Description: There are certain situations where you may require basic discounts that may not work correctly under the Dynamic Discounts Manager. In these cases, you can create what's called a Line Item Discount and/or Total Order Discount, which can be Password Protected groups. Review how to create these discounts below.
For more information on creating discounts, visit the QSR: Discounts & Discounting Options article.
Set Up a Menu-Based Discount
To create a menu-based discount, access the menu editing screen by logging in to the POS system and navigating to Admin > Config Tools > Menu. From here, press the Menu Editing button on the left and select New Menu Item from the drop-down list. Once there, enter the following information for the discount item:
- Description: Name of the discount (ex. 10% Off)
- Group: 43 | COUPONS
- Menu Function: Choose based on the type you need
The discounts themselves are explained in further detail below. When you have finished entering the required information, select Save to commit the changes.
Line Item Discount
Line Item Discounts are menu buttons you can program into the order screen to take a certain percentage or dollar amount off of a single item or the entire check. This will only deduct an amount from the item ordered directly above it. Set in the price field the amount you want to discount. Anything put into that field that is less than 1 will be treated as a percentage. Anything over 1 will be treated as a dollar amount. Ex: 0.10 = 10% and 5.00 = $5.00.
Total Order Discount
There are also Total Order Discounts which remove a certain amount from the entire check altogether. This deducts an amount from the subtotal given all of the items currently on the check. Setting up the deductions work the same as the Line Item Discount. For example:
- Percentage: 0.10 = 10% or 0.50 = 50%
- Dollar: 5.00 = $5.00 or 10.00 = $10.00
Password Protected Groups
Finally, there are also Password Protected Groups that allow you to require a PIN/Password to be entered when trying to add one of the two discount types mentioned above. You can set any menu item to be password protected. This will require an employee’s Access Level to have the “Password Protected Groups” Permission turned on. It is turned off for Order takers by default and turned on for Managers. Set this up with the instructions below.
- First take note of the Group Number you would like to protect. Now, anything in this group would need a password to order them. So be aware of what other items may have this group selected.
- Once noted, navigate to Admin > Config Tools > System & Station Settings > System Settings, then expand the Menu category and select PasswordProtectedGroups from the list.
- In that setting, enter the Item Group Numbers separated by Pipes ( | ) that you want the system to prompt for a Manager's PIN when selected.
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