Use and Operation
- Adjust End of Day Settings in Echo
- Adjust Starting Cash Amount in Echo
- Adjust Tips Screen in Echo
- Batch Times in Echo
- Calibrate the Touch Screen for Echo
- Create and Edit Discounts in Echo
- Create and Edit Employees in Echo
- Create or Edit Custom Attributes in Echo
- Create or Edit Customers in Echo
- Create or Edit Item Tags in Echo
- Create or Edit Modifier Sets in Echo
- Create or Edit Modifiers in Echo
- Credit Card Payments With the PAX SP30
- Debit Card Payments Using the PAX SP30
- Finalize Tips at End Of Day in Echo
- Generate Echo Reports in Lighthouse
- Held Orders on Echo
- Limit the Number of Receipts in Echo
- Manage Taxes in Echo
- Manage Tenders in Echo
- Manage the Cash Drawer in Echo
- Manual Credit Card Entry in Echo
- Payment Options in Echo
- Perform a Refund or Void on Echo
- Perform End of Day in Echo
- Reporting Overview for Echo on Lighthouse
- Set up Item Tracking in Echo
- Set Up Order Types in Echo
- Set up the Customer Display in Echo
- Switch Between Taxed and Non-Taxed Items on Echo