card doesn't have the funds to cover the amount once coming online, it could still decline and fail. Should this occur, you will have to work this out with the guest to get another form of payment.
For additional information, please refer to:
Note: In Offline Mode, EMV cards can only be processed as a Magnetic Stripe Read (MSR).
Offline Guidelines
Automatic Switch: The UTG will automatically switch to Offline Mode in the event of a disruption in internet service as long as certain criteria in the UTG are met.
Declined Transactions: When accepting transactions with Offline Mode and Stand-in enabled, transactions accepted during this period can be declined once they are uploaded to the gateway. All transactions that were processed with Offline Mode with Stand-in will report in the POS/PMS as accepted even if they are declined by the issuing bank.
Viewing Transactions: Businesses using the Shift4 UTG through certified interfaces will have the ability to view all declined transactions on Lighthouse Transaction Manager.
For specific support questions or concerns related to the POS Brand Software and Hardware, please refer to the Internal Department Directory.
Offline Visibility: UTG by design does not indicate when it goes into offline mode. There are clues that a person may figure out but the intent is to continue operating as usual because there are risks that a person may exploit if they are aware of when it is in offline mode.
Internet Service Restored: The internet at the business should be restored as soon as possible. Once the internet is restored, all cards/transactions will be uploaded to the gateway so they can be approved by the processor. The UTG will automatically switch back to online mode once the internet is restored and all transactions have been uploaded to the data center. If the cards/transactions are not uploaded to the gateway in an appropriate time, the merchant will be at risk of either being charged more for the transactions, or the approval may drop off completely, which means that when the transactions are settled, the cardholder or bank could deny the transaction and charge it back to the merchant.
Verification: The cashier should always check the name and expiration date to ensure they are accepting a valid card.
Configuring Offline Mode
Each UTG should utilize its offline feature (e.g. go offline for at least 30 minutes after receiving one failure in 30 seconds). By default, the UTG will also be enabled to stand in and provide offline approvals so you can continue processing transactions. The UTG will store the transaction requests below the set Stand-In Limit Amount in an encrypted file. Once back online, the UTG will attempt to authorize those transactions. Any transaction that is unable to be authorized will have to be resolved by the auditor.
Note: The authorization code received when offline is temporary and will be replaced with a permanent authorization code when the UTG is able to connect to the Shift4 data center and if the transaction is approved by the processor.
Important: When updating to UTG version 3130 or later, the behavior is as follows:
- If Enable Stand-in* is disabled on all interfaces, it will be enabled and the Stand-In Limit Amount will use the default of $250.
- If Enable Stand-in* is enabled on all interfaces and the Stand-In Limit Amount is set to $0, it will be updated to the default of $250.
- If Enable Stand-in* is enabled on any interface and the Stand-In Limit Amount is set to a value greater than $0, it will be updated to that value.
*If you are using UTG version 3130 or later, then the Enable Stand-in field is no longer displayed on the Offline Mode tab in UTG TuneUp because it is now always enabled by default.
There are additional offline options you can configure if needed. To configure these other offline options available, complete the following steps:
- Stop the Shift4/UTG service if it’s currently running. You must stop the Shift4 UTG2 Service or close the UTG (v2) Stand Alone application before accessing UTG (v2) TuneUp. For additional information, please refer to:
- Select the UTG (v2) TuneUp from the Start menu.
- In the Universal Transaction Gateway TuneUp window, click the Offline Mode tab.
Note: Older UTG versions may see a different display with a menu option to select the preferred offline level. After 3130, the offline mode was set to automatic by default. For additional information, please refer to UTG Offline Mode with Stand-in Guide (UTG versions less than 3130). - (If applicable) To configure Stand-in Options, complete the following steps:
- Maximum Hours: Enter the maximum number of hours the UTG will stay offline. (This is a fail-safe in case the POS/PMS never sends the request to go back online. This way the UTG will automatically come back online after the set number of hours, preventing a POS/PMS from putting the UTG offline for days or weeks).
- Global Override: Shift4 sets the stand-in limit amount per merchant type. If you want to change the default, select this option and then enter the desired amount in the Stand-In Limit Amount Global Override field. The default for this field is 1000.
- Stand-In Limit Amount: Enter the desired amount. The default is 250. (When the UTG is offline, it returns an approval and a token on all authorization and sale requests that are below the amount and a referral and a token on all non-EMV authorization and sale requests that are above the amount. For EMV transactions that are above the amount, a decline is returned).
- (If applicable) To configure Forced Offline, complete the following step:
- Forced Offline Period: Enter the maximum number of minutes the UTG will stay in Offline Mode. The default is 10 minutes, but can be configured as short as 5 minutes or as long as 60 minutes.
- (If applicable) To configure Advanced Offline Options, complete the following steps:
- Return Error on Void if Offline: If selected, this option allows an error message (function not supported when offline) to be sent when the POS/PMS is attempting to send a void (08) and the UTG is unable to connect to the data center. (By default, this option is disabled. However, it is recommended that it be selected to enable the feature).
- Decline All Non-Bank Cards: If selected, the UTG will return a declined response on all non-bank cards when offline. (This option is disabled by default).
Note: When the UTG is offline, if a gift card transaction is sent with a token rather than card information, the UTG cannot determine if the card is a gift card. The transaction will be treated as a credit card transaction even if Decline All Non-Bank Cards is selected. The transaction will follow the other Offline Mode settings as a credit card.
- Transaction Storage Period: Enter the maximum number of days the UTG will retain offline records (the default is 60).
- Max Upload Attempts: Enter the maximum number of times the UTG should attempt to upload each record in the encrypted file when transitioning back to online.
- Behavior for transactions over Stand-in Limit: When the UTG is offline and the transaction’s amount is above the Stand-in Limit Amount, select the desired option:
- Amount Exceeded: If selected, an error (9838) will be returned to the POS/PMS. (This option is selected by default).
- Never Offline Timeout Failure: When the UTG is run in a way to bypass its offline feature (as described in the Bypassing UTG Offline Mode document), enter the maximum time in seconds allowed before a failure is returned. The default is 80 seconds but may be configured up to 300 seconds.
- Timeout Failure: Enter the maximum time in seconds allowed to pass while the Failure Count is being observed. The default is 30. In addition, this field is used in conjunction with the Failure Count field.
- Failure Count: Enter the maximum number of failures that can occur within the number of seconds configured in the Timeout Failure field. (The default is 1.) When the limit is surpassed within the number of seconds configured, the UTG will begin to use its offline feature.
- Select OK.
- Select Save at the top to close UTG TuneUp.
- Alter the terminal settings in Lighthouse Transaction Manager to enable the setting Disable EMV Reader in Offline Mode.
Note: Once logged into Lighthouse Transaction Manager, this setting can be found by:
- Select EMV Devices within the Settings menu.
- Once the list appears, select the needed Device ID.
- Scroll down to the EMV Terminal Settings section.
UTG Offline Mode with Stand-in Guide (UTG versions less than 3130)
- Select the appropriate API Interface and select Edit.
Note: The HTTP AP interface was selected for illustrative purposes for this example. - Place a checkmark in Stand in.
Note: If this option is not selected, you will still be able to accept offline transactions but you will be required to enter a voice authorization code from the issuing bank. - Enter the maximum threshold before a transaction returns a voice referral.
Note: If a transaction is greater than the threshold, you will be prompted to enter a voice authorization that is obtained from the issuing bank. - Select OK.
Selecting the Preferred Offline Level - Older UTG Versions
• Low: 3 Timeouts in 120 Seconds
• Medium: 5 Timeouts in 120 Seconds
• High: 25 Timeouts in 300 Seconds
• Never: Disables Offline Level Thresholds
Note: If the UTG cannot connect to the data center upon startup, the UTG will be unable to go
online, regardless of the Offline Level Settings.
• Custom: Transactions will be automatically sent to the offline queue when the UTG detects the number of failed transactions in the specified time span. When using Custom level, you must also set the Count and Time Span:
• Count: This is the number of failed transactions required before the UTG
automatically switches to Offline mode.
• Time Span: This is the timeframe required for the count to be reached before the UTG
switches to Offline mode. If the count is not reached within the specified time span, the
internal timer automatically resets.
Further Considerations
When selecting an offline level, you must take the implementation type (per station or locally hosted) and business volume into consideration.
If the implementation type is locally hosted, the offline parameters will be met quicker than per workstation because all transactions travel through one UTG. If your implementation type is per station, your payments will travel through multiple UTG installations.
In terms of business volume, if the business volume is heavy, the higher levels should be considered whereas if the business volume is lower you should consider a lower level.
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