Description: Learn how to add a credit to a customer’s profile in QSR & Delivery below, which is useful if you would like to offer store credit per purchase or for a product return or delete a credit.
- Adding a Customer Credit in QSR
- Deleting a Customer’s Credit in QSR
- Redeeming a Customer Credit in QSR
For more information on functions available within the customer screen, visit the Customer Management article.
Adding a Customer Credit in QSR
To add customer credit:
- Locate the customer and open the Customer Screen.
- Once the customer’s account is pulled up, select the Credit button showing the available credit balance. This button is shown below for a customer who does not have any credits on their account.
- On the next screen, select the Add Credit button.
- Enter the amount you wish to add as a credit to the customer’s account.
- Enter the description/reason for the credit.
- Once the amount and description are entered, select Complete to commit the addition. If you make a mistake, follow the steps below to delete the credit.
Deleting a Customer’s Credit in QSR
To delete a customer credit:
- Locate the customer and open the Customer Screen.
- Once you have the customer’s account pulled up, select the button which says Credit showing the available credit balance. This button is shown below for a customer who does not have any credits on their account.
- When you click Credit, a list of the available credit(s) on the customer’s account displays. Select the credit you wish to remove from the account.
- The system prompts you if you wish to delete this credit or not once you’ve selected it. Select Yes to delete the credit permanently and No to return to the list of available credits.
Redeeming a Customer Credit in QSR
To redeem a customer credit:
- Log in to the system and click the Phone button and look up the customer. If you do not know the phone number, click the Lookup button and find the customer.
- Click Take Order on the customer information page to add the customer to the ticket.
- Add the items to the order that the customer needs as you normally would for a transaction.
- Once completed, click Pay to access the Pay screen.
- Once you press the Pay button, if the customer has any account credits available, the system asks if you want to apply them to the bill.
- If the customer has enough credits to cover the cost of the check, they will not owe any money and the check will deduct the total from their credit value.
- If the customer does not have enough to cover the cost of the check, the credit will apply until it reaches zero and the remaining balance will be due by the customer in another form of payment.
- If the customer wishes to not use their credit, you may press No to proceed to the payment screen and take another form of payment in full.
You cannot use a “partial credit” amount to pay for the check. This means they cannot say, “Can I just use $10 and put the rest on my card?” if they have more than $10 of credit. They must either use it all at once or none at all.
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